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The Impact of Bar-induced Noncircular Motions on the Measurement of Galactic Rotation Curves

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Galactic rotation curves versus ultralight dark matter: Implications of the soliton-host halo relation

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Impact of Distance Determinations on Galactic Structure. II. Old Tracers

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Astronomical Distance Determination in the Space Age

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Dynamical modelling of the galactic bulge and bar: the Milky Way's pattern speed, stellar and dark matter mass distribution

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Galactic masers: Kinematics, spiral structure and the disk dynamic state

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The mass distribution and gravitational potential of the Milky Way

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On the bar formation mechanism in galaxies with cuspy bulges

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The Milky Way's rotation curve out to 100 kpc and its constraint on the Galactic mass distribution

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Spiral arm kinematics for Milky Way stellar populations

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Spiral-induced velocity and metallicity patterns in a cosmological zoom simulation of a Milky Way-sized galaxy

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Environmental regulation of cloud and star formation in galactic bars

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 454 (3) 3299 (2015)