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Observations of interstellar scattering of six pulsars using Polish LOFAR station PL611

Alexandros Filothodoros, Wojciech Lewandowski, Jarosław Kijak, Bartosz Śmierciak, Krzysztof Chyży, Leszek Błaszkiewicz and Andrzej Krankowski
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Validation of global ionospheric models using long-term observations of pulsar Faraday rotation with the LOFAR radio telescope

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FAST Pulsar Database. I. Polarization Profiles of 682 Pulsars

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Propagation effects at low frequencies seen in the LOFAR long-term monitoring of the periodically active FRB 20180916B

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Polarization measurements of Arecibo-sky pulsars: Faraday rotations and emission-beam analyses

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Single-pulse studies of three millisecond pulsars

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Searching for pulsars associated with polarised point sources using LOFAR: Initial discoveries from the TULIPP project

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The NANOGrav 12.5 yr Data Set: Polarimetry and Faraday Rotation Measures from Observations of Millisecond Pulsars with the Green Bank Telescope

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Method to observe Jupiter’s radio emissions at high resolution using multiple LOFAR stations: a first case study of the Io-decametric emission using the Irish IE613, French FR606, and German DE604 stations

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First results from the REAL-time Transient Acquisition backend (REALTA) at the Irish LOFAR station

P. C. Murphy, P. Callanan, J. McCauley, et al.
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Circular polarization in radio pulsar PSR B1451−68: coherent mode transitions and intrabeam interference

J Dyks, P Weltevrede and C Ilie
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501 (2) 2156 (2021)

The Thousand-Pulsar-Array programme on MeerKAT – VI. Pulse widths of a large and diverse sample of radio pulsars

B Posselt, A Karastergiou, S Johnston, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508 (3) 4249 (2021)

LOFAR Detection of 110–188 MHz Emission and Frequency-dependent Activity from FRB 20180916B

Z. Pleunis, D. Michilli, C. G. Bassa, J. W. T. Hessels, A. Naidu, B. C. Andersen, P. Chawla, E. Fonseca, A. Gopinath, V. M. Kaspi, V. I. Kondratiev, D. Z. Li, M. Bhardwaj, P. J. Boyle, C. Brar, T. Cassanelli, Y. Gupta, A. Josephy, R. Karuppusamy, A. Keimpema, F. Kirsten, C. Leung, B. Marcote, K. W. Masui, R. Mckinven, et al.
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A polarization census of bright pulsars using the ultrawideband receiver on the Parkes radio telescope

C Sobey, S Johnston, S Dai, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504 (1) 228 (2021)

Polarization Pipeline for Fast Radio Bursts Detected by CHIME/FRB

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Wideband Monitoring Observations of PSR J1803–3002A in the Globular Cluster NGC 6522

Lei Zhang, Richard N. Manchester, Andrew D. Cameron, George Hobbs, Di Li, Shi Dai, Qijun Zhi, Zonghong Zhu, Jingbo Wang, Lawrence Toomey, Yi Feng, Shuangqiang Wang and Songbo Zhang
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 905 (1) L8 (2020)

Dispersion measure variability for 36 millisecond pulsars at 150 MHz with LOFAR

J. Y. Donner, J. P. W. Verbiest, C. Tiburzi, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 644 A153 (2020)

The LOFAR Tied-Array all-sky survey: Timing of 21 pulsars including the first binary pulsar discovered with LOFAR

C M Tan, C G Bassa, S Cooper, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492 (4) 5878 (2020)

Discovery of a pulsar wind nebula around B0950 + 08 with the ELWA

D Ruan, G B Taylor, J Dowell, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495 (2) 2125 (2020)

Pulsar polarimetry with the Parkes ultra-wideband receiver

Simon Johnston, Aris Karastergiou and Lucy Oswald
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496 (2) 1418 (2020)


O. M. Ulyanov, A. I. Shevtsova and S. M. Yerin
Radio physics and radio astronomy 25 (4) 253 (2020)

Detecting pulsar polarization below 100 MHz with the Long Wavelength Array

V Dike, G B Taylor, J Dowell and K Stovall
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496 (3) 3623 (2020)

Finding the Ionospheric Fluctuations Reflection in the Pulsar Signals’ Characteristics Observed with LOFAR

Leszek P. Błaszkiewicz, Paweł Flisek, Kacper Kotulak, Andrzej Krankowski, Wojciech Lewandowski, Jarosław Kijak and Adam Froń
Sensors 21 (1) 51 (2020)

Faraday rotation measures of Northern hemisphere pulsars using CHIME/Pulsar

K Vanderlinde, S P Tendulkar, I H Stairs, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496 (3) 2836 (2020)

On Frequency-dependent Dispersion Measures and Extreme Scattering Events

M. T. Lam, T. J. W. Lazio, T. Dolch, M. L. Jones, M. A. McLaughlin, D. R. Stinebring and M. Surnis
The Astrophysical Journal 892 (2) 89 (2020)

Artefacts of circumpolar cartography in radio pulsar polarization

J Dyks
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 495 (1) L118 (2020)

Testing the accuracy of the ionospheric Faraday rotation corrections through LOFAR observations of bright northern pulsars

N K Porayko, A Noutsos, C Tiburzi, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483 (3) 4100 (2019)

Radio pulsar polarization as a coherent sum of orthogonal proper mode waves

J Dyks
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488 (2) 2018 (2019)

On the usefulness of existing solar wind models for pulsar timing corrections

C Tiburzi, J P W Verbiest, G M Shaifullah, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487 (1) 394 (2019)

Evidence for magnetospheric effects on the radiation of radio pulsars

C D Ilie, S Johnston and P Weltevrede
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483 (2) 2778 (2019)

