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Cepheid Metallicity in the Leavitt Law (C- MetaLL) survey

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Metallicities of Classical Cepheids in the Inner Galactic Disk

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Gaia Data Release 3

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Gaia Data Release 3

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Unveiling the time evolution of chemical abundances across the Milky Way disc with APOGEE

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2D chemical evolution models

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Spectroscopic age estimates for APOGEE red-giant stars: Precise spatial and kinematic trends with age in the Galactic disc

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Effective temperatures of classical Cepheids from line-depth ratios in the H-band

V Kovtyukh, B Lemasle, N Nardetto, G Bono, R da Silva, N Matsunaga, A Yushchenko, K Fukue and E K Grebel
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Oxygen, sulfur, and iron radial abundance gradients of classical Cepheids across the Galactic thin disk

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The Non-Axisymmetric Influence: Radius- and Angle-Dependent Trends in a Barred Galaxy

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A 0.9% calibration of the Galactic Cepheid luminosity scale based on Gaia DR3 data of open clusters and Cepheids

Mauricio Cruz Reyes and Richard I. Anderson
Astronomy & Astrophysics 672 A85 (2023)

A Tale of Two Disks: Mapping the Milky Way with the Final Data Release of APOGEE

Julie Imig, Cathryn Price, Jon A. Holtzman, Alexander Stone-Martinez, Steven R. Majewski, David H. Weinberg, Jennifer A. Johnson, Carlos Allende Prieto, Rachael L. Beaton, Timothy C. Beers, Dmitry Bizyaev, Michael R. Blanton, Joel R. Brownstein, Katia Cunha, José G. Fernández-Trincado, Diane K. Feuillet, Sten Hasselquist, Christian R. Hayes, Henrik Jönsson, Richard R. Lane, Jianhui Lian, Szabolcs Mészáros, David L. Nidever, Annie C. Robin, Matthew Shetrone, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal 954 (2) 124 (2023)

Metallicity estimations of MW, SMC, and LMC classical Cepheids from the shape of the V- and I-band light curves

V. Hocdé, R. Smolec, P. Moskalik, O. Ziółkowska and R. Singh Rathour
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Predicting the Yield of Small Transiting Exoplanets around Mid-M and Ultracool Dwarfs in the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey

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Quantifying radial migration in the Milky Way: inefficient over short time-scales but essential to the very outer disc beyond ∼15 kpc

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Mapping the Galactic Metallicity Gradient with Open Clusters: The State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges

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Universe 8 (2) 87 (2022)

3D elemental abundances of stars at formation across the histories of Milky Way-mass galaxies in the FIRE simulations

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From Galactic chemical evolution to cosmic supernova rates synchronized with core-collapse supernovae limited to the narrow progenitor mass range

T Tsujimoto
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 518 (3) 3475 (2022)

Characterizing epochs of star formation across the Milky Way disc using age–metallicity distributions of GALAH stars

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An Improved Calibration of the Wavelength Dependence of Metallicity on the Cepheid Leavitt Law

Louise Breuval, Adam G. Riess, Pierre Kervella, Richard I. Anderson and Martino Romaniello
The Astrophysical Journal 939 (2) 89 (2022)

About Metallicity Variations in the Local Galactic Interstellar Medium

C. Esteban, J. E. Méndez-Delgado, J. García-Rojas and K. Z. Arellano-Córdova
The Astrophysical Journal 931 (2) 92 (2022)

A Spectroscopic Study of Blue Supergiant Stars in Local Group Spiral Galaxies: Andromeda and Triangulum

Cheng Liu, Rolf-Peter Kudritzki, Gang Zhao, Miguel A. Urbaneja, Yang Huang, Huawei Zhang and Jingkun Zhao
The Astrophysical Journal 932 (1) 29 (2022)

Cepheid Metallicity in the Leavitt Law (C- MetaLL) survey – II. High-resolution spectroscopy of the most metal poor Galactic Cepheids

E Trentin, V Ripepi, G Catanzaro, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 519 (2) 2331 (2022)

Deep Narrowband Photometry of the M101 Group: Strong-line Abundances of 720 H ii Regions

Ray Garner, J. Christopher Mihos, Paul Harding, Aaron E. Watkins and Stacy S. McGaugh
The Astrophysical Journal 941 (2) 182 (2022)

The Galactic metallicity gradient shown by open clusters in the light of radial migration

Martin Netopil, İnci Akkaya Oralhan, Hikmet Çakmak, Raúl Michel and Yüksel Karataş
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509 (1) 421 (2021)

