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Central concentration of warm and dense molecular gas in a strongly lensed submillimeter galaxy at z = 6
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The effects of local stellar radiation and dust depletion on non-equilibrium interstellar chemistry
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Detection of nitrogen and oxygen in a galaxy at the end of reionization
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Measuring chemical abundances with infrared nebular lines: HII-CHI-MISTRY-IR
J. A. Fernández-Ontiveros, E. Pérez-Montero, J. M. Vílchez, R. Amorín and L. Spinoglio Astronomy & Astrophysics 652 A23 (2021)
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Minju M. Lee, Tohru Nagao, Carlos De Breuck, Stefano Carniani, Giovanni Cresci, Bunyo Hatsukade, Ryohei Kawabe, Kotaro Kohno, Roberto Maiolino, Fillipo Mannucci, Alessandro Marconi, Kouichiro Nakanishi, Paulina Troncoso and Hideki Umehata The Astrophysical Journal 913(1) 41 (2021)
ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: A spectral stacking analysis of [C II] in lensed z ∼ 6 galaxies
sígame v3: Gas Fragmentation in Postprocessing of Cosmological Simulations for More Accurate Infrared Line Emission Modeling
Karen Pardos Olsen, Blakesley Burkhart, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Robin G. Treß, Thomas R. Greve, David Vizgan, Jay Motka, Josh Borrow, Gergö Popping, Romeel Davé, Rowan J. Smith and Desika Narayanan The Astrophysical Journal 922(1) 88 (2021)
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A puzzling non-detection of [O III] and [C II] from a z ≈ 7.7 galaxy observed with ALMA
Regulating Star Formation in Nearby Dusty Galaxies: Low Photoelectric Efficiencies in the Most Compact Systems
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Harley Katz, Dominika Ďurovčíková, Taysun Kimm, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498(1) 164 (2020)
The stellar populations of high-redshift dwarf galaxies
V Gelli, S Salvadori, A Pallottini and A Ferrara Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498(3) 4134 (2020)
Towards a multitracer timeline of star formation in the LMC – I. Deriving the lifetimes of H i clouds
Jacob L Ward, Mélanie Chevance, J M Diederik Kruijssen, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497(2) 2286 (2020)
The [C ii]–SFR correlation in dwarf galaxies across cosmic time