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Mass density profiles at kiloparsec scales using the sub-millimetre galaxies magnification bias

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Modeling the Extragalactic Background Light and the Cosmic Star Formation History

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An observational determination of the evolving extragalactic background light from the multiwavelength HST/CANDELS survey in the Fermi and CTA era

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The interstellar medium of quiescent galaxies and its evolution with time

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The Evolution of the IR Luminosity Function and Dust-obscured Star Formation over the Past 13 Billion Years

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Characterizing the signatures of star-forming galaxies in the extragalactic γ-ray background

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Radio spectral properties of star-forming galaxies in the MIGHTEE-COSMOS field and their impact on the far-infrared-radio correlation

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Mapping Obscuration to Reionization with ALMA (MORA): 2 mm Efficiently Selects the Highest-redshift Obscured Galaxies

Caitlin M. Casey, Jorge A. Zavala, Sinclaire M. Manning, Manuel Aravena, Matthieu Béthermin, Karina I. Caputi, Jaclyn B. Champagne, David L. Clements, Patrick Drew, Steven L. Finkelstein, Seiji Fujimoto, Christopher C. Hayward, Anton Koekemoer, Vasily Kokorev, Claudia del P. Lagos, Arianna S. Long, Georgios E. Magdis, Allison W. S. Man, Ikki Mitsuhashi, Gergö Popping, Justin Spilker, Johannes Staguhn, Margherita Talia, Sune Toft, Ezequiel Treister, et al.
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ALMACAL VII: first interferometric number counts at 650 μm

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Estimates of Extragalactic Background and Confusion Noise Parameters for the Millimetron Telescope

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The Complete Redshift Distribution of Dusty Star-forming Galaxies from the SPT-SZ Survey

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Impact of polarised extragalactic sources on the measurement of CMBB-mode anisotropies

G. Lagache, M. Béthermin, L. Montier, P. Serra and M. Tucci
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The Isotropic Interplanetary Dust Cloud and Near-infrared Extragalactic Background Light Observed with COBE/DIRBE

K. Sano, S. Matsuura, K. Yomo and A. Takahashi
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The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey: Data processing, catalogs, and statistical source properties

M. Béthermin, Y. Fudamoto, M. Ginolfi, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 643 A2 (2020)

Physical properties and evolution of (sub-)millimetre-selected galaxies in the galaxy formation simulation shark

Claudia del P Lagos, Elisabete da Cunha, Aaron S G Robotham, et al.
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High-redshift star formation in the Atacama large millimetre/submillimetre array era

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Overdensity of SMGs in fields containing z ∼ 0.3 galaxies: magnification bias and the implications for studies of galaxy evolution

L Dunne, L Bonavera, J Gonzalez-Nuevo, S J Maddox and C Vlahakis
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Planck Far-infrared Detection of Hyper Suprime-Cam Protoclusters at z ∼ 4: Hidden AGN and Star Formation Activity

Mariko Kubo, Jun Toshikawa, Nobunari Kashikawa, Yi-Kuan Chiang, Roderik Overzier, Hisakazu Uchiyama, David L. Clements, David M. Alexander, Yuichi Matsuda, Tadayuki Kodama, Yoshiaki Ono, Tomotsugu Goto, Tai-An Cheng and Kei Ito
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Multi-wavelength Properties of Radio- and Machine-learning-identified Counterparts to Submillimeter Sources in S2COSMOS

Fang Xia An, J. M. Simpson, Ian Smail, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal 886 (1) 48 (2019)

Probing the cold magnetised Universe with SPICA-POL (B-BOP)

Ph. André, A. Hughes, V. Guillet, et al.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 36 (2019)

AKARI NEP field: Point source catalogs from GALEX and Herschel observations and selection of candidate lensed sub-millimeter galaxies

Denis Burgarella, Firas Mazyed, Nagisa Oi, Tomotsugu Goto, Veronique Buat, Matt Malkan, Hyung Mok Lee, Hideo Matsuhara, Chris Pearson, Stephen Serjeant, Glenn J White and Laia Barrufet de Soto
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 71 (1) (2019)

Multi-wavelength de-blended Herschel view of the statistical properties of dusty star-forming galaxies across cosmic time

L. Wang, W. J. Pearson, W. Cowley, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 624 A98 (2019)

Revealing dust-obscured star formation in CLJ1449+0856, a cluster at z = 2

C M A Smith, W K Gear, M W L Smith, A Papageorgiou and S A Eales
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486 (3) 4304 (2019)

Automated Mining of the ALMA Archive in the COSMOS Field (A3COSMOS). II. Cold Molecular Gas Evolution out to Redshift 6

Daizhong Liu, E. Schinnerer, B. Groves, B. Magnelli, P. Lang, S. Leslie, E. Jiménez-Andrade, D. A. Riechers, G. Popping, Georgios E. Magdis, E. Daddi, M. Sargent, Yu Gao, Y. Fudamoto, P. A. Oesch and F. Bertoldi
The Astrophysical Journal 887 (2) 235 (2019)

