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Red supergiant candidates for multimessenger monitoring of the next Galactic supernova
Sarah Healy, Shunsaku Horiuchi, Marta Colomer Molla, Dan Milisavljevic, Jeff Tseng, Faith Bergin, Kathryn Weil, Masaomi Tanaka and Sebastián Otero Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 529(4) 3630 (2024)
Evidence for Evolved Stellar Binary Mergers in Observed B-type Blue Supergiants
Athira Menon, Andrea Ercolino, Miguel A. Urbaneja, Daniel J. Lennon, Artemio Herrero, Ryosuke Hirai, Norbert Langer, Abel Schootemeijer, Emmanouil Chatzopoulos, Juhan Frank and Sagiv Shiber The Astrophysical Journal Letters 963(2) L42 (2024)
New Infrared Spectral Indices of Luminous Cold Stars: From Early K to M Types
Maria Messineo, Donald F. Figer, Rolf-Peter Kudritzki, Qingfeng Zhu, Karl M. Menten, Valentin D. Ivanov and C.-H. Rosie Chen The Astronomical Journal 162(5) 187 (2021)