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N-body simulation of planetary formation through pebble accretion in a radially structured protoplanetary disk
Tenri Jinno, Takayuki R Saitoh, Yota Ishigaki and Junichiro Makino Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 75(5) 951 (2023)
Early Water Delivery to Terrestrial Planet Regions during the Stages of Jupiter’s Formation and Migration in the Grand Tack Model
Sean N. Raymond and Alessandro Morbidelli Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Demographics of Exoplanetary Systems 466 3 (2022)
Early Initiation of Inner Solar System Formation at the Dead-zone Inner Edge
Takahiro Ueda, Masahiro Ogihara, Eiichiro Kokubo and Satoshi Okuzumi The Astrophysical Journal Letters 921(1) L5 (2021)
Mercury as the Relic of Earth and Venus Outward Migration
Can a jumping-Jupiter trigger the Moon’s formation impact?
Sandro R DeSouza, Fernando Roig and David Nesvorný Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507(1) 539 (2021)
Early terrestrial planet formation by torque-driven convergent migration of planetary embryos
Unified Simulations of Planetary Formation and Atmospheric Evolution: Effects of Pebble Accretion, Giant Impacts, and Stellar Irradiation on Super-Earth Formation
Unified Simulations of Planetary Formation and Atmospheric Evolution. II. Rapid Disk Clearing by Photoevaporation Yields Low-mass Super-Earth Atmospheres