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Analysis of galaxies at the extremes: a kinematic analysis of the Virgo cluster dwarfs VCC 9 and VCC 1448 using the Keck cosmic web imager

Jonah S Gannon, Duncan A Forbes, Aaron J Romanowsky, Jean P Brodie, Lydia Haacke, Anna Ferré-Mateu, Shany Danieli, Pieter van Dokkum, Maria Luisa Buzzo, Warrick J Couch and Zili Shen
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Imposters among us: globular cluster kinematics and the halo mass of ultra-diffuse galaxies in clusters

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The multiple classes of ultra-diffuse galaxies: can we tell them apart?

Maria Luisa Buzzo, Duncan A Forbes, Thomas H Jarrett, Francine R Marleau, Pierre-Alain Duc, Jean P Brodie, Aaron J Romanowsky, Anna Ferré-Mateu, Michael Hilker, Jonah S Gannon, Joel Pfeffer and Lydia Haacke
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A Catalogue and analysis of ultra-diffuse galaxy spectroscopic properties

Jonah S Gannon, Anna Ferré-Mateu, Duncan A Forbes, Jean P Brodie, Maria Luisa Buzzo and Aaron J Romanowsky
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The H i-rich ultra-diffuse galaxies follow the extended Schmidt law

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Gas-rich, Field Ultra-diffuse Galaxies Host Few Gobular Clusters

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Origin and evolution of ultradiffuse galaxies in different environments

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WALLABY pre-pilot survey: ultra-diffuse galaxies in the Eridanus supergroup

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Still at odds with conventional galaxy evolution: the star formation history of ultradiffuse galaxy Dragonfly 44

Kristi A Webb, Alexa Villaume, Seppo Laine, Aaron J Romanowsky, Michael Balogh, Pieter van Dokkum, Duncan A Forbes, Jean Brodie, Christopher Martin and Matt Matuszewski
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Spatially Resolved Stellar Spectroscopy of the Ultra-diffuse Galaxy Dragonfly 44. III. Evidence for an Unexpected Star Formation History under Conventional Galaxy Evolution Processes

Alexa Villaume, Aaron J. Romanowsky, Jean Brodie, Pieter van Dokkum, Charlie Conroy, Duncan A. Forbes, Shany Danieli, Christopher Martin and Matt Matuszewski
The Astrophysical Journal 924 (1) 32 (2022)

The stellar populations of quiescent ultra-diffuse galaxies from optical to mid-infrared spectral energy distribution fitting

Maria Luisa Buzzo, Duncan A Forbes, Jean P Brodie, Aaron J Romanowsky, Michelle E Cluver, Thomas H Jarrett, Seppo Laine, Warrick J Couch, Jonah S Gannon, Anna Ferré-Mateu and Nobuhiro Okabe
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517 (2) 2231 (2022)

Implications for galaxy formation models from observations of globular clusters around ultradiffuse galaxies

Teymoor Saifollahi, Dennis Zaritsky, Ignacio Trujillo, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511 (3) 4633 (2022)

HIPASS study of southern ultradiffuse galaxies and low surface brightness galaxies

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What’s in a Name? Quantifying the Interplay between the Definition, Orientation, and Shape of Ultra-diffuse Galaxies Using the Romulus Simulations

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Keck spectroscopy of the coma cluster ultra-diffuse galaxy Y358: dynamical mass in a wider context

Jonah S Gannon, Duncan A Forbes, Jean P Brodie, Aaron J Romanowsky, Warrick J Couch and Anna Ferré-Mateu
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 518 (3) 3653 (2022)

Probing the radial acceleration relation and the strong equivalence principle with the Coma cluster ultra-diffuse galaxies

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The Nature of Low-surface-brightness Galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey

Jenny E. Greene, Johnny P. Greco, Andy D. Goulding, Song 崧 Huang 黄, Erin Kado-Fong, Shany Danieli, Jiaxuan 嘉轩 Li 李, Ji Hoon Kim, Yutaka Komiyama, Alexie Leauthaud, Lauren A. MacArthur and Cristóbal Sifón
The Astrophysical Journal 933 (2) 150 (2022)

The globular clusters and star formation history of the isolated, quiescent ultra-diffuse galaxy DGSAT I

Steven R Janssens, Aaron J Romanowsky, Roberto Abraham, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517 (1) 858 (2022)

WALLABY pre-pilot survey: two dark clouds in the vicinity of NGC 1395

O I Wong, A R H Stevens, B-Q For, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507 (2) 2905 (2021)

The origin of low-surface-brightness galaxies in the dwarf regime

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The formation of isolated ultradiffuse galaxies in romulus25

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502 (4) 5370 (2021)

