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Confirmation of the ‘‘Lost’’ Cycle and the Gnevyshev–Ohl Rule in a Series of Sunspot Areas Spanning 410 Years

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New possibilities of the PCA-Seq method in the analysis of time series (on the example of solar activity)

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Johann Christoph Müller’s Sunspot Observations in 1719 – 1720: Snapshots of the Immediate Aftermath of the Maunder Minimum

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Solar cyclic activity over the last millennium reconstructed from annual 14C data

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Sunspot Observations at the Eimmart Observatory and in Its Neighborhood during the Late Maunder Minimum (1681–1718)

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Graphical evidence for the solar coronal structure during the Maunder minimum: comparative study of the total eclipse drawings in 1706 and 1715

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Stephan Prantner’s Sunspot Observations during the Dalton Minimum

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Daniel Mögling’s Sunspot Observations in 1626–1629: A Manuscript Reference for the Solar Activity before the Maunder Minimum

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The Dalton Minimum and John Dalton’s Auroral Observations

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Sunspot observations by Hisako Koyama: 1945–1996

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Thaddäus Derfflinger’s Sunspot Observations during 1802–1824: A Primary Reference to Understand the Dalton Minimum

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The Solar Corona during the Total Eclipse on 1806 June 16: Graphical Evidence of the Coronal Structure during the Dalton Minimum

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The Celestial Sign in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in the 770s: Insights on Contemporary Solar Activity

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Update on Galactic Cosmic Ray Integral Flux Measurements in Lunar Orbit With CRaTER

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Sunspot Characteristics at the Onset of the Maunder Minimum Based on the Observations of Hevelius

V. M. S. Carrasco, J. M. Vaquero, M. C. Gallego, A. Muñoz-Jaramillo, G. de Toma, P. Galaviz, R. Arlt, V. Senthamizh Pavai, F. Sánchez-Bajo, J. Villalba Álvarez and J. M. Gómez
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Intense Geomagnetic Storm during Maunder Minimum Possibly by a Quiescent Filament Eruption

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The effect of telescope aperture, scattered light and human vision on early measurements of sunspot and group numbers

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Solar total and spectral irradiance reconstruction over the last 9000 years

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The Umbra–Penumbra Area Ratio of Sunspots During the Maunder Minimum

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Climate reconstruction for the Entre‐Douro‐e‐Minho region (NW Portugal) between AD 1626 and AD 1820: synthesis of viticulture data and foraminiferal evidence

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ζ1 + ζ2 Reticuli binary system: a puzzling chromospheric activity pattern

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476 (2) 2751 (2018)

Sunspot and Group Number: Recent advances from historical data

Frédéric Clette, José M. Vaquero, María Cruz Gallego and Laure Lefèvre
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 14 (A30) 156 (2018)

Visualization of the challenges and limitations of the long-term sunspot number record

Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo and José M. Vaquero
Nature Astronomy 3 (3) 205 (2018)

An Optical Atmospheric Phenomenon Observed in 1670 over the City of Astrakhan Was Not a Mid-Latitude Aurora

I. G. Usoskin, G. A. Kovaltsov, L. N. Mishina, D. D. Sokoloff and J. Vaquero
Solar Physics 292 (1) (2017)

Updated sunspot group number reconstruction for 1749–1996 using the active day fraction method

T. Willamo, I. G. Usoskin and G. A. Kovaltsov
Astronomy & Astrophysics 601 A109 (2017)

Sunspot Observations During the Maunder Minimum from the Correspondence of John Flamsteed

V. M. S. Carrasco and J. M. Vaquero
Solar Physics 291 (9-10) 2493 (2016)

Long-Term Trends and Gleissberg Cycles in Aurora Borealis Records (1600 – 2015)

M. Vázquez, J. M. Vaquero, M. C. Gallego, T. Roca Cortés and P. L. Pallé
Solar Physics 291 (2) 613 (2016)

Sunspot numbers based on historic records in the 1610s: Early telescopic observations by Simon Marius and others

R. Neuhäuser and D. L. Neuhäuser
Astronomische Nachrichten 337 (6) 581 (2016)

A New Calibrated Sunspot Group Series Since 1749: Statistics of Active Day Fractions

I. G. Usoskin, G. A. Kovaltsov, M. Lockwood, et al.
Solar Physics 291 (9-10) 2685 (2016)

Near‐Earth heliospheric magnetic field intensity since 1750: 1. Sunspot and geomagnetic reconstructions

M. J. Owens, E. Cliver, K. G. McCracken, J. Beer, L. Barnard, M. Lockwood, A. Rouillard, D. Passos, P. Riley, I. Usoskin and Y‐M. Wang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121 (7) 6048 (2016)

Sunspots During the Maunder Minimum from Machina Coelestis by Hevelius

V. M. S. Carrasco, J. Villalba Álvarez and J. M. Vaquero
Solar Physics 290 (10) 2719 (2015)

The Maunder minimum (1645–1715) was indeed a grand minimum: A reassessment of multiple datasets

Ilya G. Usoskin, Rainer Arlt, Eleanna Asvestari, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 581 A95 (2015)