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Searching for Propionamide (C2H5CONH2) toward Sagittarius B2 at Centimeter Wavelengths

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Identifying the most constraining ice observations to infer molecular binding energies

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Understanding (coupled) large amplitude motions: the interplay of microwave spectroscopy, spectral modeling, and quantum chemistry

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Hydrogen-Atom-Assisted Uphill Isomerization of N-Methylformamide in Darkness

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Structure and Spectroscopic Signatures of Interstellar Sodium Isocyanate Isomers

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Formation of Complex Organic Molecules in Hot Molecular Cores through Nondiffusive Grain-surface and Ice-mantle Chemistry

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The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 259 (1) 1 (2022)

Interstellar detection and chemical modeling of iso-propanol and its normal isomer

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Resolving desorption of complex organic molecules in a hot core

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2021 Census of Interstellar, Circumstellar, Extragalactic, Protoplanetary Disk, and Exoplanetary Molecules

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Internal rotation and chlorine nuclear quadrupole coupling in 2-chloro-4-fluorotoluene explored by microwave spectroscopy and quantum chemistry

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Chemical modeling of the complex organic molecules in the extended region around Sagittarius B2

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Propionamide (C2H5CONH2): The Largest Peptide-like Molecule in Space

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The Astrophysical Journal 919 (1) 4 (2021)

Window function for chirped pulse spectroscopy with enhanced signal-to-noise ratio and lineshape correction

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Photolysis of acetonitrile in a water-rich ice as a source of complex organic molecules: CH3CN and H2O:CH3CN ices

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A prochiral precursor in space? Accurate laboratory characterization of acetylacetylene in the cm-wave region

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Interrelations Between Astrochemistry and Galactic Dynamics

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Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 8 (2021)

Atomistic simulations of the free-energy landscapes of interstellar chemical reactions: the case of methyl isocyanate

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Neighborhood matters: Steric effects on methyl internal rotation and chlorine nuclear quadrupole coupling in 2-fluoro-4-chlorotoluene

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Rotational spectroscopic study and astronomical search for propiolamide in Sgr B2(N)

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Chemical Desorption versus Energy Dissipation: Insights from Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics of HCO· Formation

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Revisiting the reactivity between HCO and CH3 on interstellar grain surfaces

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493 (2) 2523 (2020)

Far-infrared laboratory spectroscopy of aminoacetonitrile and first interstellar detection of its vibrationally excited transitions

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Gas-phase formation of acetaldehyde: review and new theoretical computations

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Relative thermodynamic stability of the [C,N,O] linkages as an indication of the most abundant structures in the ISM

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Constraining Cosmic-Ray Ionization Rates and Chemical Timescales in Massive Hot Cores

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An Unbiased ALMA Spectral Survey of the LkCa 15 and MWC 480 Protoplanetary Disks

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Interstellar glycolamide: A comprehensive rotational study and an astronomical search in Sgr B2(N)

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The Case for Methyl Group Precession Accompanying Torsional Motion

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Preparation and characterization of the enol of acetamide: 1-aminoethenol, a high-energy prebiotic molecule

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Hydrogen abstraction in astrochemistry: formation of ˙CH2CONH2 in the reaction of H atom with acetamide (CH3CONH2) and photolysis of ˙CH2CONH2 to form ketene (CH2CO) in solid para-hydrogen

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Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (11) 6192 (2020)

Amino acetaldehyde conformers: structure and spectroscopic properties

Pilar Redondo, Miguel Sanz-Novo, Antonio Largo and Carmen Barrientos
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492 (2) 1827 (2020)

Large Amplitude Torsions in Nitrotoluene Isomers Studied by Rotational Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemistry Calculations

Anthony Roucou, Manuel Goubet, Isabelle Kleiner, Sabath Bteich and Arnaud Cuisset
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Millimeter- and submillimeter-wave spectroscopy of thioformamide and interstellar search toward Sgr B2(N)

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Proton Inversion Tunneling in the Rotational Spectrum of Acetone Cyanohydrin

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The microwave spectrum of 2-methylthiazole: 14N nuclear quadrupole coupling and methyl internal rotation

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The Family of Amide Molecules toward NGC 6334I

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Formation of interstellar cyanoacetamide: a rotational and computational study

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Reactivity of HCO with CH3 and NH2 on Water Ice Surfaces. A Comprehensive Accurate Quantum Chemistry Study

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The formation of urea in space. II. MP2 versus PM6 dynamics in determining bimolecular reaction products

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The Fragmentation Dynamics of Simple Organic Molecules of Astrochemical Interest Interacting with VUV Photons

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Broad-band high-resolution rotational spectroscopy for laboratory astrophysics

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Dissociative electron recombination of NH2CHOH+ and implications for interstellar formamide abundance

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