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Stream Interaction Regions in the Minimum of Solar Cycles 23 and 24
E. Sanchez‐Garcia, J. A. Gonzalez‐Esparza, E. Aguilar‐Rodriguez and P. Corona‐Romero Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 129(1) (2024)
Classification of Enhanced Geoeffectiveness Resulting from High-speed Solar Wind Streams Compressing Slower Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections
Forbush Decreases and Associated Geomagnetic Storms: Statistical Comparison in Solar Cycles 23 and 24
A. A. Melkumyan, A. V. Belov, N. S. Shlyk, M. A. Abunina, A. A. Abunin, V. A. Oleneva and V. G. Yanke Solar Physics 299(3) (2024)
Forbush Decreases and Geomagnetic Disturbances: 1. Events Associated with Different Types of Solar and Interplanetary Sources
A. A. Melkumyan, A. V. Belov, N. S. Shlyk, M. A. Abunina, A. A. Abunin, V. A. Oleneva and V. G. Yanke Геомагнетизм и аэрономия 63(6) 699 (2023)
Near-Earth High-Speed and Slow Solar Winds: A Statistical Study on Their Characteristics and Geomagnetic Impacts
Forbush Decreases and Geomagnetic Disturbances: 1. Events Associated with Different Types of Solar and Interplanetary Sources
A. A. Melkumyan, A. V. Belov, N. S. Shlyk, M. A. Abunina, A. A. Abunin, V. A. Oleneva and V. G. Yanke Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 63(6) 686 (2023)
Correlations between space weather parameters during intense geomagnetic storms: Analytical study
Identification of Controlling Geomagnetic and Solar Wind Factors for Magnetospheric Chorus Intensity Using Feature Selection Techniques
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Analytic modeling of recurrent Forbush decreases caused by corotating interaction regions
Solar wind and geomagnetic activity during two antagonist solar cycles: Comparative study between the solar cycles 23 and 24
Somaïla Koala, Yacouba Sawadogo and Jean Louis Zerbo International Journal of Physical Sciences 17(3) 57 (2022)
Geomagnetic storm forecasting from solar coronal holes
Simona Nitti, Tatiana Podladchikova, Stefan J Hofmeister, Astrid M Veronig, Giuliana Verbanac and Mario Bandić Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 519(2) 3182 (2022)
Predicting the Effects of Solar Storms on the Ionosphere Based on a Comparison of Real-Time Solar Wind Data with the Best-Fitting Historical Storm Event
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Validation of the CME Geomagnetic Forecast Alerts Under the COMESEP Alert System
MLT dependence in the relationship between plasmapause, solar wind, and geomagnetic activity based on CRRES: 1990–1991
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Investigation of the Geoeffectiveness of CMEs Associated with IP Type II Radio Bursts