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The energetic storm particle events of 3 November 2021
Federica Chiappetta, Monica Laurenza, Fabio Lepreti, Simone Benella, Giuseppe Consolini and Maria Federica Marcucci Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 10 (2023)
Probing particle acceleration at trans-relativistic shocks with off-axis gamma-ray burst afterglows
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Leptonic Nonthermal Emission from Supernova Remnants Evolving in the Circumstellar Magnetic Field
Interaction of a Relativistic Magnetized Collisionless Shock with a Dense Clump
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Kinetic Alfvén Waves’ Generation in Front of the Earth’s Main Shock Wave
Evidence for Proton Acceleration up to TeV Energies Based on VERITAS and Fermi-LAT Observations of the Cas A SNR
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Particle Acceleration in a Shock Wave Propagating to an Inhomogeneous Medium
Radio polarization maps of shell-type SNRs – II. Sedov models with evolution of turbulent magnetic field
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On Weibull's Spectrum of Nonrelativistic Energetic Particles at IP Shocks: Observations and Theoretical Interpretation