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Drop in the Hard Pulsed Fraction and a Candidate Cyclotron Line in IGR J16320–4751 Seen by NuSTAR
A. Bodaghee, J.-L. Chiu, J. A. Tomsick, V. Bhalerao, E. Bottacini, M. Clavel, C. Cox, F. Fürst, M. J. Middleton, F. Rahoui, J. Rodriguez, P. Romano and J. Wilms The Astrophysical Journal 951(1) 37 (2023)
Peculiar temporal and spectral features in highly obscured HMXB pulsar IGR J16320-4751 using XMM-Newton
A NuSTAR observation of the eclipsing binary system OAO 1657-415: The revival of the cyclotron line
Enzo A. Saavedra, Federico A. Fogantini, Jorge A. Combi, Federico García and Sylvain Chaty Astronomy & Astrophysics 659 A48 (2022)
The Galactic high mass X-ray binary population with Fermi-LAT
Max Harvey, Cameron B Rulten and Paula M Chadwick Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512(1) 1141 (2022)
Stellar wind structures in the eclipsing binary system IGR J18027–2016