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Reconstructing Galactic magnetic fields from local measurements for backtracking ultra-high-energy cosmic rays

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Magnetic Fields in Galaxy Clusters and in the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe

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Bayesian weak lensing tomography: Reconstructing the 3D large-scale distribution of matter with a lognormal prior

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Tomography of the Galactic free electron density with the Square Kilometer Array

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Using rotation measure grids to detect cosmological magnetic fields: A Bayesian approach

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RESOLVE: A new algorithm for aperture synthesis imaging of extended emission in radio astronomy

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d2o: a distributed data object for parallel high-performance computing in Python

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All-sky reconstruction of the primordial scalar potential from WMAP temperature data

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Matrix-free large-scale Bayesian inference in cosmology

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Generic inference of inflation models by non-Gaussianity and primordial power spectrum reconstruction

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Bayesian CMB foreground separation with a correlated log-normal model

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Fast and precise way to calculate the posterior for the local non-Gaussianity parameterfnlfrom cosmic microwave background observations

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