Intensity Mapping in the Presence of Foregrounds and Correlated Continuum Emission

E. R. Switzer, C. J. Anderson, A. R. Pullen and S. Yang
The Astrophysical Journal 872 (1) 82 (2019)

Determination of the Cosmic Infrared Background from COBE/FIRAS and Planck HFI Observations

N. Odegard, J. L. Weiland, D. J. Fixsen, D. T. Chuss, E. Dwek, A. Kogut and E. R. Switzer
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Discovery of Four Apparently Cold Dusty Galaxies at z = 3.62–5.85 in the COSMOS Field: Direct Evidence of Cosmic Microwave Background Impact on High-redshift Galaxy Observables

S. Jin, E. Daddi, G. E. Magdis, D. Liu, E. Schinnerer, P. P. Papadopoulos, Q. Gu, Y. Gao and A. Calabrò
The Astrophysical Journal 887 (2) 144 (2019)

Environmental Effect on the Interstellar Medium in Galaxies across the Cosmic Web at z = 0.73

S. K. Betti, Alexandra Pope, N. Scoville, Min S. Yun, H. Aussel, J. Kartaltepe and K. Sheth
The Astrophysical Journal 874 (1) 53 (2019)

QSOs sigposting cluster size halos as gravitational lenses: halo mass, projected mass density profile and concentration at z∼0.7

L. Bonavera, J. González-Nuevo, S.L. Suárez Gómez, et al.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2019 (09) 021 (2019)

The evolution of the UV-to-mm extragalactic background light: evidence for a top-heavy initial mass function?

William I Cowley, Cedric G Lacey, Carlton M Baugh, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487 (3) 3082 (2019)

Rest-frame far-ultraviolet to far-infrared view of Lyman break galaxies at z = 3: Templates and dust attenuation

J. Álvarez-Márquez, D. Burgarella, V. Buat, O. Ilbert and P. G. Pérez-González
Astronomy & Astrophysics 630 A153 (2019)

Automated Mining of the ALMA Archive in the COSMOS Field (A3COSMOS). I. Robust ALMA Continuum Photometry Catalogs and Stellar Mass and Star Formation Properties for ∼700 Galaxies at z = 0.5–6

Daizhong Liu, P. Lang, B. Magnelli, E. Schinnerer, S. Leslie, Y. Fudamoto, M. Bondi, B. Groves, E. Jiménez-Andrade, K. Harrington, A. Karim, P. A. Oesch, M. Sargent, E. Vardoulaki, T. Bǎdescu, L. Moser, F. Bertoldi, A. Battisti, E. da Cunha, J. Zavala, M. Vaccari, I. Davidzon, D. Riechers and M. Aravena
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 244 (2) 40 (2019)

The Brightest Galaxies in the Dark Ages: Galaxies’ Dust Continuum Emission during the Reionization Era

Caitlin M. Casey, Jorge A. Zavala, Justin Spilker, Elisabete da Cunha, Jacqueline Hodge, Chao-Ling Hung, Johannes Staguhn, Steven L. Finkelstein and Patrick Drew
The Astrophysical Journal 862 (1) 77 (2018)

Gordon J. Stacey, Nicholas Battaglia, Frank Bertoldi, Michel Fich, Martha P. Haynes, Terry L. Herter, Benjamin Magnelli, Michael D. Niemack, Thomas Nikola, Stephen C. Parshley, Dominik A. Riechers, Marco Viero, Nicholas Cothard, Patricio Gallardo, Eve Vavagiakis, Jason Stevens, Manuel Aravena, Patrick Breysse, Ricardo Bustos, Scott Chapman, Dongwoo T. Chung, Jens Erler, Simon Foreman, Urs U. Graf, Rodrigo Herrera-Camus, et al.
53 (2018)

Interpreting the cosmic far-infrared background anisotropies using a gas regulator model

Hao-Yi Wu, Olivier Doré, Romain Teyssier and Paolo Serra
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475 (3) 3974 (2018)

SCUBA-2 Ultra Deep Imaging EAO Survey (STUDIES). II. Structural Properties and Near-infrared Morphologies of Faint Submillimeter Galaxies

Yu-Yen Chang, Nicholas Ferraro, Wei-Hao Wang, Chen-Fatt Lim, Yoshiki Toba, Fangxia An, Chian-Chou Chen, Ian Smail, Hyunjin Shim, Yiping Ao, Andy Bunker, Christopher J. Conselice, William Cowley, Elisabete da Cunha, Lulu Fan, Tomotsugu Goto, Kexin Guo, Luis C. Ho, Ho Seong Hwang, Chien-Hsiu Lee, Minju Lee, Michał J. Michałowski, I. Oteo, Douglas Scott, Stephen Serjeant, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal 865 (2) 103 (2018)

