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The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs - Photospheric parameters of target stars from high-resolution spectroscopy

A&A, 615 (2018) A6

The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs

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Using autoencoders and deep transfer learning to determine the stellar parameters of 286 CARMENES M dwarfs

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M Subdwarf Research. III. Spectroscopic Diagnostics for Breaking Parameter Degeneracy

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The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs

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The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs

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Photometric Calibrations of M-dwarf Metallicity with Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Bayesian Inference

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Stellar Characterization and Radius Inflation of Hyades M-dwarf Stars from the APOGEE Survey

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Gaia Data Release 3

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Estimating the atmospheric properties of 44 M dwarfs from SPIRou spectra

P I Cristofari, J-F Donati, T Masseron, et al.
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Precise mass determination for the keystone sub-Neptune planet transiting the mid-type M dwarf G 9-40

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Physical properties and trigonometric distance of the peculiar dwarf WISE J181005.5−101002.3

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Stellar Atmospheric Parameters of M-type Stars from LAMOST DR8

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Chemical Properties of the Local Disk and Halo. II. Abundances of 3745 M Dwarfs and Subdwarfs from Improved Model Fitting of Low-resolution Spectra

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Estimating fundamental parameters of nearby M dwarfs from SPIRou spectra

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Metallicities in M dwarfs: Investigating different determination techniques

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Astronomy & Astrophysics 658 A194 (2022)

Detailed Chemical Abundances for a Benchmark Sample of M Dwarfs from the APOGEE Survey

Diogo Souto, Katia Cunha, Verne V. Smith, C. Allende Prieto, Kevin Covey, D. A. García-Hernández, Jon A. Holtzman, Henrik Jönsson, Suvrath Mahadevan, Steven R. Majewski, Thomas Masseron, Marc Pinsonneault, Donald P. Schneider, Matthew Shetrone, Keivan G. Stassun, Ryan Terrien, Olga Zamora, Guy S. Stringfellow, Richard R. Lane, Christian Nitschelm and Bárbara Rojas-Ayala
The Astrophysical Journal 927 (1) 123 (2022)

A super-Earth on a close-in orbit around the M1V star GJ 740

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PENELLOPE: The ESO data legacy program to complement the Hubble UV Legacy Library of Young Stars (ULLYSES)

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Characterization of 92 southern TESS candidate planet hosts and a new photometric [Fe/H] relation for cool dwarfs

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Estimating Teff, radius, and luminosity of M-dwarfs using high-resolution optical and NIR spectral features

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Stellar Characterization of M Dwarfs from the APOGEE Survey: A Calibrator Sample for M-dwarf Metallicities

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Radial Velocity Photon Limits for the Dwarf Stars of Spectral Classes F–M

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Evolutionary Models for Ultracool Dwarfs

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Exploring the stellar properties of M dwarfs with high-resolution spectroscopy from the optical to the near-infrared

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A candidate super-Earth planet orbiting near the snow line of Barnard’s star

I. Ribas, M. Tuomi, A. Reiners, R. P. Butler, J. C. Morales, M. Perger, S. Dreizler, C. Rodríguez-López, J. I. González Hernández, A. Rosich, F. Feng, T. Trifonov, S. S. Vogt, J. A. Caballero, A. Hatzes, E. Herrero, S. V. Jeffers, M. Lafarga, F. Murgas, R. P. Nelson, E. Rodríguez, J. B. P. Strachan, L. Tal-Or, J. Teske, B. Toledo-Padrón, et al.
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