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Nondetection of Helium in the Hot Jupiter WASP-48b

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Doppler Constraints on Planetary Companions to Nearby Sun-like Stars: An Archival Radial Velocity Survey of Southern Targets for Proposed NASA Direct Imaging Missions*  

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A Pilot Radio Search for Magnetic Activity in Directly Imaged Exoplanets

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Magnitude-squared Coherence: A Powerful Tool for Disentangling Doppler Planet Discoveries from Stellar Activity

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Tidal star–planet interaction and its observed impact on stellar activity in planet-hosting wide binary systems

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GJ 1252b: A Hot Terrestrial Super-Earth with No Atmosphere

Ian J. M. Crossfield, Matej Malik, Michelle L. Hill, Stephen R. Kane, Bradford Foley, Alex S. Polanski, David Coria, Jonathan Brande, Yanzhe Zhang, Katherine Wienke, Laura Kreidberg, Nicolas B. Cowan, Diana Dragomir, Varoujan Gorjian, Thomas Mikal-Evans, Björn Benneke, Jessie L. Christiansen, Drake Deming and Farisa Y. Morales
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Revisiting the Iconic Spitzer Phase Curve of 55 Cancri e: Hotter Dayside, Cooler Nightside, and Smaller Phase Offset

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The Astronomical Journal 164 (5) 204 (2022)

Weak evidence for variable occultation depth of 55 Cnc e with TESS

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The PEPSI exoplanet transit survey (PETS) I: investigating the presence of a silicate atmosphere on the super-earth 55 Cnc e

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Validation of 13 Hot and Potentially Terrestrial TESS Planets

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The Exosphere as a Boundary: Origin and Evolution of Airless Bodies in the Inner Solar System and Beyond Including Planets with Silicate Atmospheres

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Limits on the Auroral Generation of H3 + in Brown Dwarf and Extrasolar Giant Planet Atmospheres with the Keck Near Infrared Echelle Spectrograph

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K2 and Spitzer phase curves of the rocky ultra-short-period planet K2-141 b hint at a tenuous rock vapor atmosphere

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Measured spin–orbit alignment of ultra-short-period super-Earth 55 Cancri e

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Nature Astronomy (2022)

A Near-infrared Chemical Inventory of the Atmosphere of 55 Cancri e

Emily K. Deibert, Ernst J. W. de Mooij, Ray Jayawardhana, Andrew Ridden-Harper, Suresh Sivanandam, Raine Karjalainen and Marie Karjalainen
The Astronomical Journal 161 (5) 209 (2021)

Chromospheric activity in 55 Cancri – I. Results from theoretical wave studies

Diaa E Fawzy and Manfred Cuntz
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Exploring super-Earth surfaces: Albedo of near-airless magma ocean planets and topography

Darius Modirrousta-Galian, Yuichi Ito and Giuseppina Micela
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On the formation of terrestrial planets between two massive planets: the case of 55 Cancri

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No Escaping Helium from 55 Cnc e*

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The Astronomical Journal 161 (4) 181 (2021)

Chromospheric activity in 55 Cancri: II. Theoretical wave studies versus observations

Manfred Cuntz, Klaus-Peter Schröder, Diaa E Fawzy and Andrew R Ridden-Harper
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On the Probability That a Rocky Planet’s Composition Reflects Its Host Star

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Migrating Planets into Ultra-short-period Orbits during Episodic Accretion Events

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TKS X: Confirmation of TOI-1444b and a Comparative Analysis of the Ultra-short-period Planets with Hot Neptunes

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The Astronomical Journal 162 (2) 62 (2021)

TOI-1634 b: An Ultra-short-period Keystone Planet Sitting inside the M-dwarf Radius Valley

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One of Everything: The Breakthrough Listen Exotica Catalog

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Tidal Dissipation in Dual-body, Highly Eccentric, and Nonsynchronously Rotating Systems: Applications to Pluto–Charon and the Exoplanet TRAPPIST-1e

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Theoretical studies of comets in the 55 Cancri system

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Phase Curves of Hot Neptune LTT 9779b Suggest a High-metallicity Atmosphere

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A Volatile-poor Formation of LHS 3844b Based on Its Lack of Significant Atmosphere

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Possible Atmospheric Diversity of Low Mass Exoplanets – Some Central Aspects

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Space Science Reviews 216 (5) (2020)

HORuS transmission spectroscopy of 55 Cnc e

H M Tabernero, C Allende Prieto, M R Zapatero Osorio, et al.
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Characterization of the Atmosphere of Super-Earth 55 Cancri e Using High-resolution Ground-based Spectroscopy

Abhinav Jindal, Ernst J. W. de Mooij, Ray Jayawardhana, Emily K. Deibert, Matteo Brogi, Zafar Rustamkulov, Jonathan J. Fortney, Callie E. Hood and Caroline V. Morley
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Temperature inversions on hot super-Earths: the case of CN in nitrogen-rich atmospheres

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500 (2) 2197 (2020)

Future Missions Related to the Determination of the Elemental and Isotopic Composition of Earth, Moon and the Terrestrial Planets

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Space Science Reviews 216 (8) (2020)

Phase-curve Pollution of Exoplanet Transit Depths

Marine Martin-Lagarde, Giuseppe Morello, Pierre-Olivier Lagage, René Gastaud and Christophe Cossou
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Atmospheric compositions and observability of nitrogen-dominated ultra-short-period super-Earths

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494 (1) 1490 (2020)

Hot Super-Earths with Hydrogen Atmospheres: A Model Explaining Their Paradoxical Existence

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The Astrophysical Journal 888 (2) 87 (2020)

Demonstrating High-precision Photometry with a CubeSat: ASTERIA Observations of 55 Cancri e

Mary Knapp, Sara Seager, Brice-Olivier Demory, Akshata Krishnamurthy, Matthew W. Smith, Christopher M. Pong, Vanessa P. Bailey, Amanda Donner, Peter Di Pasquale, Brian Campuzano, Colin Smith, Jason Luu, Alessandra Babuscia, Robert L. Bocchino, Jr., Jessica Loveland, Cody Colley, Tobias Gedenk, Tejas Kulkarni, Kyle Hughes, Mary White, Joel Krajewski and Lorraine Fesq
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HD 213885b: a transiting 1-d-period super-Earth with an Earth-like composition around a bright (V = 7.9) star unveiled by TESS

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Can planets exist in the habitable zone of 55 Cancri?

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From the stellar properties of HD 219134 to the internal compositions of its transiting exoplanets

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Homogeneous Analysis of Hot Earths: Masses, Sizes, and Compositions

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