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L. Mignon, N. Meunier, X. Delfosse, X. Bonfils, N. C. Santos, T. Forveille, G. Gaisné, N. Astudillo-Defru, C. Lovis and S. Udry Astronomy & Astrophysics 675 A168 (2023)
Convective blueshift strengths for 242 evolved stars
Predicting convective blueshift and radial-velocity dispersion due to granulation for FGK stars
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The EXPRES Stellar Signals Project II. State of the Field in Disentangling Photospheric Velocities
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Leveraging Space-based Data from the Nearest Solar-type Star to Better Understand Stellar Activity Signatures in Radial Velocity Data
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Unsigned Magnetic Flux as a Proxy for Radial-velocity Variations in Sun-like Stars
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The Impact of Stellar Surface Magnetoconvection and Oscillations on the Detection of Temperate, Earth-Mass Planets Around Sun-Like Stars
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