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Can Proton Beam Heating Flare Models Explain Sunquakes?
Viacheslav M. Sadykov, John T. Stefan, Alexander G. Kosovichev, Andrey M. Stejko, Adam F. Kowalski, Joel C. Allred and Graham S. Kerr The Astrophysical Journal 960(1) 80 (2024)
EMISSA (Exploring millimetre indicators of solar-stellar activity)
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A magnetic reconnection model for the hot explosion with both ultraviolet and Hα wing emissions
Constraining the Systematics of (Acoustic) Wave Heating Estimates in the Solar Chromosphere
Momchil E. Molnar, Kevin P. Reardon, Steven R. Cranmer, Adam F. Kowalski and Ivan Milić The Astrophysical Journal 945(2) 154 (2023)
Interrogating solar flare loop models with IRIS observations 2: Plasma properties, energy transport, and future directions
An optically thin view of the flaring chromosphere: non-thermal widths in a chromospheric condensation during an X-class solar flare
Graham S Kerr, Adam F Kowalski, Joel C Allred, Adrian N Daw and Melissa R Kane Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527(2) 2523 (2023)
Spectral Observations and Modeling of a Solar White-light Flare Observed by CHASE
De-Chao Song, Jun Tian, Y. Li, M. D. Ding, Yang Su, Sijie Yu, Jie Hong, Ye Qiu, Shihao Rao, Xiaofeng Liu, Qiao Li, Xingyao Chen, Chuan Li and Cheng Fang The Astrophysical Journal Letters 952(1) L6 (2023)
Multi-wavelength observations and modeling of a microflare: constraining non-thermal particle acceleration
Vanessa Polito, Marianne Peterson, Lindsay Glesener, Paola Testa, Sijie Yu, Katharine K. Reeves, Xudong Sun and Jessie Duncan Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 10 (2023)
Chromospheric Heating from Local Magnetic Growth and Ambipolar Diffusion under Nonequilibrium Conditions
Juan Martínez-Sykora, Jaime de la Cruz Rodríguez, Milan Gošić, Alberto Sainz Dalda, Viggo H. Hansteen and Bart De Pontieu The Astrophysical Journal Letters 943(2) L14 (2023)
Accelerated particle beams in a 3D simulation of the quiet Sun
Prospects of Detecting Nonthermal Protons in Solar Flares via Lyman Line Spectroscopy: Revisiting the Orrall–Zirker Effect
Graham S. Kerr, Joel C. Allred, Adam F. Kowalski, Ryan O. Milligan, Hugh S. Hudson, Natalia Zambrana Prado, Therese A. Kucera and Jeffrey W. Brosius The Astrophysical Journal 945(2) 118 (2023)
A Statistical Study of IRIS Observational Signatures of Nanoflares and Nonthermal Particles
On the importance of Ca ii photoionization by the hydrogen lyman transitions in solar flare models
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The Lightweaver Framework for Nonlocal Thermal Equilibrium Radiative Transfer in Python
Diagnostics of homologous solar-surge plasma as observed by IRIS and SDO
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Connecting Atmospheric Properties and Synthetic Emission of Shock Waves Using 3D RMHD Simulations of the Quiet Sun
Viacheslav M. Sadykov, Irina N. Kitiashvili, Alexander G. Kosovichev and Alan A. Wray The Astrophysical Journal 909(1) 35 (2021)
Multi-thermal atmosphere of a mini-solar flare during magnetic reconnection observed with IRIS
ALMA and IRIS Observations of the Solar Chromosphere. I. An On-disk Type II Spicule
Georgios Chintzoglou, Bart De Pontieu, Juan Martínez-Sykora, Viggo Hansteen, Jaime Cruz de la Rodríguez, Mikolaj Szydlarski, Shahin Jafarzadeh, Sven Wedemeyer, Timothy S. Bastian and Alberto Sainz Dalda The Astrophysical Journal 906(2) 82 (2021)
Revisiting the Spectral Features of Ellerman Bombs and UV Bursts. I. Radiative Hydrodynamic Simulations
Response of SDO/HMI Observables to Heating of the Solar Atmosphere by Precipitating High-energy Electrons
Viacheslav M. Sadykov, Alexander G. Kosovichev, Irina N. Kitiashvili and Graham S. Kerr The Astrophysical Journal 893(1) 24 (2020)
