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A search for magnetic δ Scuti stars in Kepler hybrid candidates
K Thomson-Paressant, C Neiner, P Lampens, J Labadie-Bartz, R Monier, P Mathias and A Tkachenko Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526(2) 1728 (2023)
The magnetic field and magnetosphere of Plaskett’s star: a fundamental shift in our understanding of the system
The MiMeS survey of Magnetism in Massive Stars: magnetic analysis of the O-type stars
J. H. Grunhut, G. A. Wade, C. Neiner, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 465(2) 2432 (2017)
An investigation into the fraction of particle accelerators among colliding-wind binaries
Discovery of two new bright magnetic B stars: i Car and Atlas
Coralie Neiner, Bram Buysschaert, Mary E. Oksala and Aurore Blazère Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 454(1) L56 (2015)