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Nonthermal Signatures of Radiative Supernova Remnants. II. The Impact of Cosmic Rays and Magnetic Fields

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Nonthermal Signatures of Radiative Supernova Remnants

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Long-term Evolution of Nonthermal Emission from Type Ia and Core-collapse Supernova Remnants in a Diversified Circumstellar Medium

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Leptonic Nonthermal Emission from Supernova Remnants Evolving in the Circumstellar Magnetic Field

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Evidence for γ-ray emission from the remnant of Kepler’s supernova based on deep H.E.S.S. observations

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Resurrection of Nonthermal Emissions from Type Ib/c Supernova Remnants

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Gamma-rays and neutrinos from RX J1713–3946 in a lepto–hadronic scenario

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Fermi-LAT Detection of GeV γ-Ray Emission from the Type Ia Supernova Remnant G272.2–3.2

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TeV Emission of Galactic Plane Sources with HAWC and H.E.S.S.

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LMC N132D: A mature supernova remnant with a power-law gamma-ray spectrum extending beyond 8 TeV

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Massive Stars in Molecular Clouds Rich in High-energy Sources: The Bridge of G332.809–0.132 and CS 78 in NGC 6334∗ †

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SNR G39.2−0.3, an hadronic cosmic rays accelerator

Emma de Oña Wilhelmi, Iurii Sushch, Robert Brose, et al.
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Time-dependent high-energy gamma-ray signal from accelerated particles in core-collapse supernovae: the case of SN 1993J

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Physical Conditions in Shocked Interstellar Gas Interacting with the Supernova Remnant IC 443*

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Nonthermal emission from the reverse shock of the youngest Galactic supernova remnant G1.9+0.3

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The GeV Emission in the Field of the Star-forming Region W30 Revisited

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The origin of Galactic cosmic rays: Challenges to the standard paradigm

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International Journal of Modern Physics D 28 (15) 1930022 (2019)

Murchison Widefield Array and XMM-Newton observations of the Galactic supernova remnant G5.9+3.1

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Discovery of a pulsar-powered bow shock nebula in the Small Magellanic Cloud supernova remnant DEM S5

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Runaway O-star Bow Shocks as Particle Accelerators? The Case of AE Aur Revisited

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The Astrophysical Journal 885 (2) 105 (2019)

A Supernova Remnant Counterpart for HESS J1832−085

Nigel I. Maxted, M. D. Filipović, N. Hurley-Walker, I. Bojičić, G. P. Rowell, F. Haberl, A. J. Ruiter, I. R. Seitenzahl, F. Panther, G. F. Wong, C. Braiding, M. Burton, G. Pühlhofer, H. Sano, Y. Fukui, M. Sasaki, W. Tian, H. Su, X. Cui, D. Leahy and P. J. Hancock
The Astrophysical Journal 885 (2) 129 (2019)

Gamma-rays from reaccelerated particles at supernova remnant shocks

P Cristofari and P Blasi
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489 (1) 108 (2019)

Post-adiabatic supernova remnants in an interstellar magnetic field: oblique shocks and non-uniform environment

O Petruk, T Kuzyo, S Orlando, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479 (3) 4253 (2018)

Systematic search for very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from bow shocks of runaway stars

H. Abdalla, A. Abramowski, F. Aharonian, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 612 A12 (2018)