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LOFAR Deep Fields: Probing the sub-mJy regime of polarized extragalactic sources in ELAIS-N1

S. Piras, C. Horellou, J. E. Conway, M. Thomasson, S. del Palacio, T. W. Shimwell, S. P. O’Sullivan, E. Carretti, I. Šnidarić, V. Jelić, B. Adebahr, A. Berger, P. N. Best, M. Brüggen, N. Herrera Ruiz, R. Paladino, I. Prandoni, J. Sabater and V. Vacca
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A low-frequency study of linear polarization in radio galaxies

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Low-radio frequency observations of seven nearby galaxies with GMRT

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LOFAR Deep Fields: probing a broader population of polarized radio galaxies in ELAIS-N1

N. Herrera Ruiz, S. P. O’Sullivan, V. Vacca, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 648 A12 (2021)

Unravelling the origin of magnetic fields in galaxies

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504 (2) 2517 (2021)

The POlarised GLEAM Survey (POGS) II: Results from an all-sky rotation measure synthesis survey at long wavelengths

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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 37 (2020)

How primordial magnetic fields shrink galaxies

Carlos Gómez-Guijarro, Julien Devriendt, Adrianne Slyz and Sergio Martin-Alvarez
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495 (4) 4475 (2020)

Magnetism Science with the Square Kilometre Array

George Heald, Sui Mao, Valentina Vacca, Takuya Akahori, Ancor Damas-Segovia, B. Gaensler, Matthias Hoeft, Ivan Agudo, Aritra Basu, Rainer Beck, Mark Birkinshaw, Annalisa Bonafede, Tyler Bourke, Andrea Bracco, Ettore Carretti, Luigina Feretti, J. Girart, Federica Govoni, James Green, JinLin Han, Marijke Haverkorn, Cathy Horellou, Melanie Johnston-Hollitt, Roland Kothes, Tom Landecker, et al.
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Calibrating the relation of low-frequency radio continuum to star formation rate at 1 kpc scale with LOFAR

V. Heesen, E. Buie II, C. J. Huff, et al.
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S-PASS/ATCA: a window on the magnetic universe in the Southern hemisphere

D H F M Schnitzeler, E Carretti, M H Wieringa, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485 (1) 1293 (2019)

Exploring the properties of low-frequency radio emission and magnetic fields in a sample of compact galaxy groups using the LOFAR Two-Metre Sky Survey (LoTSS)

B. Nikiel-Wroczyński, A. Berger, N. Herrera Ruiz, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 622 A23 (2019)

Probing the cold magnetised Universe with SPICA-POL (B-BOP)

Ph. André, A. Hughes, V. Guillet, et al.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 36 (2019)

Radio broad-band visualization of global three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical simulations of spiral galaxies – II. Faraday depolarization from 100 MHz to 10 GHz

M Machida, T Akahori, K E Nakamura, H Nakanishi and M Haverkorn
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482 (3) 3394 (2019)

Magnetogenesis at Cosmic Dawn: tracing the origins of cosmic magnetic fields

Harley Katz, Sergio Martin-Alvarez, Julien Devriendt, Adrianne Slyz and Taysun Kimm
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484 (2) 2620 (2019)

Jets, arcs, and shocks: NGC 5195 at radio wavelengths

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476 (3) 2876 (2018)

Investigation of the cosmic ray population and magnetic field strength in the halo of NGC 891

D. D. Mulcahy, A. Horneffer, R. Beck, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 615 A98 (2018)

Low Frequency Radio Astronomy and the LOFAR Observatory

George Heald
Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Low Frequency Radio Astronomy and the LOFAR Observatory 426 3 (2018)

Polarized point sources in the LOFAR Two-meter Sky Survey: A preliminary catalog

C. L. Van Eck, M. Haverkorn, M. I. R. Alves, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 613 A58 (2018)

Low Frequency Radio Observations of Galaxy Clusters and Groups

Thérèse Cantwell
Springer Theses, Low Frequency Radio Observations of Galaxy Clusters and Groups 1 (2018)

Source finding in linear polarization for LOFAR, and SKA predecessor surveys, using Faraday moments

J S Farnes, G Heald, H Junklewitz, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474 (3) 3280 (2018)

Reliable detection and characterization of low-frequency polarized sources in the LOFAR M51 field

A. Neld, C. Horellou, D. D. Mulcahy, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 617 A136 (2018)

Galactic synchrotron distribution derived from 152 H ii region absorption features in the full GLEAM survey

H Su, J P Macquart, N Hurley-Walker, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479 (3) 4041 (2018)

Low Frequency Radio Astronomy and the LOFAR Observatory

Michiel A. Brentjens and Jan David Mol
Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Low Frequency Radio Astronomy and the LOFAR Observatory 426 19 (2018)

