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Detailed Abundances of the Planet-hosting TOI-1173 A/B System: Possible Evidence of Planet Engulfment in a Very Wide Binary
Jhon Yana Galarza, Henrique Reggiani, Thiago Ferreira, Diego Lorenzo-Oliveira, Joshua D. Simon, Andrew McWilliam, Kevin C. Schlaufman, Paula Miquelarena, Matias Flores Trivigno and Marcelo Jaque Arancibia The Astrophysical Journal 974(1) 122 (2024)
Dust-evacuated Zones near Massive Stars: Consequences of Dust Dynamics on Star-forming Regions
Elemental abundance differences in the massive planet-hosting wide binary HD 196067−68
M Flores, J Yana Galarza, P Miquelarena, C Saffe, M Jaque Arancibia, R V Ibañez Bustos, E Jofré, J Alacoria and F Gunella Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527(4) 10016 (2023)
Evidence of Rocky Planet Engulfment in the Wide Binary System HIP 71726/HIP 71737
Jhon Yana Galarza, Ricardo López-Valdivia, Jorge Meléndez and Diego Lorenzo-Oliveira The Astrophysical Journal 922(2) 129 (2021)
Detailed elemental abundances of binary stars: searching for signatures of planet formation and atomic diffusion
Fan Liu (刘凡), Bertram Bitsch, Martin Asplund, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508(1) 1227 (2021)
Detailed chemical compositions of planet-hosting stars – I. Exploration of possible planet signatures