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On the Physical Nature of the so-Called Prominence Tornadoes
Stanislav Gunár, Nicolas Labrosse, Manuel Luna, Brigitte Schmieder, Petr Heinzel, Therese A. Kucera, Peter J. Levens, Arturo López Ariste, Duncan H. Mackay and Maciej Zapiór Space Science Reviews 219(4) (2023)
Probing the Physics of the Solar Atmosphere with the Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE). I. Coronal Heating
Bart De Pontieu, Paola Testa, Juan Martínez-Sykora, Patrick Antolin, Konstantinos Karampelas, Viggo Hansteen, Matthias Rempel, Mark C. M. Cheung, Fabio Reale, Sanja Danilovic, Paolo Pagano, Vanessa Polito, Ineke De Moortel, Daniel Nóbrega-Siverio, Tom Van Doorsselaere, Antonino Petralia, Mahboubeh Asgari-Targhi, Paul Boerner, Mats Carlsson, Georgios Chintzoglou, Adrian Daw, Edward DeLuca, Leon Golub, Takuma Matsumoto, Ignacio Ugarte-Urra and Scott W. McIntosh The Astrophysical Journal 926(1) 52 (2022)
Analysis of the Evolution of a Multi-Ribbon Flare and Failed Filament Eruption
A three-dimensional velocity of an erupting prominence prior to a coronal mass ejection
Maria V Gutierrez, Kenichi Otsuji, Ayumi Asai, Raul Terrazas, Mutsumi Ishitsuka, Jose Ishitsuka, Naoki Nakamura, Yusuke Yoshinaga, Satoshi Morita, Takako T Ishii, Satoru Ueno, Reizaburo Kitai and Kazunari Shibata Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 73(2) 394 (2021)
Simulations of solar filament fine structures and their counterstreaming flows
Importance of the Hα Visibility and Projection Effects for the Interpretation of Prominence Fine-structure Observations
Stanislav Gunár, Jaroslav Dudík, Guillaume Aulanier, Brigitte Schmieder and Petr Heinzel The Astrophysical Journal 867(2) 115 (2018)
On the Dynamic Nature of a Quiescent Prominence Observed by IRIS and MSDP Spectrographs
Guiping Ruan, Brigitte Schmieder, Pierre Mein, Nicole Mein, Nicolas Labrosse, Stanislav Gunár and Yao Chen The Astrophysical Journal 865(2) 123 (2018)
Comparing UV/EUV line parameters and magnetic field in a quiescent prominence with tornadoes