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SOFIA/HAWC+ Far-infrared Polarimetric Large-area CMZ Exploration Survey. IV. Relative Magnetic Field Orientation throughout the CMZ

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Shocking Sgr B2 (N1) with its own outflow

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Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization of Interstellar Candidate Ethynyl Thiocyanate: HCCSCN

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Physical and chemical complexity in high-mass star-forming regions with ALMA

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Discovery of the Elusive Carbonic Acid (HOCOOH) in Space

Miguel Sanz-Novo, Víctor M. Rivilla, Izaskun Jiménez-Serra, Jesús Martín-Pintado, Laura Colzi, Shaoshan Zeng, Andrés Megías, Álvaro López-Gallifa, Antonio Martínez-Henares, Sarah Massalkhi, Belén Tercero, Pablo de Vicente, Sergio Martín, David San Andrés and Miguel A. Requena-Torres
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Insights into the Molecular Structure and Spectroscopic Properties of HONCO: An Accurate Ab Initio Study

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Catalytic Role of H i in the Interstellar Synthesis of Complex Organic Molecule

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A combined crossed molecular beam and theorerical study of the O(3P,1D) + acrylonitrile (CH2CHCN) reactions and implications for combustion and extraterrestrial environments

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Survey of CH3NH2 and its Formation Process

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Enantiodetermining processes in the synthesis of alanine, serine, and isovaline

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Rotational Fingerprints of Vinylketene for Astronomical Observations

Lucie Kolesniková, Tereza Uhlíková, Jan Koucký, Kateřina Luková, Dominik Habiger, Patrik Kania, Jean-Claude Guillemin and Štěpán Urban
The Astrophysical Journal 944 (1) 10 (2023)

Influence of the substrate on the density and infrared spectra of the adsorbed methanol ice of different thicknesses using molecular dynamics simulation

Shubhadeep Nag, Jeet Majumdar, Bhalamurugan Sivaraman, Subramanian Yashonath and Prabal K Maiti
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 522 (3) 3656 (2023)

Identification of the simplest sugar-like molecule glycolaldehyde towards the hot molecular core G358.93–0.03 MM1

Arijit Manna, Sabyasachi Pal, Serena Viti and Sekhar Sinha
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525 (2) 2229 (2023)

Laboratory rotational spectroscopy and astronomical search for 2-ethylacrolein

Juncheng Lei, Siyu zou, Tianyue Gao, Juan Li, Junzhi Wang, Donghui Quan, Xuefang Xu and Qian Gou
Journal of Molecular Structure 1292 136147 (2023)

The MPIfR–MeerKAT Galactic Plane Survey – I. System set-up and early results

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524 (1) 1291 (2023)

Computational Protocol for the Identification of Candidates for Radioastronomical Detection and Its Application to the C3H3NO Family of Isomers

Silvia Alessandrini, Mattia Melosso, Víctor M. Rivilla, Luca Bizzocchi and Cristina Puzzarini
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Millimeter-wave spectrum of 2-propanimine

Luyao Zou, Jean-Claude Guillemin, Arnaud Belloche, Jes K Jørgensen, Laurent Margulès, Roman A Motiyenko and Peter Groner
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Chemical models of adenine precursors cyanamide and carbodiimide in the interstellar medium

Xia Zhang, Donghui Quan, Runxia Li, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 521 (1) 1578 (2023)

Laboratory Rotational Spectrum and Radio-Astronomical Search of Acetoin

Chunguo Duan, Yang Zheng, Wanying Cheng, Juncheng Lei, Juan Li, Donghui Quan, Junzhi Wang, Junhua Chen, Jiayi Li, Xuefang Xu and Qian Gou
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 127 (28) 5772 (2023)

Rotational spectrum and interstellar detection of the first torsionally excited state of methylamine

P. Gyawali, R. A. Motiyenko, A. Belloche, I. Kleiner, V. V. Ilyushin, E. A. Alekseev, I. Gulaczyk and M. Kreglewski
Astronomy & Astrophysics 677 A65 (2023)

Substituent effects in the tautomerization of imidic acids R−C(OH)=NH → R−C(O)NH2: Kinetic implications for the formation of peptide bonds in the interstellar medium

Judith Würmel and John M. Simmie
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 55 (7) 381 (2023)

Amides inventory towards the G+0.693−0.027 molecular cloud

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 523 (1) 1448 (2023)

A Low-mass line-rich Core Found in Massive Star-forming Region IRAS 16351-4722

Meizhu Liu, Sheng-Li Qin, Tie Liu, Mengyao Tang, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Li Chen, ChuanShou Li, HongQiong Shi, Xiaohu Li, Tianwei Zhang, Ken’ichi Tatematsu, Fengwei Xu and Yuefang Wu
The Astrophysical Journal 958 (2) 174 (2023)

Detection of complex nitrogen-bearing molecule ethyl cyanide towards the hot molecular core G10.47 + 0.03

Arijit Manna and Sabyasachi Pal
Astrophysics and Space Science 368 (5) (2023)

Rotation-tunnelling spectrum and astrochemical modelling of dimethylamine, CH3NHCH3, and searches for it in space

H S P Müller, R T Garrod, A Belloche, V M Rivilla, K M Menten, I Jiménez-Serra, J Martín-Pintado, F Lewen and S Schlemmer
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 523 (2) 2887 (2023)

A Multiwavelength Study of the Sgr B Region: Contiguous Cloud–Cloud Collisions Triggering Widespread Star Formation Events?

