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X-Ray Fine Structure of a Limb Solar Flare Revealed by Insight-HXMT, RHESSI and Fermi

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The high-energy Sun - probing the origins of particle acceleration on our nearest star

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An investigation of flare emissions at multiple wavelengths

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Energy partition in a confined flare with an extreme-ultraviolet late phase

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The Spatial and Temporal Variations of Turbulence in a Solar Flare

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FOXSI-2 Solar Microflares. II. Hard X-ray Imaging Spectroscopy and Flare Energetics

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Accelerated Electrons Observed Down to <7 keV in a NuSTAR Solar Microflare

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The Electron Acoustic Wave and Its Role in Solar Flaring Loops Heating

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Probing solar flare accelerated electron distributions with prospective X-ray polarimetry missions

Natasha L. S. Jeffrey, Pascal Saint-Hilaire and Eduard P. Kontar
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Locating Hot Plasma in Small Flares using Spectroscopic Overlappogram Data from the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer

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Solar Physics 295 (2) (2020)

Statistical Study of Hard X-Ray Emitting Electrons Associated with Flare-related Coronal Jets

Sophie Musset, Mariana Jeunon and Lindsay Glesener
The Astrophysical Journal 889 (2) 183 (2020)

Statistical Signatures of Nanoflare Activity. I. Monte Carlo Simulations and Parameter-space Exploration

D. B. Jess, C. J. Dillon, M. S. Kirk, F. Reale, M. Mathioudakis, S. D. T. Grant, D. J. Christian, P. H. Keys, S. Krishna Prasad and S. J. Houston
The Astrophysical Journal 871 (2) 133 (2019)

New Star Observations with NuSTAR: Flares from Young Stellar Objects in the ρ Ophiuchi Cloud Complex in Hard X-Rays

Juliana T. Vievering, Lindsay Glesener, Brian W. Grefenstette and David M. Smith
The Astrophysical Journal 882 (1) 72 (2019)

Electron Distribution and Energy Release in Magnetic Reconnection Outflow Regions during the Pre-impulsive Phase of a Solar Flare

Marina Battaglia, Eduard P. Kontar and Galina Motorina
The Astrophysical Journal 872 (2) 204 (2019)

Power-law spectra of energetic electrons in solar flares from the maximum entropy and dimensional considerations

Y.E. Litvinenko
Advances in Space Research 63 (4) 1466 (2019)

The Role of Energy Diffusion in the Deposition of Energetic Electron Energy in Solar and Stellar Flares

Natasha L. S. Jeffrey, Eduard P. Kontar and Lyndsay Fletcher
The Astrophysical Journal 880 (2) 136 (2019)

Spectral Evidence for Heating at Large Column Mass in Umbral Solar Flare Kernels. I. IRIS Near-UV Spectra of the X1 Solar Flare of 2014 October 25

Adam F. Kowalski, Elizabeth Butler, Adrian N. Daw, Lyndsay Fletcher, Joel C. Allred, Bart De Pontieu, Graham S. Kerr and Gianna Cauzzi
The Astrophysical Journal 878 (2) 135 (2019)

Reconnection Fluxes in Eruptive and Confined Flares and Implications for Superflares on the Sun

Johannes Tschernitz, Astrid M. Veronig, Julia K. Thalmann, Jürgen Hinterreiter and Werner Pötzi
The Astrophysical Journal 853 (1) 41 (2018)

Forecasting Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events with Flare X-ray peak ratios

Stephen W. Kahler and Alan. G. Ling
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 8 A47 (2018)

Suppression of Coronal Mass Ejections in Active Stars by an Overlying Large-scale Magnetic Field: A Numerical Study

Julián D. Alvarado-Gómez, Jeremy J. Drake, Ofer Cohen, Sofia P. Moschou and Cecilia Garraffo
The Astrophysical Journal 862 (2) 93 (2018)

Chromospheric Response during the Precursor and the Main Phase of a B6.4 Flare on 2005 August 20

Arun Kumar Awasthi, Pawel Rudawy, Robert Falewicz, Arkadiusz Berlicki and Rui Liu
The Astrophysical Journal 858 (2) 98 (2018)

Hard X-Ray Emission from Partially Occulted Solar Flares: RHESSI Observations in Two Solar Cycles

Frederic Effenberger, Fatima Rubio da Costa, Mitsuo Oka, Pascal Saint-Hilaire, Wei Liu, Vahé Petrosian, Lindsay Glesener and Säm Krucker
The Astrophysical Journal 835 (2) 124 (2017)

Energy Release in the Solar Atmosphere from a Stream of Infalling Prominence Debris

A. R. Inglis, H. R. Gilbert and L. Ofman
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 847 (2) L17 (2017)

Global Energetics of Solar Flares. V. Energy Closure in Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections

Markus J. Aschwanden, Amir Caspi, Christina M. S. Cohen, Gordon Holman, Ju Jing, Matthieu Kretzschmar, Eduard P. Kontar, James M. McTiernan, Richard A. Mewaldt, Aidan O’Flannagain, Ian G. Richardson, Daniel Ryan, Harry P. Warren and Yan Xu
The Astrophysical Journal 836 (1) 17 (2017)