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Analysis of quiet-sun turbulence on the basis of SDO/HMI and goode solar telescope data
Valentina I Abramenko and Vasyl B Yurchyshyn Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497(4) 5405 (2020)
Testing the Steady-State Fluctuation Relation in the Solar Photospheric Convection
Giorgio Viavattene, Giuseppe Consolini, Luca Giovannelli, Francesco Berrilli, Dario Del Moro, Fabio Giannattasio, Valentina Penza and Daniele Calchetti Entropy 22(7) 716 (2020)
The Tor Vergata Synoptic Solar Telescope (TSST): A robotic, compact facility for solar full disk imaging
Luca Giovannelli, Francesco Berrilli, Daniele Calchetti, et al. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 10 58 (2020)
Magnetic Energy Balance in the Quiet Sun on Supergranular Spatial and Temporal Scales
Fabio Giannattasio, Giuseppe Consolini, Francesco Berrilli and Dario Del Moro The Astrophysical Journal 904(1) 7 (2020)
Supergranular turbulence in the quiet Sun: Lagrangian coherent structures
Iker S Requerey, Rodrigo A Miranda, Kanya Kusano, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488(3) 3076 (2019)
Turbulent Diffusion Derived from the Motions of SDO/AIA Coronal Bright Points
Transport of Internetwork Magnetic Flux Elements in the Solar Photosphere
Piyush Agrawal, Mark P. Rast, Milan Gos̆ić, Luis R. Bellot Rubio and Matthias Rempel The Astrophysical Journal 854(2) 118 (2018)
Dispersion of the solar magnetic flux in the undisturbed photosphere as derived from SDO/HMI data
Polarized Kink Waves in Magnetic Elements: Evidence for Chromospheric Helical Waves
M. Stangalini, F. Giannattasio, R. Erdélyi, S. Jafarzadeh, G. Consolini, S. Criscuoli, I. Ermolli, S. L. Guglielmino and F. Zuccarello The Astrophysical Journal 840(1) 19 (2017)
Dynamics of internetwork chromospheric fibrils: Basic properties and magnetohydrodynamic kink waves
The role of partial ionization effects in the chromosphere
Juan Martínez-Sykora, Bart De Pontieu, Viggo Hansteen and Mats Carlsson Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 373(2042) 20140268 (2015)
Turbulent convective flows in the solar photospheric plasma