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ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions – VIII. A search for hot cores by using C2H5CN, CH3OCHO, and CH3OH lines

Sheng-Li Qin, Tie Liu, Xunchuan Liu, et al.
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Characterization of the Coriolis Coupled Far-Infrared Bands of syn-Vinyl Alcohol

Hayley Bunn and Paul L. Raston
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A Q-band Line Survey toward Orion KL Using the Tianma Radio Telescope

Xunchuan 训川 Liu 刘, Tie Liu, Zhiqiang Shen, Sheng-Li Qin, Qiuyi Luo, Yu Cheng, Qilao Gu, Tianwei Zhang, Feng-Yao Zhu, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Xing Lu, Rongbing Zhao, Weiye Zhong, Yajun Wu, Juan Li, Zhang Zhao, Jinqing Wang, Qinghui Liu, Bo Xia, Bin Li, Li Fu, Zhen Yan, Chao Zhang, Lingling Wang, Qian Ye, et al.
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The Prebiotic Molecular Inventory of Serpens SMM1: II. The Building Blocks of Peptide Chains

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Hydrogen-Atom-Assisted Uphill Isomerization of N-Methylformamide in Darkness

Shih-Yi Tsai, Karolina Anna Haupa and Yuan-Pern Lee
Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (27) 12339 (2022)

Resolving desorption of complex organic molecules in a hot core

Laura A. Busch, Arnaud Belloche, Robin T. Garrod, Holger S. P. Müller and Karl M. Menten
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A Meta-analysis of Molecular Spectroscopy Databases, and Prospects of Molecule Detection with Some Future Facilities

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Extending the Millimeter/Submillimeter Wave Spectrum of Ground State Pyruvic Acid for Comparison to Astronomical Data

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Millimetre-wave laboratory study of glycinamide and a search for it with ALMA towards Sagittarius B2(N)

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Rotational Rest Frequencies and First Astronomical Search of Protonated Methylamine

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The complex organic molecular content in the L1517B starless core

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The trans/cis ratio of formic (HCOOH) and thioformic (HC(O)SH) acids in the interstellar medium

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HyGAL: Characterizing the Galactic Interstellar Medium with Observations of Hydrides and Other Small Molecules. I. Survey Description and a First Look Toward W3(OH), W3 IRS5, and NGC 7538 IRS1

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The Astrophysical Journal 930 (2) 141 (2022)

Laboratory Measurements and Astronomical Search for Methoxyacetone and Methyl Methoxyacetate

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New Carbenes and Cyclic Allenes Energetically Comparable to Experimentally Known 1-Azulenylcarbene

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A 2–3 mm high-resolution molecular line survey towards the centre of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946

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A Spectral Survey of CH3CCH in the Hot Molecular Core G331.512-0.103

Julia C. Santos, Leonardo Bronfman, Edgar Mendoza, Jacques R. D. Lépine, Nicolas U. Duronea, Manuel Merello and Ricardo Finger
The Astrophysical Journal 925 (1) 3 (2022)

Digging into the Interior of Hot Cores with ALMA (DIHCA). II. Exploring the Inner Binary (Multiple) System Embedded in G335 MM1 ALMA1

Fernando A. Olguin, Patricio Sanhueza, Adam Ginsburg, Huei-Ru Vivien Chen, Qizhou Zhang, Shanghuo Li, Xing Lu and Takeshi Sakai
The Astrophysical Journal 929 (1) 68 (2022)

Thermal Desorption of Interstellar Ices: A Review on the Controlling Parameters and Their Implications from Snowlines to Chemical Complexity

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ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 6 (3) 597 (2022)

ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions – X. Chemical differentiation among the massive cores in G9.62+0.19

Yaping Peng, Tie Liu, Sheng-Li Qin, Tapas Baug, Hong-Li Liu, Ke Wang, Guido Garay, Chao Zhang, Long-Fei Chen, Chang Won Lee, Mika Juvela, Dalei Li, Ken’ichi Tatematsu, Xun-Chuan Liu, Jeong-Eun Lee, Gan Luo, Lokesh Dewangan, Yue-Fang Wu, Li Zhang, Leonardo Bronfman, Jixing Ge, Mengyao Tang, Yong Zhang, Feng-Wei Xu, Yao Wang and Bing Zhou
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512 (3) 4419 (2022)

Zwitter Ionization of Glycine at Outer Space Conditions due to Microhydration by Six Water Molecules

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Physical Review Letters 128 (3) (2022)

Interstellar detection and chemical modeling of iso-propanol and its normal isomer

A. Belloche, R. T. Garrod, O. Zingsheim, H. S. P. Müller and K. M. Menten
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Hydrogen‐atom tunneling reactions in solid para‐hydrogen and their applications to astrochemistry

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The molecular structure and spectroscopic properties of C3H2O and its isomers: An ab initio study

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Chirped-pulse Fourier-transform millimeter-wave rotational spectroscopy of furan in its v10 and v13 excited vibrational states

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Laboratory rotational spectroscopy of acrylamide and a search for acrylamide and propionamide toward Sgr B2(N) with ALMA

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2021 Census of Interstellar, Circumstellar, Extragalactic, Protoplanetary Disk, and Exoplanetary Molecules

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