The AMBRE Project: Solar neighbourhood chemodynamical constraints on Galactic disc evolution

P. Santos-Peral, A. Recio-Blanco, G. Kordopatis, E. Fernández-Alvar and P. de Laverny
Astronomy & Astrophysics 653 A85 (2021)

The GALAH survey: tracing the Galactic disc with open clusters

L Spina, Y-S Ting, G M De Silva, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503 (3) 3279 (2021)

Radial Migration from the Metallicity Gradient of Open Clusters and Outliers

Haopeng Zhang, Yuqin Chen and Gang Zhao
The Astrophysical Journal 919 (1) 52 (2021)

Final Targeting Strategy for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment 2 North Survey

Rachael L. Beaton, Ryan J. Oelkers, Christian R. Hayes, Kevin R. Covey, S. D. Chojnowski, Nathan De Lee, Jennifer S. Sobeck, Steven R. Majewski, Roger E. Cohen, José Fernández-Trincado, Penélope Longa-Peña, Julia E. O’Connell, Felipe A. Santana, Guy S. Stringfellow, Gail Zasowski, Conny Aerts, Borja Anguiano, Chad Bender, Caleb I. Cañas, Katia Cunha, John Donor, Scott W. Fleming, Peter M. Frinchaboy, Diane Feuillet, Paul Harding, et al.
The Astronomical Journal 162 (6) 302 (2021)

Classification of Variable Stars Light Curves Using Long Short Term Memory Network

Saksham Bassi, Kaushal Sharma and Atharva Gomekar
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 8 (2021)

3D gas-phase elemental abundances across the formation histories of Milky Way-mass galaxies in the FIRE simulations: initial conditions for chemical tagging

Matthew A Bellardini, Andrew Wetzel, Sarah R Loebman, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505 (3) 4586 (2021)

Line-depth ratios as indicators of effective temperature and surface gravity

Noriyuki Matsunaga, Mingjie Jian, Daisuke Taniguchi and Scarlet S Elgueta
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506 (1) 1031 (2021)

The Influence of Metallicity on the Leavitt Law from Geometrical Distances of Milky Way and Magellanic Cloud Cepheids

Louise Breuval, Pierre Kervella, Piotr Wielgórski, Wolfgang Gieren, Dariusz Graczyk, Boris Trahin, Grzegorz Pietrzyński, Frédéric Arenou, Behnam Javanmardi and Bartłomiej Zgirski
The Astrophysical Journal 913 (1) 38 (2021)

Photodissociation region diagnostics across galactic environments

Thomas G Bisbas, Jonathan C Tan and Kei E I Tanaka
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502 (2) 2701 (2021)

The MAGIC project – III. Radial and azimuthal Galactic abundance gradients using classical Cepheids

V Kovtyukh, B Lemasle, G Bono, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510 (2) 1894 (2021)

Eclipsing Binary Populations across the Northern Galactic Plane from the KISOGP Survey

Fangzhou Ren, Richard de Grijs, Huawei Zhang, Licai Deng, Xiaodian Chen, Noriyuki Matsunaga, Chao Liu, Weijia Sun, Hiroyuki Maehara, Nobuharu Ukita and Naoto Kobayashi
The Astronomical Journal 161 (4) 176 (2021)

Cepheid metallicity in the Leavitt law (C-metall) survey – I. HARPS-N@TNG spectroscopy of 47 classical Cepheids and 1 BL Her variables

V Ripepi, G Catanzaro, R Molinaro, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508 (3) 4047 (2021)

The Milky Way Cepheid Leavitt law based on Gaia DR2 parallaxes of companion stars and host open cluster populations

Louise Breuval, Pierre Kervella, Richard I. Anderson, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 643 A115 (2020)

Remarkable Migration of the Solar System from the Innermost Galactic Disk; a Wander, a Wobble, and a Climate Catastrophe on the Earth

Takuji Tsujimoto and Junichi Baba
The Astrophysical Journal 904 (2) 137 (2020)

Three open clusters containing Cepheids: NGC 6649, NGC 6664, and Berkeley 55

J. Alonso-Santiago, I. Negueruela, A. Marco, H. M. Tabernero and N. Castro
Astronomy & Astrophysics 644 A136 (2020)

Identification of Absorption Lines of Heavy Metals in the Wavelength Range 0.97–1.32 μm

