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STRIDES: automated uniform models for 30 quadruply imaged quasars

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Gaia GraL: Gaia DR2 Gravitational Lens Systems. VI. Spectroscopic Confirmation and Modeling of Quadruply Imaged Lensed Quasars

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“Worst-case” Microlensing in the Identification and Modeling of Lensed Quasars

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MNELLS: the MUSE nearby early-type galaxy lens locator survey

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Even Simpler Modeling of Quadruply Lensed Quasars (and Random Quartets) Using Witt's Hyperbola

Paul L. Schechter and Raymond A. Wynne
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Quasar and galaxy classification in Gaia Data Release 2

Coryn A L Bailer-Jones, Morgan Fouesneau and Rene Andrae
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A search for gravitationally lensed quasars and quasar pairs in Pan-STARRS1: spectroscopy and sources of shear in the diamond 2M1134−2103

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486 (4) 4987 (2019)