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Bulk Properties of PSR J0030+0451 Inferred with the Compactness Measurement of NICER
Chuan-Ning Luo, Shao-Peng Tang, Ming-Zhe Han, Jin-Liang Jiang, Wei-Hong Gao and Da-Ming Wei The Astrophysical Journal 966(1) 98 (2024)
Vortex creep heating in neutron stars
Motoko Fujiwara, Koichi Hamaguchi, Natsumi Nagata and Maura E. Ramirez-Quezada Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2024(03) 051 (2024)
The Spin of a Newborn Black Hole: Swift J1728.9-3613
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The effects of dark matter and hyperons on the macroscopic properties of neutron star
XMM–Newton observations of PSR J0554+3107: pulsing thermal emission from a cooling high-mass neutron star
A S Tanashkin, A V Karpova, A Y Potekhin, Y A Shibanov and D A Zyuzin Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516(1) 13 (2022)
A Y Potekhin, D A Zyuzin, D G Yakovlev, M V Beznogov and Yu A Shibanov Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496(4) 5052 (2020)
The Masses of Isolated Neutron Stars Inferred from the Gravitational Redshift Measurements
PSR J0030+0451, GW170817, and the Nuclear Data: Joint Constraints on Equation of State and Bulk Properties of Neutron Stars
Jin-Liang Jiang, Shao-Peng Tang, Yuan-Zhu Wang, Yi-Zhong Fan and Da-Ming Wei The Astrophysical Journal 892(1) 55 (2020)
Classification of pulsars with Dirichlet process Gaussian mixture model
K Yavuz Ekşi, Mustafa E Kamaşak, Gökhan İnce and Fahrettin Ay Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493(1) 713 (2020)
Hadron-quark phase transition: the QCD phase diagram and stellar conversion
Clebson A. Graeff, Marcelo D. Alloy, Kauan D. Marquez, Constança Providência and Débora P. Menezes Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2019(01) 024 (2019)
A deep XMM-Newton look on the thermally emitting isolated neutron star RX J1605.3+3249
A Joint NICER and XMM-Newton View of the “Magnificent” Thermally Emitting X-Ray Isolated Neutron Star RX J1605.3+3249
Christian Malacaria, Slavko Bogdanov, Wynn C. G. Ho, Teruaki Enoto, Paul S. Ray, Zaven Arzoumanian, Thoniel Cazeau, Keith C. Gendreau, Sebastien Guillot, Tolga Güver, Gaurava K. Jaisawal and Michael T. Wolff The Astrophysical Journal 880(2) 74 (2019)
Constraints on the equation of state from the stability condition of neutron stars
SXP 15.6: X-ray spectral and temporal properties of a newly discovered pulsar in the Small Magellanic Cloud
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Phase-dependent absorption features in X-ray spectra of X-ray Dim Isolated Neutron Stars