Noriyuki Matsunaga, Daisuke Taniguchi, Mingjie Jian, Yuji Ikeda, Kei Fukue, Sohei Kondo, Satoshi Hamano, Hideyo Kawakita, Naoto Kobayashi, Shogo Otsubo, Hiroaki Sameshima, Keiichi Takenaka, Takuji Tsujimoto, Ayaka Watase, Chikako Yasui and Tomohiro Yoshikawa
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 246 (1) 10 (2020)

Milky Way analogues in MaNGA: multiparameter homogeneity and comparison to the Milky Way

N Boardman, G Zasowski, A Seth, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491 (3) 3672 (2020)

The Mass–Size Relation and the Constancy of GMC Surface Densities in the Milky Way

Charles J. Lada and T. M. Dame
The Astrophysical Journal 898 (1) 3 (2020)

Atmospheric parameters of Cepheids from flux ratios with ATHOS

Bertrand Lemasle, Michael Hanke, Jesper Storm, Giuseppe Bono and Eva K. Grebel
Astronomy & Astrophysics 641 A71 (2020)

A three-dimensional map of the Milky Way using classical Cepheid variable stars

Dorota M. Skowron, Jan Skowron, Przemek Mróz, Andrzej Udalski, Paweł Pietrukowicz, Igor Soszyński, Michał K. Szymański, Radosław Poleski, Szymon Kozłowski, Krzysztof Ulaczyk, Krzysztof Rybicki and Patryk Iwanek
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On the radial iron distribution in the Galactic disc

Yu N Mishurov and R V Tkachenko
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Chemical analysis of K giants in the young open cluster NGC 2345

N Holanda, C B Pereira and N A Drake
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2D chemical evolution model: The impact of Galactic disc asymmetries on azimuthal chemical abundance variations

E. Spitoni, G. Cescutti, I. Minchev, et al.
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A comprehensive study of NGC 2345, a young open cluster with a low metallicity

J. Alonso-Santiago, I. Negueruela, A. Marco, et al.
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OCCASO – III. Iron peak and α elements of 18 open clusters. Comparison with chemical evolution models and field stars

L Casamiquela, S Blanco-Cuaresma, R Carrera, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490 (2) 1821 (2019)

Spatial variations in the Milky Way disc metallicity–age relation

Diane K Feuillet, Neige Frankel, Karin Lind, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489 (2) 1742 (2019)

Galactic rotation from Cepheids with Gaia DR2 and effects of non-axisymmetry

Daisuke Kawata, Jo Bovy, Noriyuki Matsunaga and Junichi Baba
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482 (1) 40 (2019)

First metallicity determination from near-infrared spectra for five obscured Cepheids discovered in the inner disc

L Inno, M A Urbaneja, N Matsunaga, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482 (1) 83 (2019)

Chemical evolution of disc galaxies from cosmological simulations

Milena Valentini, Stefano Borgani, Alessandro Bressan, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485 (1) 1384 (2019)

APOGEE [C/N] Abundances across the Galaxy: Migration and Infall from Red Giant Ages

Sten Hasselquist, Jon A. Holtzman, Matthew Shetrone, Jamie Tayar, David H. Weinberg, Diane Feuillet, Katia Cunha, Marc H. Pinsonneault, Jennifer A. Johnson, Jonathan Bird, Timothy C. Beers, Ricardo Schiavon, Ivan Minchev, J. G. Fernández-Trincado, D. A. García-Hernández, Christian Nitschelm and Olga Zamora
The Astrophysical Journal 871 (2) 181 (2019)

Into the Darkness: Classical and Type II Cepheids in the Zona Galactica Incognita

István Dékány, Gergely Hajdu, Eva K. Grebel and Márcio Catelan
The Astrophysical Journal 883 (1) 58 (2019)

In the Galactic Disk, Stellar [Fe/H] and Age Predict Orbits and Precise [X/Fe]

M. K. Ness, K. V. Johnston, K. Blancato, H-W. Rix, A. Beane, J. C Bird and K. Hawkins
The Astrophysical Journal 883 (2) 177 (2019)

Fluorine Abundances in the Galactic Disk

Rafael Guerço, Katia Cunha, Verne V. Smith, Christian R. Hayes, Carlos Abia, David L. Lambert, Henrik Jönsson and Nils Ryde
The Astrophysical Journal 885 (2) 139 (2019)

Local Metallicity Distribution Function Derived from Galactic Large-scale Radial Iron Pattern Modeling

Yu. N. Mishurov and R. V. Tkachenko
The Astrophysical Journal 887 (2) 238 (2019)