Low-frequency Faraday rotation measures towards pulsars using LOFAR: probing the 3D Galactic halo magnetic field

C Sobey, A V Bilous, J-M Grießmeier, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484 (3) 3646 (2019)

Understanding the radio beam of PSR J1136+1551 through its single pulses

Lucy Oswald, Aris Karastergiou and Simon Johnston
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489 (1) 310 (2019)

Long-term variability of a black widow’s eclipses – A decade of PSR J2051$-$0827

E J Polzin, R P Breton, B W Stappers, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490 (1) 889 (2019)

On the Geometry of Curvature Radiation and Implications for Subpulse Drifting

S. J. McSweeney, N. D. R. Bhat, S. E. Tremblay, A. A. Deshpande and G. Wright
The Astrophysical Journal 870 (1) 48 (2019)

Time and polarization radiation characteristics PSR J0242+6256 at decameter range

O.M. Ulyanov, A.I. Shevtsova, V.V. Zakharenko, et al.
Kinematika i fizika nebesnyh tel (Online) 34 (4) 14 (2018)

Low-frequency pulse profile variation in PSR B2217+47: evidence for echoes from the interstellar medium

D Michilli, J W T Hessels, J Y Donner, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476 (2) 2704 (2018)

The low-frequency radio eclipses of the black widow pulsar J1810+1744

E J Polzin, R P Breton, A O Clarke, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476 (2) 1968 (2018)

The SUrvey for Pulsars and Extragalactic Radio Bursts – III. Polarization properties of FRBs 160102 and 151230

M Caleb, E F Keane, W van Straten, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478 (2) 2046 (2018)

An all-sky survey of circular polarization at 200 MHz

Emil Lenc, Tara Murphy, C R Lynch, D L Kaplan and S N Zhang
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478 (2) 2835 (2018)

Observations of Low-frequency Radio Emission from Millisecond Pulsars and Multipath Propagation in the Interstellar Medium

N. D. R. Bhat, S. E. Tremblay, F. Kirsten, B. W. Meyers, M. Sokolowski, W. van Straten, S. J. McSweeney, S. M. Ord, R. M. Shannon, A. Beardsley, B. Crosse, D. Emrich, T. M. O. Franzen, L. Horsley, M. Johnston-Hollitt, D. L. Kaplan, D. Kenney, M. F. Morales, D. Pallot, K. Steele, S. J. Tingay, C. M. Trott, M. Walker, R. B. Wayth, A. Williams and C. Wu
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 238 (1) 1 (2018)

Time and Polarization Radiation Characteristics of PSR J0242+6256 at the Decameter Wavelength Range

O. M. Ulyanov, A. I. Shevtsova, V. V. Zakharenko, et al.
Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies 34 (4) 174 (2018)

Multifrequency behaviour of the anomalous events of PSR J0922+0638

G Shaifullah, C Tiburzi, S Osłowski, J P W Verbiest, A Szary, J Künsemöller, A Horneffer, J Anderson, M Kramer, D J Schwarz, G Mann, M Steinmetz and C Vocks
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 477 (1) L25 (2018)

PL612 LOFAR station sensitivity measurements in the context of its application for pulsar observations

L.P. Błaszkiewicz, W. Lewandowski, A. Krankowski, et al.
Advances in Space Research 62 (7) 1904 (2018)

Low Frequency Radio Astronomy and the LOFAR Observatory

George Heald
Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Low Frequency Radio Astronomy and the LOFAR Observatory 426 3 (2018)

Toward an Empirical Theory of Pulsar Emission. XII. Exploring the Physical Conditions in Millisecond Pulsar Emission Regions

Joanna M. Rankin, Anne Archibald, Jason Hessels, Joeri van Leeuwen, Dipanjan Mitra, Scott Ransom, Ingrid Stairs, Willem van Straten and Joel M. Weisberg
The Astrophysical Journal 845 (1) 23 (2017)

The Challenges of Low-Frequency Radio Polarimetry: Lessons from the Murchison Widefield Array

E. Lenc, C. S. Anderson, N. Barry, et al.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 34 (2017)

A Millisecond Pulsar Discovery in a Survey of Unidentified Fermi γ-Ray Sources with LOFAR

Z. Pleunis, C. G. Bassa, J. W. T. Hessels, V. I. Kondratiev, F. Camilo, I. Cognard, J.-M. Grießmeier, B. W. Stappers, A. S. van Amesfoort and S. Sanidas
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 846 (2) L19 (2017)

Highly polarized components of integrated pulse profiles

P. F. Wang and J. L. Han
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 462 (4) 4416 (2016)

Prospects for Scrutiny of Pulsars with Polish Part of LOFAR

Leszek Błaszkiewicz, Wojciech Lewandowski, Andrzej Krankowski, et al.
Acta Geophysica 64 (1) 293 (2016)

Detection of the fine structure of the pulsar J0953+0755 radio emission in the decametre wave range

O. M. Ulyanov, A. O. Skoryk, A. I. Shevtsova, M. S. Plakhov and O. O. Ulyanova
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 455 (1) 150 (2016)

A LOFAR census of non-recycled pulsars: average profiles, dispersion measures, flux densities, and spectra

A. V. Bilous, V. I. Kondratiev, M. Kramer, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 591 A134 (2016)


Dipanjan Mitra, Rahul Basu, Krzysztof Maciesiak, Anna Skrzypczak, George I. Melikidze, Andrzej Szary and Krzysztof Krzeszowski
The Astrophysical Journal 833 (1) 28 (2016)

LOFAR discovery of a quiet emission mode in PSR B0823+26

C. Sobey, N. J. Young, J. W. T. Hessels, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 451 (3) 2493 (2015)