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Surviving in the Hot-Neptune Desert: The Discovery of the Ultrahot Neptune TOI-3261b
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Relations of Rotation and Chromospheric Activity to Stellar Age for FGK Dwarfs from Kepler and LAMOST
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Fine structure of the age–chromospheric activity relation in solar-type stars: II. Hα line
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Magnetic Activity Evolution of Solar-like Stars. I. S
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A crystallizing white dwarf in a sirius-like quadruple system
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White Dwarfs Revealed in Gaia’s Candidate Compact Object Binaries
TOI-1736 and TOI-2141: Two systems including sub-Neptunes around solar analogs revealed by TESS and SOPHIE
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Searching for new solar twins: The Inti survey for the Northern Sky
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Calibration of the Hα Age–Activity Relation for M Dwarfs
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Stellar chromospheric activity of 1674 FGK stars from the AMBRE-HARPS sample
The ancient main-sequence solar proxy HIP 102152 unveils the activity and rotational fate of our Sun
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Chromospheric emission of solar-type stars with asteroseismic ages
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Stellar Chromospheric Activity and Age Relation from Open Clusters in the LAMOST Survey
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Constraining the evolution of stellar rotation using solar twins
Diego Lorenzo-Oliveira, Jorge Meléndez, Jhon Yana Galarza, Geisa Ponte, Leonardo A dos Santos, Lorenzo Spina, Megan Bedell, Iván Ramírez, Jacob L Bean and Martin Asplund Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 485(1) L68 (2019)
Revisiting the 16 Cygni planet host at unprecedented precision and exploring automated tools for precise abundances
An improved age–activity relationship for cool stars older than a gigayear
R. S. Booth, K. Poppenhaeger, C. A. Watson, V. Silva Aguirre and S. J. Wolk Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 471(1) 1012 (2017)