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Asteroseismology of the young open cluster NGC 2516
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Effect of Rotation on Wave Mixing in Intermediate-mass Stars
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Classifying Be Star Variability With TESS. I. The Southern Ecliptic
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Stochastic excitation of internal gravity waves in rotating late F-type stars: A 3D simulation approach
Seismic modelling of a very young SPB star – KIC 8264293
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A TESS search for donor-star pulsations in high-mass X-ray binaries
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Towards a systematic treatment of observational uncertainties in forward asteroseismic modelling of gravity-mode pulsators
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Overstable convective modes in rotating early-type stars
Short-term variability and mass loss in Be stars – VI. Frequency groups in γ Cas detected by TESS
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Be Star Disks: Powered by a Nonzero Central Torque