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Cited article:

Multiresolution HEALPix Maps for Multiwavelength and Multimessenger Astronomy

I. Martinez-Castellanos, Leo P. Singer, E. Burns, D. Tak, Alyson Joens, Judith L. Racusin and Jeremy S. Perkins
The Astronomical Journal 163 (6) 259 (2022)

HEALPix Alchemy: Fast All-Sky Geometry and Image Arithmetic in a Relational Database for Multimessenger Astronomy Brokers

Leo P. Singer, B. Parazin, Michael W. Coughlin, Joshua S. Bloom, Arien Crellin-Quick, Daniel A. Goldstein and Stéfan van der Walt
The Astronomical Journal 163 (5) 209 (2022)

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