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Complementary astrometry of Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem images of Phoebe
Q.F. Zhang, W.H. Qin, Y.L. Ma, V. Lainey, N.J. Cooper, N. Rambaux, Y. Li and W.H. Zhu Planetary and Space Science 221 105553 (2022)
Spherical harmonic decomposition and interpretation of the shapes of the small Saturnian inner moons
Contour Detection of Disk Resolved Objects in Cassini ISS Image Using Deep Neural Network
Qingfen ZHANG, Yang ZHENG, Guohao CHENG, Zhicong LU, Xiaomei ZHOU and Yuchen WANG Chinese Journal of Space Science 40(2) 289 (2020)
Contour detection in Cassini ISS images based on Hierarchical Extreme Learning Machine and Dense Conditional Random Field
Radwan Tajeddine, Philip D. Nicholson, Pierre-Yves Longaretti, Maryame El Moutamid and Joseph A. Burns The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 232(2) 28 (2017)
New constraints on Saturn's interior from Cassini astrometric data