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Chemical Evolution of R-process Elements in Stars (CERES)

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Chemical Evolution of R-process Elements in Stars (CERES)

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The Pristine survey – XXI. Exploring the metal-poor boundary with ESPaDoNS

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The Pristine survey – XVII. The C-19 stream is dynamically hot and more extended than previously thought

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Detailed investigation of two high‐speed evolved Galactic stars

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G. Cescutti, P. Bonifacio, E. Caffau, L. Monaco, M. Franchini, L. Lombardo, A. M. Matas Pinto, F. Lucertini, P. François, E. Spitoni, R. Lallement, L. Sbordone, A. Mucciarelli, M. Spite, C. J. Hansen, P. Di Marcantonio, A. Kučinskas, V. Dobrovolskas, A. J. Korn, M. Valentini, L. Magrini, S. Cristallo and F. Matteucci
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Chemical composition of a palomar 12 blue straggler

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The Complexity of the Cetus Stream Unveiled from the Fusion of STREAMFINDER and StarGO

Zhen Yuan, Khyati Malhan, Federico Sestito, Rodrigo A. Ibata, Nicolas F. Martin, Jiang Chang, Ting S. Li, Elisabetta Caffau, Piercarlo Bonifacio, Michele Bellazzini, Yang Huang, Karina Voggel, Nicolas Longeard, Anke Arentsen, Amandine Doliva-Dolinsky, Julio Navarro, Benoit Famaey, Else Starkenburg and David S. Aguado
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STEPARSYN: A Bayesian code to infer stellar atmospheric parameters using spectral synthesis

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The Pristine survey – XIX. Cu and Zn abundances in metal-poor giants

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The Pristine survey XI: the FORS2 sample

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The CEMP star SDSS J0222–0313: the first evidence of proton ingestion in very low-metallicity AGB stars?

E. Caffau, L. Monaco, P. Bonifacio, et al.
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The Pristine survey – V. A bright star sample observed with SOPHIE

P Bonifacio, E Caffau, F Sestito, et al.
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Systematic investigation of chemical abundances derived using IR spectra obtained with GIANO

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Probing the existence of very massive first stars

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Galactic evolution of copper in the light of NLTE computations

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Investigation of a sample of carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars observed with FORS and GMOS

E. Caffau, A. J. Gallagher, P. Bonifacio, et al.
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The Pristine survey IV: approaching the Galactic metallicity floor with the discovery of an ultra-metal-poor star

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A chemical study of M67 candidate blue stragglers and evolved blue stragglers observed with APOGEE DR14

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Asteroseismology and Exoplanets: Listening to the Stars and Searching for New Worlds

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The Pristine survey II: A sample of bright stars observed with FEROS

E. Caffau, P. Bonifacio, E. Starkenburg, N. Martin, K. Youakim, A. A. Henden, J. I. González Hernández, D. S. Aguado, C. Allende Prieto, K. Venn and P. Jablonka
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Chemical composition of a sample of bright solar‐metallicity stars

E. Caffau, A. Mott, M. Steffen, P. Bonifacio, K. G. Strassmeier, A. Gallagher, R. Faraggiana and L. Sbordone
Astronomische Nachrichten 336 (10) 968 (2015)

Chemical abundances of giant stars in NGC 5053 and NGC 5634, two globular clusters associated with the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy?

L. Sbordone, L. Monaco, C. Moni Bidin, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 579 A104 (2015)

TheGaia-ESO Survey: The analysis of high-resolution UVES spectra of FGK-type stars

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Abundance sensitive points of line profiles in the stellar spectra

V. A. Sheminova and C. R. Cowley
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 443 (3) 1967 (2014)