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HyGAL: Characterizing the Galactic ISM with observations of hydrides and other small molecules

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The Cygnus Allscale Survey of Chemistry and Dynamical Environments: CASCADE

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Understanding molecular abundances in star-forming regions using interpretable machine learning

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Variations of the HCO+, HCN, HNC, N2H+, and NH3 deuterium fractionation in high-mass star-forming regions

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The Rest-frame Submillimeter Spectrum of High-redshift, Dusty, Star-forming Galaxies from the SPT-SZ Survey

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Polyatomic radiative association by quasiclassical trajectory calculations: Formation of HCN and HNC molecules in H + CN collisions

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H2CN/H2NC abundance ratio: a new potential temperature tracer for the interstellar medium

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Protonated hydrogen cyanide as a tracer of pristine molecular gas

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Methylenecyanamide (CH2═NCN) and (Z)- and (E)-Iminoacetonitriles (NC–CH═NH), Dimers of Hydrogen Cyanide

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Infall and outflow towards high-mass starless clump candidates

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A cold accretion flow onto one component of a multiple protostellar system

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A 2–3 mm high-resolution molecular line survey towards the centre of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946

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Down but Not Out: Properties of the Molecular Gas in the Stripped Virgo Cluster Early-type Galaxy NGC 4526

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Collisional excitation of HNC by He found to be stronger than for structural isomer HCN in experiments at the low temperatures of interstellar space

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H13CN–HN13C Intensity Ratio as a Temperature Indicator of Interstellar Clouds

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Valence-shell ionization of acetyl cyanide: simulation of the photoelectron and infra-red spectra

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Nitrogen fractionation towards a pre-stellar core traces isotope-selective photodissociation

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AGN-driven Cold Gas Outflow of NGC 1068 Characterized by Dissociation-sensitive Molecules

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Studying a precessing jet of a massive young stellar object within a chemically rich region

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Isomerization of hydrogen cyanide and hydrogen isocyanide in a cluster environment: quantum chemical study

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Understanding if molecular ratios can be used as diagnostics of AGN and starburst activity: The case of NGC 1068

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Tracing Interstellar Heating: An ALCHEMI Measurement of the HCN Isomers in NGC 253

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The First Mid-infrared Detection of HNC in the Interstellar Medium: Probing the Extreme Environment toward the Orion Hot Core

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Cold Molecular Gas in Merger Remnants. II. The Properties of Dense Molecular Gas

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Exploring HNC and HCN line emission as probes of the protoplanetary disk temperature

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HCN/HNC chemistry in shocks: a study of L1157-B1 with ASAI

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Dense molecular gas properties on 100 pc scales across the disc of NGC 3627

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A molecular absorption line survey towards the AGN of Hydra-A

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VUV photoionization of the CH2NC radical: adiabatic ionization energy and cationic vibrational mode wavenumber determinations

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Isomers in Interstellar Environments. I. The Case of Z- and E-cyanomethanimine

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Non-LTE modelling of cyanoacetylene: evidence for isomer-specific excitation

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