Non-LTE Calculations of the Mg i 12.32 μm Line in a Flaring Atmosphere
Henrik Eklund, Sven Wedemeyer, Mikolaj Szydlarski, Shahin Jafarzadeh and Juan Camilo Guevara Gómez Astronomy & Astrophysics 644 A152 (2020)
Stratification of canopy magnetic fields in a plage region
Umbral chromospheric fine structure and umbral flashes modelled as one: The corrugated umbra
Vasco M. J. Henriques, Chris J. Nelson, Luc H. M. Rouppe van der Voort and Mihalis Mathioudakis Astronomy & Astrophysics 642 A215 (2020)
Comparing Radiative Transfer Codes and Opacity Samplings for Solar Irradiance Reconstructions
Observation and Modeling of High-temperature Solar Active Region Emission during the High-resolution Coronal Imager Flight of 2018 May 29
Harry P. Warren, Jeffrey W. Reep, Nicholas A. Crump, Ignacio Ugarte-Urra, David H. Brooks, Amy R. Winebarger, Sabrina Savage, Bart De Pontieu, Hardi Peter, Jonathan W. Cirtain, Leon Golub, Ken Kobayashi, David McKenzie, Richard Morton, Laurel Rachmeler, Paola Testa, Sanjiv Tiwari and Robert Walsh The Astrophysical Journal 896(1) 51 (2020)
Non-Equilibrium Spectrum Formation Affecting Solar Irradiance
Statistical Study of Chromospheric Evaporation in Impulsive Phase of Solar Flares
Viacheslav M Sadykov, Alexander G Kosovichev, Ivan N Sharykin and Graham S Kerr The Astrophysical Journal 871(1) 2 (2019)
Modeling Mg ii h, k and Triplet Lines at Solar Flare Ribbons
Yingjie Zhu, Adam F. Kowalski, Hui Tian, Han Uitenbroek, Mats Carlsson and Joel C. Allred The Astrophysical Journal 879(1) 19 (2019)
Characterization and formation of on-disk spicules in the Ca II K and Mg II k spectral lines
Bridging the Gap: Capturing the Lyα Counterpart of a Type-II Spicule and Its Heating Evolution with VAULT2.0 and IRIS Observations
Georgios Chintzoglou, Bart De Pontieu, Juan Martínez-Sykora, Tiago M. D. Pereira, Angelos Vourlidas and Samuel Tun Beltran The Astrophysical Journal 857(1) 73 (2018)
Investigating the Response of Loop Plasma to Nanoflare Heating Using RADYN Simulations
V. Polito, P. Testa, J. Allred, B. De Pontieu, M. Carlsson, T. M. D. Pereira, Milan Gošić and Fabio Reale The Astrophysical Journal 856(2) 178 (2018)
Transverse Wave Induced Kelvin–Helmholtz Rolls in Spicules
On the generation of solar spicules and Alfvénic waves
J. Martínez-Sykora, B. De Pontieu, V. H. Hansteen, L. Rouppe van der Voort, M. Carlsson and T. M. D. Pereira Science 356(6344) 1269 (2017)
Spatiotemporal Evolution of Hanle and Zeeman Synthetic Polarization in a Chromospheric Spectral Line
Bombs and Flares at the Surface and Lower Atmosphere of the Sun
V. H. Hansteen, V. Archontis, T. M. D. Pereira, M. Carlsson, L. Rouppe van der Voort and J. Leenaarts The Astrophysical Journal 839(1) 22 (2017)
A Parameter Study for Modeling Mg ii h and k Emission during Solar Flares
Intermittent Reconnection and Plasmoids in UV Bursts in the Low Solar Atmosphere
L. Rouppe van der Voort, B. De Pontieu, G. B. Scharmer, J. de la Cruz Rodríguez, J. Martínez-Sykora, D. Nóbrega-Siverio, L. J. Guo, S. Jafarzadeh, T. M. D. Pereira, V. H. Hansteen, M. Carlsson and G. Vissers The Astrophysical Journal Letters 851(1) L6 (2017)
An Assessment of and Solution to the Intensity Diffusion Error Intrinsic to Short-characteristic Radiative Transfer Methods
Investigation of Relationship between High-energy X-Ray Sources and Photospheric and Helioseismic Impacts of X1.8 Solar Flare of 2012 October 23
I. N. Sharykin, A. G. Kosovichev, V. M. Sadykov, I. V. Zimovets and I. I. Myshyakov The Astrophysical Journal 843(1) 67 (2017)
Partial redistribution in 3D non-LTE radiative transfer in solar-atmosphere models
Non-LTE oxygen line formation in 3D hydrodynamic model stellar atmospheres
A. M. Amarsi, M. Asplund, R. Collet and J. Leenaarts Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 455(4) 3735 (2016)