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Mutual approximations between the five main moons of Uranus

S Santos-Filho, M Assafin, B E Morgado, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490 (3) 3464 (2019)

Database on detected stellar occultations by small outer Solar System objects

F Braga-Ribas, A Crispim, R Vieira-Martins, et al.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1365 (1) 012024 (2019)

New Constraint on the Atmosphere of (50000) Quaoar from a Stellar Occultation

Ko Arimatsu, Ryou Ohsawa, George L. Hashimoto, Seitaro Urakawa, Jun Takahashi, Miyako Tozuka, Yoichi Itoh, Misato Yamashita, Fumihiko Usui, Tsutomu Aoki, Noriaki Arima, Mamoru Doi, Makoto Ichiki, Shiro Ikeda, Yoshifusa Ita, Toshihiro Kasuga, Naoto Kobayashi, Mitsuru Kokubo, Masahiro Konishi, Hiroyuki Maehara, Noriyuki Matsunaga, Takashi Miyata, Mikio Morii, Tomoki Morokuma, Kentaro Motohara, et al.
The Astronomical Journal 158 (6) 236 (2019)

The future of stellar occultations by distant solar system bodies: Perspectives from the Gaia astrometry and the deep sky surveys

J.I.B. Camargo, J. Desmars, F. Braga-Ribas, et al.
Planetary and Space Science 154 59 (2018)

The size, shape, density and ring of the dwarf planet Haumea from a stellar occultation

J. L. Ortiz, P. Santos-Sanz, B. Sicardy, et al.
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The Structure of Chariklo’s Rings from Stellar Occultations

D. Bérard, B. Sicardy, J. I. B. Camargo, J. Desmars, F. Braga-Ribas, J.-L. Ortiz, R. Duffard, N. Morales, E. Meza, R. Leiva, G. Benedetti-Rossi, R. Vieira-Martins, A.-R. Gomes Júnior, M. Assafin, F. Colas, J.-L. Dauvergne, P. Kervella, J. Lecacheux, L. Maquet, F. Vachier, S. Renner, B. Monard, A. A. Sickafoose, H. Breytenbach, A. Genade, et al.
The Astronomical Journal 154 (4) 144 (2017)

Size and Shape of Chariklo from Multi-epoch Stellar Occultations*

R. Leiva, B. Sicardy, J. I. B. Camargo, J.-L. Ortiz, J. Desmars, D. Bérard, E. Lellouch, E. Meza, P. Kervella, C. Snodgrass, R. Duffard, N. Morales, A. R. Gomes-Júnior, G. Benedetti-Rossi, R. Vieira-Martins, F. Braga-Ribas, M. Assafin, B. E. Morgado, F. Colas, C. De Witt, A. A. Sickafoose, H. Breytenbach, J.-L. Dauvergne, P. Schoenau, L. Maquet, et al.
The Astronomical Journal 154 (4) 159 (2017)

Study of the Plutino Object (208996) 2003 AZ84 from Stellar Occultations: Size, Shape, and Topographic Features

A. Dias-Oliveira, B. Sicardy, J. L. Ortiz, F. Braga-Ribas, R. Leiva, R. Vieira-Martins, G. Benedetti-Rossi, J. I. B. Camargo, M. Assafin, A. R. Gomes-Júnior, T. Baug, T. Chandrasekhar, J. Desmars, R. Duffard, P. Santos-Sanz, Z. Ergang, S. Ganesh, Y. Ikari, P. Irawati, J. Jain, Z. Liying, A. Richichi, Q. Shengbang, R. Behrend, Z. Benkhaldoun, et al.
The Astronomical Journal 154 (1) 22 (2017)

Equilibrium Shapes of Large Trans-Neptunian Objects

Nicolas Rambaux, Daniel Baguet, Frederic Chambat and Julie C. Castillo-Rogez
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 850 (1) L9 (2017)


G. Benedetti-Rossi, B. Sicardy, M. W. Buie, J. L. Ortiz, R. Vieira-Martins, J. M. Keller, F. Braga-Ribas, J. I. B. Camargo, M. Assafin, N. Morales, R. Duffard, A. Dias-Oliveira, P. Santos-Sanz, J. Desmars, A. R. Gomes-Júnior, R. Leiva, J. Bardecker, J. K. Bean Jr., A. M. Olsen, D. W. Ruby, R. Sumner, A. Thirouin, M. A. Gómez-Muñoz, L. Gutierrez, L. Wasserman, et al.
The Astronomical Journal 152 (6) 156 (2016)