Detailed modelling of the EBL along VHE γ-ray paths

A M Kudoda and A Faltenbacher
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Cosmic happenstance: 24-µm selected, multicomponent Herschel sources are line-of-sight projections

Jillian M Scudder, Seb Oliver, Peter D Hurley, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480 (3) 4124 (2018)

Downsizing of star formation measured from the clustered infrared background correlated with quasars

Kirsten R Hall, Devin Crichton, Tobias Marriage, Nadia L Zakamska and Rachel Mandelbaum
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Constraining the star formation rate with the extragalactic background light

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“Super-deblended” Dust Emission in Galaxies. I. The GOODS-North Catalog and the Cosmic Star Formation Rate Density out to Redshift 6

Daizhong Liu, Emanuele Daddi, Mark Dickinson, Frazer Owen, Maurilio Pannella, Mark Sargent, Matthieu Béthermin, Georgios Magdis, Yu Gao, Xinwen Shu, Tao Wang, Shuowen Jin and Hanae Inami
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Search for C ii emission on cosmological scales at redshift Z ∼ 2.6

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Is the infrared background excess explained by the isotropic zodiacal light from the outer solar system?

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Modelling the cosmic spectral energy distribution and extragalactic background light over all time

S. K. Andrews, S. P. Driver, L. J. M. Davies, C. d. P. Lagos and A. S. G. Robotham
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Measurement of CIB power spectra over large sky areas fromPlanckHFI maps

Daisy Suet Ying Mak, Anthony Challinor, George Efstathiou and Guilaine Lagache
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 466 (1) 286 (2017)

SCUBA-2 Ultra Deep Imaging EAO Survey (STUDIES): Faint-end Counts at 450 μm

Wei-Hao Wang, Wei-Ching Lin, Chen-Fatt Lim, Ian Smail, Scott C. Chapman, Xian Zhong Zheng, Hyunjin Shim, Tadayuki Kodama, Omar Almaini, Yiping Ao, Andrew W. Blain, Nathan Bourne, Andrew J. Bunker, Yu-Yen Chang, Dani C.-Y. Chao, Chian-Chou Chen, David L. Clements, Christopher J. Conselice, William I. Cowley, Helmut Dannerbauer, James S. Dunlop, James E. Geach, Tomotsugu Goto, Linhua Jiang, Rob J. Ivison, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal 850 (1) 37 (2017)

Statistics of the fractional polarization of compact radio sources in Planck maps

Laura Bonavera, Joaquin González-Nuevo, Francisco Argüeso and Luigi Toffolatti
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469 (2) 2401 (2017)

SONS: The JCMT legacy survey of debris discs in the submillimetre

Wayne S. Holland, Brenda C. Matthews, Grant M. Kennedy, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 470 (3) 3606 (2017)

Celebrating 30 years of science from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope

Ian Robson, Wayne S. Holland and Per Friberg
Royal Society Open Science 4 (9) 170754 (2017)

The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: the EGS deep field – I. Deep number counts and the redshift distribution of the recovered cosmic infrared background at 450 and 850 μ m

J. A. Zavala, I. Aretxaga, J. E. Geach, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 464 (3) 3369 (2017)

The Role of the Most Luminous Obscured AGNs in Galaxy Assembly at z ∼ 2

Duncan Farrah, Sara Petty, Brian Connolly, Andrew Blain, Andreas Efstathiou, Mark Lacy, Daniel Stern, Sean Lake, Tom Jarrett, Carrie Bridge, Peter Eisenhardt, Dominic Benford, Suzy Jones, Chao-Wei Tsai, Roberto Assef, Jingwen Wu and Leonidas Moustakas
The Astrophysical Journal 844 (2) 106 (2017)

Statistics of the fractional polarization of extragalactic dusty sources in Planck HFI maps

L. Bonavera, J. González-Nuevo, B. De Marco, F. Argüeso and L. Toffolatti
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 472 (1) 628 (2017)

Effects of spatial fluctuations in the extragalactic background light on hard gamma-ray spectra

A. M. Kudoda and A. Faltenbacher
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 467 (3) 2896 (2017)

Contribution of the first galaxies to the cosmic far-infrared/sub-millimeter background – I. Mean background level

María Emilia De Rossi and Volker Bromm
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 465 (3) 3668 (2017)

The impact of clustering and angular resolution on far-infrared and millimeter continuum observations

Matthieu Béthermin, Hao-Yi Wu, Guilaine Lagache, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 607 A89 (2017)

HELP: xid+, the probabilistic de-blender forHerschelSPIRE maps

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 464 (1) 885 (2017)

Galaxy And Mass Assembly: the evolution of the cosmic spectral energy distribution from z = 1 to z = 0

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