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The shape of oxygen abundance profiles explored with MUSE: evidence for widespread deviations from single gradients

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Spectroscopic Observation and Analysis of H ii Regions in M33 with MMT: Temperatures and Oxygen Abundances

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The Properties of the Massive Star-forming Galaxies with an Outside-in Assembly Mode

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The Chemical Evolution Carousel of Spiral Galaxies: Azimuthal Variations of Oxygen Abundance in NGC1365

I-Ting 庭 Ho 何宜, Mark Seibert, Sharon E. Meidt, Rolf-Peter Kudritzki, Chiaki Kobayashi, Brent A. Groves, Lisa J. Kewley, Barry F. Madore, Jeffrey A. Rich, Eva Schinnerer, Joshua D’Agostino and Henry Poetrodjojo
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