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Field blue straggler stars: discovery of white dwarf companions to blue metal-poor stars using UVIT/AstroSat
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Unveiling the white dwarf in J191213.72 − 441045.1 through ultraviolet observations
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GlobULeS. IV. UVIT/AstroSat Detection of Extremely Low Mass White Dwarf Companions to Blue Straggler Stars in NGC 362
Arvind K. Dattatrey, R. K. S. Yadav, Sharmila Rani, Annapurni Subramaniam, Gaurav Singh, Snehalata Sahu and Ravi S. Singh The Astrophysical Journal 943(2) 130 (2023)
Optical spectral observations of three binary millisecond pulsars
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Local stellar formation history from the 40 pc white dwarf sample
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The white dwarf binary pathways survey - IX. Three long period white dwarf plus subgiant binaries
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Extremely Low-mass White Dwarf Stars Observed in Gaia DR2 and LAMOST DR8
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On the Nature of Ultracool White Dwarfs: Not so Cool after All
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4FGL J1120.0–2204: A Unique Gamma-Ray-bright Neutron Star Binary with an Extremely Low-mass Proto-white Dwarf
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Hot white dwarf candidates from the IGAPS-GALEX cross-match
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Formation of the Double White Dwarf Binary PTF J0533+0209 through Stable Mass Transfer?
Four new deeply eclipsing white dwarfs in Zwicky Transient Facility
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Spectral classification of the 100 pc white dwarf population from Gaia-DR3 and the virtual observatory
F M Jiménez-Esteban, S Torres, A Rebassa-Mansergas, P Cruz, R Murillo-Ojeda, E Solano, C Rodrigo and M E Camisassa Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 518(4) 5106 (2022)
UOCS –VIII. UV study of the open cluster NGC 2506 using ASTROSAT★
Anju Panthi, Kaushar Vaidya, Vikrant Jadhav, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516(4) 5318 (2022)
UOCS – VII. Blue straggler populations of open cluster NGC 7789 with UVIT/AstroSat
Kaushar Vaidya, Anju Panthi, Manan Agarwal, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511(2) 2274 (2022)
WDPhotTools – a white dwarf photometric toolkit in Python
Formation of millisecond pulsars with helium white dwarfs, ultra-compact X-ray binaries, and gravitational wave sources
Hai-Liang Chen, Thomas M Tauris, Zhanwen Han and Xuefei Chen Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503(3) 3540 (2021)
The Discovery of Two LISA Sources within 0.5 kpc
Mukremin Kilic, Warren R. Brown, A. Bédard and Alekzander Kosakowski The Astrophysical Journal Letters 918(1) L14 (2021)
Masses of White Dwarf Binary Companions to Type Ia Supernovae Measured from Runaway Velocities
White dwarf–main-sequence binaries from Gaia EDR3: the unresolved 100 pc volume-limited sample
A Rebassa-Mansergas, E Solano, F M Jiménez-Esteban, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506(4) 5201 (2021)
A proto-helium white dwarf stripped by a substellar companion via common-envelope ejection
Discovery, TESS Characterization, and Modeling of Pulsations in the Extremely Low-mass White Dwarf GD 278
Isaac D. Lopez, J. J. Hermes, Leila M. Calcaferro, Keaton J. Bell, Adam Samuels, Zachary P. Vanderbosch, Alejandro H. Córsico and Alina G. Istrate The Astrophysical Journal 922(2) 220 (2021)
Convection and rotation boosted prescription of magnetic braking: application to the formation of extremely low-mass white dwarfs
Uncovering the chemical structure of the pulsating low-mass white dwarf SDSS J115219.99+024814.4
A D Romero, G R Lauffer, A G Istrate and S G Parsons Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510(1) 858 (2021)
Discovery of a young pre-intermediate polar
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AstroSat Study of the Globular Cluster NGC 2298: Probable Evolutionary Scenarios of Hot Horizontal Branch Stars
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Asymmetrical Mass Ejection from Proto-white Dwarfs and the Formation of Eccentric Millisecond Pulsar Binaries
The Pre-He White Dwarfs in Eclipsing Binaries. II. WASP 0843–11
Kyeongsoo Hong, Jae Woo Lee, Jae-Rim Koo, Jang-Ho Park, Pakakaew Rittipruk, Hye-Young Kim, Chanisa Kanjanasakul and Cheongho Han The Astronomical Journal 161(3) 137 (2021)
PSR J1012+5307: a millisecond pulsar with an extremely low-mass white dwarf companion
D Mata Sánchez, A G Istrate, M H van Kerkwijk, R P Breton and D L Kaplan Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494(3) 4031 (2020)
A 1201 s Orbital Period Detached Binary: The First Double Helium Core White Dwarf LISA Verification Binary
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An 8.8 Minute Orbital Period Eclipsing Detached Double White Dwarf Binary
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Searching for optical companions to four binary millisecond pulsars with the Gran Telescopio Canarias
A Yu Kirichenko, A V Karpova, D A Zyuzin, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492(2) 3032 (2020)
About the existence of warm H-rich pulsating white dwarfs
The ELM Survey. VIII. Ninety-eight Double White Dwarf Binaries
Warren R. Brown, Mukremin Kilic, Alekzander Kosakowski, Jeff J. Andrews, Craig O. Heinke, Marcel A. Agüeros, Fernando Camilo, A. Gianninas, J. J. Hermes and Scott J. Kenyon The Astrophysical Journal 889(1) 49 (2020)
White-Dwarf Asteroseismology With the Kepler Space Telescope
The Pre-He White Dwarf in the Post-mass Transfer Binary EL CVn
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Two new R CMa-type eclipsing binaries containing a possible low-mass Helium white dwarf precursor: KIC 7368103 and KIC 8823397
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A Bayesian model for inferring properties of the local white dwarf population in astrometric and photometric surveys
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Asteroseismological analysis of the ultra-massive ZZ Ceti stars BPM 37093, GD 518, and SDSS J0840+5222
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