Ultra-diffuse galaxies in the perseus cluster: comparing galaxy properties with globular cluster system richness

Jonah S Gannon, Duncan A Forbes, Aaron J Romanowsky, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510 (1) 946 (2021)

Shadows in the Dark: Low-surface-brightness Galaxies Discovered in the Dark Energy Survey

D. Tanoglidis, A. Drlica-Wagner, K. Wei, T. S. Li, J. Sánchez, Y. Zhang, A. H. G. Peter, A. Feldmeier-Krause, J. Prat, K. Casey, A. Palmese, C. Sánchez, J. DeRose, C. Conselice, L. Gagnon, T. M. C. Abbott, M. Aguena, S. Allam, S. Avila, K. Bechtol, E. Bertin, S. Bhargava, D. Brooks, D. L. Burke, A. Carnero Rosell, et al.
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Resolved H i in two ultra-diffuse galaxies from contrasting non-cluster environments

T C Scott, Chandreyee Sengupta, P Lagos, Aeree Chung and O Ivy Wong
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503 (3) 3953 (2021)

Evidence for Ultra-diffuse Galaxy Formation through Tidal Heating of Normal Dwarfs

Michael G. Jones, Paul Bennet, Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil, David J. Sand, Kristine Spekkens, Denija Crnojević, Ananthan Karunakaran and Dennis Zaritsky
The Astrophysical Journal 919 (2) 72 (2021)

The H i Structure of the Local Volume Dwarf Galaxy Pisces A

Luca Beale, Jennifer Donovan Meyer, Erik J. Tollerud, Mary E. Putman and J. E. G. Peek
The Astrophysical Journal 903 (1) 59 (2020)

Census and classification of low-surface-brightness structures in nearby early-type galaxies from the MATLAS survey

Michal Bílek, Pierre-Alain Duc, Jean-Charles Cuillandre, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498 (2) 2138 (2020)

The Nature of Ultra-diffuse Galaxies in Distant Massive Galaxy Clusters: A370 in the Hubble Frontier Fields

Jeong Hwan Lee, Jisu Kang, Myung Gyoon Lee and In Sung Jang
The Astrophysical Journal 894 (1) 75 (2020)

Systematically Measuring Ultradiffuse Galaxies in H i: Results from the Pilot Survey

Ananthan Karunakaran, Kristine Spekkens, Dennis Zaritsky, Richard L. Donnerstein, Jennifer Kadowaki and Arjun Dey
The Astrophysical Journal 902 (1) 39 (2020)

The PIPER Survey. I. An Initial Look at the Intergalactic Globular Cluster Population in the Perseus Cluster

William E. Harris, Rachel A. Brown, Patrick R. Durrell, Aaron J. Romanowsky, John Blakeslee, Jean Brodie, Steven Janssens, Thorsten Lisker, Sakurako Okamoto and Carolin Wittmann
The Astrophysical Journal 890 (2) 105 (2020)

Massive low-surface-brightness galaxies in the eagle simulation

James W Trayford, Nelson D Padilla, Gaspar Galaz and Andrea Kulier
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496 (3) 3996 (2020)

CO observations towards H i-rich Ultradiffuse Galaxies

Junzhi Wang, Kai Yang, Zhi-Yu Zhang, Min Fang, Yong Shi, Shu Liu, Juan Li and Fei Li
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 499 (1) L26 (2020)

On the stellar kinematics and mass of the Virgo ultradiffuse galaxy VCC 1287

Jonah S Gannon, Duncan A Forbes, Aaron J Romanowsky, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495 (3) 2582 (2020)

Observational properties of ultra-diffuse galaxies in low-density environments: field UDGs are predominantly blue and star forming

J I Davies, M Hilker, R F J van der Burg and D J Prole
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488 (2) 2143 (2019)

Discovery of a red ultra-diffuse galaxy in a nearby void based on its globular cluster luminosity function

Javier Román, Michael A Beasley, Tomás Ruiz-Lara and David Valls-Gabaud
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486 (1) 823 (2019)

The environment of H i-bearing ultra-diffuse galaxies in the ALFALFA survey

Steven Janowiecki, Michael G Jones, Lukas Leisman and Andrew Webb
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490 (1) 566 (2019)

The formation and evolution of low-surface-brightness galaxies

G Martin, S Kaviraj, C Laigle, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485 (1) 796 (2019)

Discussing the first velocity dispersion profile of an ultra-diffuse galaxy in MOND

Michal Bílek, Oliver Müller and Benoit Famaey
Astronomy & Astrophysics 627 L1 (2019)

Ultra-diffuse galaxies in the Auriga simulations

Shihong Liao, Liang Gao, Carlos S Frenk, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490 (4) 5182 (2019)

