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Hybrid Simulation and Quasi-linear Theory of Bi-Kappa Proton Instabilities

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Temperature Anisotropy Instabilities Stimulated by the Solar Wind Suprathermal Populations

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Implications of Kappa Suprathermal Halo of the Solar Wind Electrons

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About the effects of solar wind suprathermal electrons on electrostatic waves

M. Lazar, S. M. Shaaban, R. A. López and S. Poedts
Astrophysics and Space Science 367 (10) (2022)

Toward a Realistic Evaluation of Transport Coefficients in Non-equilibrium Space Plasmas

Edin Husidic, Klaus Scherer, Marian Lazar, Horst Fichtner and Stefaan Poedts
The Astrophysical Journal 927 (2) 159 (2022)

Recent Developments in Particle Acceleration at Shocks: Theory and Observations

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KAPPA: A Package for the Synthesis of Optically Thin Spectra for the Non-Maxwellian κ-distributions. II. Major Update to Compatibility with CHIANTI Version 10

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The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 257 (2) 62 (2021)

Influence of MHD Turbulence on Ion Kappa Distributions in the Earth's Plasma Sheet as a Function of Plasma β Parameter

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Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 8 (2021)

Impact of non-thermal electrons on spatial damping: a kinetic model for the parallel propagating modes

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General dispersion properties of magnetized plasmas with drifting bi-Kappa distributions. DIS-K: Dispersion Solver for Kappa Plasmas

R.A. López, S.M. Shaaban and M. Lazar
Journal of Plasma Physics 87 (3) (2021)

Transport coefficients enhanced by suprathermal particles in nonequilibrium heliospheric plasmas

E. Husidic, M. Lazar, H. Fichtner, K. Scherer and S. Poedts
Astronomy & Astrophysics 654 A99 (2021)

Kappa Distributions

Shaaban M. Shaaban, Marian Lazar, Rodrigo A. López, Peter H. Yoon and Stefaan Poedts
Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Kappa Distributions 464 185 (2021)

A New Low-beta Regime for Unstable Proton Firehose Modes in Bi-kappa-distributed Plasmas

S. M. Shaaban, M. Lazar, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber and H. Fichtner
The Astrophysical Journal 918 (1) 37 (2021)

Small amplitude ion-acoustic solitons with regularized κ-distributed electrons

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AIP Advances 11 (8) (2021)

Relativistic study of electromagnetic electron cyclotron instability based on trapped electrons in kappa‐Maxwellian auroral plasmas

M. Nazeer, M.N.S. Qureshi and C. Shen
Contributions to Plasma Physics 61 (7) (2021)

On the Relation between Kappa Distribution Functions and the Plasma Beta Parameter in the Earth’s Magnetosphere: THEMIS Observations

Adetayo V. Eyelade, Marina Stepanova, Cristóbal M. Espinoza and Pablo S. Moya
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 253 (2) 34 (2021)

Electromagnetic ion cyclotron instability stimulated by the suprathermal ions in space plasmas: A quasi-linear approach

S. M. Shaaban, M. Lazar and R. Schlickeiser
Physics of Plasmas 28 (2) (2021)

Toward a general quasi-linear approach for the instabilities of bi-Kappa plasmas. Whistler instability

P S Moya, M Lazar and S Poedts
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63 (2) 025011 (2021)

The κ-cookbook: a novel generalizing approach to unify κ-like distributions for plasma particle modelling

K Scherer, E Husidic, M Lazar and H Fichtner
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497 (2) 1738 (2020)

Linear dispersion theory of parallel electromagnetic modes for regularized Kappa-distributions

Edin Husidic, Marian Lazar, Horst Fichtner, Klaus Scherer and Patrick Astfalk
Physics of Plasmas 27 (4) (2020)

Three-dimensional propagation of ion-acoustic waves in the plasma environment of the Venusian ionosphere

F S H Sayed, W M Moslem, R E Tolba, A A Turky and R A Koramy
Physica Scripta 95 (11) 115603 (2020)

Electron Temperature Anisotropy and Electron Beam Constraints from Electron Kinetic Instabilities in the Solar Wind

Heyu Sun, Jinsong Zhao, Wen Liu, Huasheng Xie and Dejin Wu
The Astrophysical Journal 902 (1) 59 (2020)

Generalized anisotropic κ-cookbook: 2D fitting of Ulysses electron data

K Scherer, E Husidic, M Lazar and H Fichtner
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501 (1) 606 (2020)

Effect of suprathermal particles on EMEC instability in kappa-Maxwellian distributed space plasmas

M. Nazeer, M. N. S. Qureshi, H. A. Shah and C. Shen
Astrophysics and Space Science 365 (8) (2020)

Proliferation of soliton, explosive, shocklike, and periodic ion-acoustic waves in Titan's ionosphere

S. M. Ahmed, E. R. Hassib, U. M. Abdelsalam, R. E. Tolba and W. M. Moslem
Physics of Plasmas 27 (8) (2020)

Active velocity processes with suprathermal stationary distributions and long-time tails

Tirthankar Banerjee, Urna Basu and Christian Maes
Physical Review E 101 (6) (2020)

Revisiting some analytical and numerical interpretations of Cairns and Kappa–Cairns distribution functions

Aman-ur-Rehman, Mushtaq Ahmad and Muhammad Ahsan Shahzad
Physics of Plasmas 27 (10) (2020)