A three-phase amplification of the cosmic magnetic field in galaxies

Sergio Martin-Alvarez, Julien Devriendt, Adrianne Slyz and Romain Teyssier
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479 (3) 3343 (2018)

Radio haloes in nearby galaxies modelled with 1D cosmic ray transport using spinnaker

V Heesen, M Krause, R Beck, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476 (1) 158 (2018)

Low Frequency Radio Astronomy and the LOFAR Observatory

Michiel A. Brentjens
Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Low Frequency Radio Astronomy and the LOFAR Observatory 426 159 (2018)

Faraday rotation at low frequencies: magnetoionic material of the large FRII radio galaxy PKS J0636−2036

S P O'Sullivan, E Lenc, C S Anderson, B M Gaensler and T Murphy
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475 (3) 4263 (2018)

CHANG-ES X: Spatially Resolved Separation of Thermal Contribution from Radio Continuum Emission in Edge-on Galaxies

Carlos J. Vargas, Silvia Carolina Mora-Partiarroyo, Philip Schmidt, Richard J. Rand, Yelena Stein, René A. M. Walterbos, Q. Daniel Wang, Aritra Basu, Maria Patterson, Amanda Kepley, Rainer Beck, Judith Irwin, George Heald, Jiangtao Li and Theresa Wiegert
The Astrophysical Journal 853 (2) 128 (2018)

Constraining Polarized Foregrounds for EoR Experiments. II. Polarization Leakage Simulations in the Avoidance Scheme

C. D. Nunhokee, G. Bernardi, S. A. Kohn, J. E. Aguirre, N. Thyagarajan, J. S. Dillon, G. Foster, T. L. Grobler, J. Z. E. Martinot and A. R. Parsons
The Astrophysical Journal 848 (1) 47 (2017)

The Challenges of Low-Frequency Radio Polarimetry: Lessons from the Murchison Widefield Array

E. Lenc, C. S. Anderson, N. Barry, et al.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 34 (2017)

Limits on Polarized Leakage for the PAPER Epoch of Reionization Measurements at 126 and 164 MHz

David F. Moore, James E. Aguirre, Saul A. Kohn, Aaron R. Parsons, Zaki S. Ali, Richard F. Bradley, Chris L. Carilli, David R. DeBoer, Matthew R. Dexter, Nicole E. Gugliucci, Daniel C. Jacobs, Pat Klima, Adrian Liu, David H. E. MacMahon, Jason R. Manley, Jonathan C. Pober, Irina I. Stefan and William P. Walbrugh
The Astrophysical Journal 836 (2) 154 (2017)

The Radio Spectral Energy Distribution and Star-formation Rate Calibration in Galaxies

F. S. Tabatabaei, E. Schinnerer, M. Krause, G. Dumas, S. Meidt, A. Damas-Segovia, R. Beck, E. J. Murphy, D. D. Mulcahy, B. Groves, A. Bolatto, D. Dale, M. Galametz, K. Sandstrom, M. Boquien, D. Calzetti, R. C. Kennicutt, L. K. Hunt, I. De Looze and E. W. Pellegrini
The Astrophysical Journal 836 (2) 185 (2017)


E. Lenc, B. M. Gaensler, X. H. Sun, E. M. Sadler, A. G. Willis, N. Barry, A. P. Beardsley, M. E. Bell, G. Bernardi, J. D. Bowman, F. Briggs, J. R. Callingham, R. J. Cappallo, P. Carroll, B. E. Corey, A. de Oliveira-Costa, A. A. Deshpande, J. S. Dillon, K. S. Dwarkanath, D. Emrich, A. Ewall-Wice, L. Feng, B.-Q. For, R. Goeke, L. J. Greenhill, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal 830 (1) 38 (2016)


Krzysztof T. Chyży, Robert T. Drzazga, Rainer Beck, Marek Urbanik, Volker Heesen and Dominik J. Bomans
The Astrophysical Journal 819 (1) 39 (2016)

Using rotation measure grids to detect cosmological magnetic fields: A Bayesian approach

V. Vacca, N. Oppermann, T. Enßlin, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 591 A13 (2016)

Advective and diffusive cosmic ray transport in galactic haloes

Volker Heesen, Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar, Marita Krause, Rainer Beck and Yelena Stein
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 458 (1) 332 (2016)

Wide-field LOFAR imaging of the field around the double-double radio galaxy B1834+620

E. Orrù, S. van Velzen, R. F. Pizzo, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 584 A112 (2015)

Synchrotron spectral index and interstellar medium densities of star-forming galaxies

Aritra Basu, Rainer Beck, Philip Schmidt and Subhashis Roy
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 449 (4) 3879 (2015)


S. A. Mao, E. Zweibel, A. Fletcher, J. Ott and F. Tabatabaei
The Astrophysical Journal 800 (2) 92 (2015)