Edge-on H i-bearing Ultra-diffuse Galaxy Candidates in the 40% ALFALFA Catalog

Min 敏 He 何, Hong 宏 Wu 吴, Wei 薇 Du 杜, James Wicker, Pingsong 品松 Zhao 赵, Fengjie 凤杰 Lei 雷 and Jifeng 继峰 Liu 刘
The Astrophysical Journal 880 (1) 30 (2019)

Formation of ultra-diffuse galaxies in the field and in galaxy groups

Arianna Di Cintio, Andrea V Macciò, Aaron A Dutton, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487 (4) 5272 (2019)

The evolution of ultra-diffuse galaxies in nearby galaxy clusters from the Kapteyn IAC WEAVE INT Clusters Survey

Pavel E Mancera Piña, J A L Aguerri, Reynier F Peletier, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485 (1) 1036 (2019)

Constraints on the H i Mass for NGC 1052-DF2

Amy Sardone, D. J. Pisano, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, Joshua L. Mascoop and Nihan Pol
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 871 (2) L31 (2019)

Extreme chemical abundance ratio suggesting an exotic origin for an ultradiffuse galaxy

Ignacio Martín-Navarro, Aaron J Romanowsky, Jean P Brodie, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484 (3) 3425 (2019)

Illuminating Low Surface Brightness Galaxies with the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey

Johnny P. Greco, Jenny E. Greene, Michael A. Strauss, Lauren A. Macarthur, Xzavier Flowers, Andy D. Goulding, Song Huang, Ji Hoon Kim, Yutaka Komiyama, Alexie Leauthaud, Lukas Leisman, Robert H. Lupton, Cristóbal Sifón and Shiang-Yu Wang
The Astrophysical Journal 857 (2) 104 (2018)

The Stellar Populations of Two Ultra-diffuse Galaxies from Optical and Near-infrared Photometry

Viraj Pandya, Aaron J. Romanowsky, Seppo Laine, Jean P. Brodie, Benjamin D. Johnson, William Glaccum, Alexa Villaume, Jean-Charles Cuillandre, Stephen Gwyn, Jessica Krick, Ronald Lasker, Ignacio Martín-Navarro, David Martinez-Delgado and Pieter van Dokkum
The Astrophysical Journal 858 (1) 29 (2018)

The ALFALFA H i mass function: a dichotomy in the low-mass slope and a locally suppressed ‘knee’ mass

Michael G Jones, Martha P Haynes, Riccardo Giovanelli and Crystal Moorman
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477 (1) 2 (2018)

Atomic Gas in Blue Ultra Diffuse Galaxies around Hickson Compact Groups

Kristine Spekkens and Ananthan Karunakaran
The Astrophysical Journal 855 (1) 28 (2018)

Origins of ultradiffuse galaxies in the Coma cluster – II. Constraints from their stellar populations

Anna Ferré-Mateu, Adebusola Alabi, Duncan A Forbes, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479 (4) 4891 (2018)

A Study of Two Diffuse Dwarf Galaxies in the Field

Johnny P. Greco, Andy D. Goulding, Jenny E. Greene, Michael A. Strauss, Song Huang, Ji Hoon Kim and Yutaka Komiyama
The Astrophysical Journal 866 (2) 112 (2018)

Tidal stripping as a possible origin of the ultra diffuse galaxy lacking dark matter

Go Ogiya
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 480 (1) L106 (2018)

Spectroscopic characterization of the stellar content of ultra-diffuse galaxies

T Ruiz-Lara, M A Beasley, J Falcón-Barroso, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478 (2) 2034 (2018)

Coma cluster ultradiffuse galaxies are not standard radio galaxies

Mitchell F. Struble
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473 (4) 4686 (2018)

Contribution of HI-bearing ultra-diffuse galaxies to the cosmic number density of galaxies

M. G. Jones, E. Papastergis, V. Pandya, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 614 A21 (2018)

(Almost) Dark Galaxies in the ALFALFA Survey: Isolated H i-bearing Ultra-diffuse Galaxies

Lukas Leisman, Martha P. Haynes, Steven Janowiecki, Gregory Hallenbeck, Gyula Józsa, Riccardo Giovanelli, Elizabeth A. K. Adams, David Bernal Neira, John M. Cannon, William F. Janesh, Katherine L. Rhode and John J. Salzer
The Astrophysical Journal 842 (2) 133 (2017)

Extensive Globular Cluster Systems Associated with Ultra Diffuse Galaxies in the Coma Cluster

Pieter van Dokkum, Roberto Abraham, Aaron J. Romanowsky, Jean Brodie, Charlie Conroy, Shany Danieli, Deborah Lokhorst, Allison Merritt, Lamiya Mowla and Jielai Zhang
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 844 (1) L11 (2017)