Toward a realistic macroscopic parametrization of space plasmas with regularized κ-distributions

M. Lazar, K. Scherer, H. Fichtner and V. Pierrard
Astronomy & Astrophysics 634 A20 (2020)

Electron Energy Partition across Interplanetary Shocks. I. Methodology and Data Product

Lynn B. Wilson III, Li-Jen Chen, Shan Wang, Steven J. Schwartz, Drew L. Turner, Michael L. Stevens, Justin C. Kasper, Adnane Osmane, Damiano Caprioli, Stuart D. Bale, Marc P. Pulupa, Chadi S. Salem and Katherine A. Goodrich
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 243 (1) 8 (2019)

Astronomical Data of Atomic Shannon Entropies in Astrophysical Lorentzian Plasmas

Myoung-Jae Lee and Young-Dae Jung
The Astrophysical Journal 871 (1) 111 (2019)

Particle-in-cell Simulations of Firehose Instability Driven by Bi-Kappa Electrons

R. A. López, M. Lazar, S. M. Shaaban, S. Poedts, P. H. Yoon, A. F. Viñas and P. S. Moya
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 873 (2) L20 (2019)

Whistler instability stimulated by the suprathermal electrons present in space plasmas

M. Lazar, R. A. López, S. M. Shaaban, S. Poedts and H. Fichtner
Astrophysics and Space Science 364 (10) (2019)

Firehose instabilities triggered by the solar wind suprathermal electrons

S M Shaaban, M Lazar, R A López, H Fichtner and S Poedts
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483 (4) 5642 (2019)

On the Influence of the Shape of Kappa Distributions of Ions and Electrons on the Ion Firehose Instability

L. F. Ziebell and R. Gaelzer
Brazilian Journal of Physics 49 (4) 526 (2019)

Moments of the Anisotropic Regularized κ-distributions

Klaus Scherer, Marian Lazar, Edin Husidic and Horst Fichtner
The Astrophysical Journal 880 (2) 118 (2019)

The Interplay of the Solar Wind Core and Suprathermal Electrons: A Quasilinear Approach for Firehose Instability

S. M. Shaaban, M. Lazar, P. H. Yoon and S. Poedts
The Astrophysical Journal 871 (2) 237 (2019)

On the effects of suprathermal populations in dusty plasmas: The case of dust-ion-acoustic waves

M. Lazar, I. Kourakis, S. Poedts and H. Fichtner
Planetary and Space Science 156 130 (2018)

Clarifying the solar wind heat flux instabilities

S M Shaaban, M Lazar and S Poedts
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480 (1) 310 (2018)

Suprathermal Spontaneous Emissions in κ-distributed Plasmas

M. Lazar, S. Kim, R. A. López, P. H. Yoon, R. Schlickeiser and S. Poedts
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 868 (2) L25 (2018)

Stimulated Mirror Instability From the Interplay of Anisotropic Protons and Electrons, and their Suprathermal Populations

S. M. Shaaban, M. Lazar, P. Astfalk and S. Poedts
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (3) 1754 (2018)

Non-Maxwellian Analysis of the Transition-region Line Profiles Observed by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph

Jaroslav Dudík, Vanessa Polito, Elena Dzifčáková, Giulio Del Zanna and Paola Testa
The Astrophysical Journal 842 (1) 19 (2017)

Shaping the solar wind temperature anisotropy by the interplay of electron and proton instabilities

S. M. Shaaban, M. Lazar, S. Poedts and A. Elhanbaly
Astrophysics and Space Science 362 (1) (2017)

On the influence of the shape of kappa distributions of ions and electrons on the ion-cyclotron instability

L. F. Ziebell and R. Gaelzer
Physics of Plasmas 24 (10) (2017)

Dual Maxwellian-Kappa modeling of the solar wind electrons: new clues on the temperature of Kappa populations

M. Lazar, V. Pierrard, S. M. Shaaban, H. Fichtner and S. Poedts
Astronomy & Astrophysics 602 A44 (2017)

Towards realistic characterization of the solar wind suprathermal populations and their effects

M. Lazar
Physics of Plasmas 24 (3) (2017)

Electromagnetic ion-cyclotron instability in a dusty plasma with product-bi-kappa distributions for the plasma particles

M. S. dos Santos, L. F. Ziebell and R. Gaelzer
Astrophysics and Space Science 362 (1) (2017)

Firehose constraints of the bi-Kappa-distributed electrons: a zero-order approach for the suprathermal electrons in the solar wind

M. Lazar, S. M. Shaaban, S. Poedts and Š. Štverák
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 464 (1) 564 (2017)

The Electron Temperature and Anisotropy in the Solar Wind. Comparison of the Core and Halo Populations

V. Pierrard, M. Lazar, S. Poedts, et al.
Solar Physics 291 (7) 2165 (2016)

The interplay of the solar wind proton core and halo populations: EMIC instability

S. M. Shaaban, M. Lazar, S. Poedts and A. Elhanbaly
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121 (7) 6031 (2016)

On the evolution of the κ distribution of protons in the inner heliosheath

Hans‐Jörg Fahr, Adama Sylla, Horst Fichtner and Klaus Scherer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121 (9) 8203 (2016)

Effects of suprathermal electrons on the proton temperature anisotropy in space plasmas: Electromagnetic ion-cyclotron instability

S. M. Shaaban, M. Lazar, S. Poedts and A. Elhanbaly
Astrophysics and Space Science 361 (6) (2016)