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Application of the binary spectral model to high-resolution spectra. First estimation of the fundamental parameters for HD 20784

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Spinning up the Surface: Evidence for Planetary Engulfment or Unexpected Angular Momentum Transport?

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Zeta-Payne: A Fully Automated Spectrum Analysis Algorithm for the Milky Way Mapper Program of the SDSS-V Survey

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The Cluster Ages Experiment (CASE) – IX. Analysis of four detached eclipsing binaries in the globular cluster NGC 3201

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Orbital and atmospheric parameters of two wide O-type subdwarf binaries: BD−11o162 and Feige 80

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Fundamental parameters and abundance analysis of the components in the SB2 system HD 60803

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Eclipsing Systems with Pulsating Components (Types β Cep, δ Sct, γ Dor or Red Giant) in the Era of High-Accuracy Space Data

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A binary with a δ Scuti star and an oscillating red giant: orbit and asteroseismology of KIC 9773821

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τ9 Eri: a bright pulsating magnetic Bp star in a 5.95-d double-lined spectroscopic binary

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Planet Hunters TESS III: two transiting planets around the bright G dwarf HD 152843

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KIC 5950759: a high-amplitude δ Sct star with amplitude and frequency modulation near the terminal age main sequence

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Spectroscopic and seismic analysis of red giants in eclipsing binaries discovered byKepler

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A homogeneous spectroscopic analysis of a Kepler legacy sample of dwarfs for gravity-mode asteroseismology

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The surface brightness–colour relations based on eclipsing binary stars and calibrated with Gaia EDR3

D. Graczyk, G. Pietrzyński, C. Galan, et al.
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Detailed Characterization of Heartbeat Stars and Their Tidally Excited Oscillations

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Tango of celestial dancers: A sample of detached eclipsing binary systems containing g-mode pulsating components

S. Sekaran, A. Tkachenko, M. Abdul-Masih, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 643 A162 (2020)

The mass discrepancy in intermediate- and high-mass eclipsing binaries: The need for higher convective core masses

A. Tkachenko, K. Pavlovski, C. Johnston, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 637 A60 (2020)

Asteroseismic Modeling of Gravity Modes in Slowly Rotating A/F Stars with Radiative Levitation

Joey S. G. Mombarg, Aaron Dotter, Timothy Van Reeth, Andrew Tkachenko, Sarah Gebruers and Conny Aerts
The Astrophysical Journal 895 (1) 51 (2020)

Very regular high-frequency pulsation modes in young intermediate-mass stars

Timothy R. Bedding, Simon J. Murphy, Daniel R. Hey, Daniel Huber, Tanda Li, Barry Smalley, Dennis Stello, Timothy R. White, Warrick H. Ball, William J. Chaplin, Isabel L. Colman, Jim Fuller, Eric Gaidos, Daniel R. Harbeck, J. J. Hermes, Daniel L. Holdsworth, Gang Li, Yaguang Li, Andrew W. Mann, Daniel R. Reese, Sanjay Sekaran, Jie Yu, Victoria Antoci, Christoph Bergmann, Timothy M. Brown, et al.
Nature 581 (7807) 147 (2020)

A spectroscopic test of the rotational modulation origin of periodic Kepler photometric variability of A-type stars

J Sikora, G A Wade and J Rowe
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498 (2) 2456 (2020)

Spectropolarimetric follow-up of 8 rapidly rotating, X-ray bright FK Comae candidates

G A Wade, E Mason, S B Howell, J Rowe and J Sikora
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496 (1) 295 (2020)

Phase-dependent Study of Near-infrared Disk Emission Lines in LB-1

Jifeng Liu, Zheng Zheng, Roberto Soria, Jesus Aceituno, Haotong Zhang, Youjun Lu, Song Wang, Wolf-Rainer Hamann, Lida M. Oskinova, Varsha Ramachandran, Hailong Yuan, Zhongrui Bai, Shu Wang, Brendan J. McKee, Jianfeng Wu, Junfeng Wang, Mario Lattanzi, Krzysztof Belczynski, Jorge Casares, Jonay I. González Hernández and Rafael Rebolo
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A volume-limited survey of mCP stars within 100 pc – I. Fundamental parameters and chemical abundances

J Sikora, G A Wade, J Power and C Neiner
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483 (2) 2300 (2019)

The first view of δ Scuti and γ Doradus stars with the TESS mission

V Antoci, M S Cunha, D M Bowman, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490 (3) 4040 (2019)

On the Gas Dynamic Features of the Interacting Binary System UU Cas

Dmitry A. Kononov, Stanislav Yu. Gorda and Sergey Yu. Parfenov
The Astrophysical Journal 883 (2) 186 (2019)

Seismic probing of the first dredge-up event through the eccentric red-giant and red-giant spectroscopic binary KIC 9163796

P. G. Beck, T. Kallinger, K. Pavlovski, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 612 A22 (2018)

Oscillating red giants in eclipsing binary systems: empirical reference value for asteroseismic scaling relation

N Themeßl, S Hekker, J Southworth, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478 (4) 4669 (2018)

Detection of magnetic fields in chemically peculiar stars observed with the K2 space mission

B Buysschaert, C Neiner, A J Martin, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478 (2) 2777 (2018)

Composite hot subdwarf binaries – I. The spectroscopically confirmed sdB sample

Joris Vos, Péter Németh, Maja Vuc̆ković, Roy Østensen and Steven Parsons
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473 (1) 693 (2018)

HE 0430–2457: a post-merger extremely low-mass pre-white dwarf in a wide binary posing as an extreme horizontal branch star

Joris Vos, Monica Zorotovic, Maja Vučković, Matthias R Schreiber and Roy Østensen
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 477 (1) L40 (2018)

Constraining stellar physics from red-giant stars in binaries – stellar rotation, mixing processes and stellar activity

P. G. Beck, T. Kallinger, K. Pavlovski, et al.
EPJ Web of Conferences 160 05008 (2017)

Signatures of internal rotation discovered in theKeplerdata of five slowly pulsating B stars

P. I. Pápics, A. Tkachenko, T. Van Reeth, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 598 A74 (2017)


H. Lehmann, T. Borkovits, S. A. Rappaport, H. Ngo, D. Mawet, Sz. Csizmadia and E. Forgács-Dajka
The Astrophysical Journal 819 (1) 33 (2016)

KIC 10080943: An eccentric binary system containing two pressure- and gravity-mode hybrid pulsators

V. S. Schmid, A. Tkachenko, C. Aerts, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 584 A35 (2015)