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Cooling of neutron stars in soft X-ray transients with realistic crust composition

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Crust-cooling Models Are Insensitive to the Crust–Core Transition Pressure for Realistic Equations of State

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Continued cooling of the accretion-heated neutron star crust in the X-ray transient IGR J17480–2446 located in the globular cluster Terzan 5

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Crust cooling of the neutron star in Aql X-1: different depth and magnitude of shallow heating during similar accretion outbursts

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Consistent accretion-induced heating of the neutron-star crust in MXB 1659−29 during two different outbursts

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Burning in the Tail: Implications for a Burst Oscillation Model

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Influence of Nuclear Reaction Rate Uncertainties on Neutron Star Properties Extracted from X-Ray Burst Model–Observation Comparisons

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Nuclear Reactions in the Crusts of Accreting Neutron Stars

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A cooling neutron star crust after recurrent outbursts: modelling the accretion outburst history of Aql X-1

Laura S Ootes, Rudy Wijnands, Dany Page and Nathalie Degenaar
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Nuclear physics of the outer layers of accreting neutron stars

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Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 45 (9) 093001 (2018)

Consistent Modeling of GS 1826-24 X-Ray Bursts for Multiple Accretion Rates Demonstrates the Possibility of Constraining rp-process Reaction Rates

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The Astrophysical Journal 860 (2) 147 (2018)

A cold neutron star in the transient low-mass X-ray binary HETE J1900.1–2455 after 10 yr of active accretion

N. Degenaar, L.S. Ootes, M.T. Reynolds, R. Wijnands and D. Page
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 465 (1) L10 (2017)

Thermonuclear Bursts with Short Recurrence Times from Neutron Stars Explained by Opacity-driven Convection

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Neutron star crust cooling in KS 1731−260: the influence of accretion outburst variability on the crustal temperature evolution

Laura S. Ootes, Dany Page, Rudy Wijnands and Nathalie Degenaar
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Rachael L. Merritt, Edward M. Cackett, Edward F. Brown, Dany Page, Andrew Cumming, Nathalie Degenaar, Alex Deibel, Jeroen Homan, Jon M. Miller and Rudy Wijnands
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Constraining the properties of neutron star crusts with the transient low-mass X-ray binary Aql X-1

A. C. Waterhouse, N. Degenaar, R. Wijnands, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 456 (4) 4001 (2016)

The Strongest Magnetic Fields in the Universe

Alexander Y. Potekhin, José A. Pons and Dany Page
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Time-of-flight mass measurements of neutron-rich chromium isotopes up toN=40and implications for the accreted neutron star crust

Z. Meisel, S. George, S. Ahn, et al.
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Alex Deibel, Andrew Cumming, Edward F. Brown and Dany Page
The Astrophysical Journal 809 (2) L31 (2015)

Mass Measurement ofSc56Reveals a SmallA=56Odd-Even Mass Staggering, Implying a Cooler Accreted Neutron Star Crust

Z. Meisel, S. George, S. Ahn, et al.
Physical Review Letters 115 (16) (2015)