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A Measurement of the Water Abundance in the Atmosphere of the Hot Jupiter WASP-43b with High-resolution Cross-correlation Spectroscopy

Dare Bartelt, Megan Weiner Mansfield, Michael R. Line, Vivien Parmentier, Luis Welbanks, Elspeth K. H. Lee, Jorge Sanchez, Arjun B. Savel, Peter C. B. Smith, Emily Rauscher and Joost P. Wardenier
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Simultaneous retrieval of orbital phase resolved JWST/MIRI emission spectra of the hot Jupiter WASP-43b: evidence of water, ammonia, and carbon monoxide

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Flows, circulations, and energy transport in the outer and deep atmospheres of synchronous and non-synchronous hot Jupiters

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TransitFit: combined multi-instrument exoplanet transit fitting for JWST, HST, and ground-based transmission spectroscopy studies

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ExoClock Project. III. 450 New Exoplanet Ephemerides from Ground and Space Observations

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Examining NHD versus QHD in the GCM THOR with non-grey radiative transfer for the hot Jupiter regime

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Exploring the Ability of Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 G141 to Uncover Trends in Populations of Exoplanet Atmospheres through a Homogeneous Transmission Survey of 70 Gaseous Planets

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Another look at the dayside spectra of WASP-43b and HD 209458b: Are there scattering clouds?

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Retrieval of the dayside atmosphere of WASP-43b with CRIRES+

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The MUSCLES Extension for Atmospheric Transmission Spectroscopy: UV and X-Ray Host-star Observations for JWST ERS & GTO Targets

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A Lack of Variability between Repeated Spitzer Phase Curves of WASP-43b

Matthew M. Murphy, Thomas G. Beatty, Michael T. Roman, Isaac Malsky, Alex Wingate, Grace Ochs, L. Cinque, Hayley Beltz, Emily Rauscher, Eliza M.-R. Kempton and Kevin B. Stevenson
The Astronomical Journal 165 (3) 107 (2023)

Testing 2D temperature models in Bayesian retrievals of atmospheric properties from hot Jupiter phase curves

Jingxuan Yang, Patrick G J Irwin and Joanna K Barstow
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Measuring the orbit shrinkage rate of hot Jupiters due to tides

N. M. Rosário, S. C. C. Barros, O. D. S. Demangeon and N. C. Santos
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Evidence of Long-term Period Variations in the Exoplanet Transit Database (ETD)

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The need for a public forecast of stellar activity to optimize exoplanet radial velocity detections and transmission spectroscopy

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514 (2) 2259 (2022)

ExoClock project: an open platform for monitoring the ephemerides of Ariel targets with contributions from the public

Anastasia Kokori, Angelos Tsiaras, Billy Edwards, et al.
Experimental Astronomy 53 (2) 547 (2022)

Phase curve and geometric albedo of WASP-43b measured with CHEOPS, TESS, and HST WFC3/UVIS

G. Scandariato, V. Singh, D. Kitzmann, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 668 A17 (2022)

The THOR + HELIOS general circulation model: multiwavelength radiative transfer with accurate scattering by clouds/hazes

Russell Deitrick, Kevin Heng, Urs Schroffenegger, et al.
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NEOSSat observations of three transiting hot Jupiters

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ExoClock Project. II. A Large-scale Integrated Study with 180 Updated Exoplanet Ephemerides

A. Kokori, A. Tsiaras, B. Edwards, M. Rocchetto, G. Tinetti, L. Bewersdorff, Y. Jongen, G. Lekkas, G. Pantelidou, E. Poultourtzidis, A. Wünsche, C. Aggelis, V. K. Agnihotri, C. Arena, M. Bachschmidt, D. Bennett, P. Benni, K. Bernacki, E. Besson, L. Betti, A. Biagini, P. Brandebourg, M. Bretton, S. M. Brincat, M. Caló, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 258 (2) 40 (2022)

An Open-source Bayesian Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (BART) Code. III. Initialization, Atmospheric Profile Generator, Post-processing Routines

Jasmina Blecic, Joseph Harrington, Patricio E. Cubillos, M. Oliver Bowman, Patricio M. Rojo, Madison Stemm, Ryan C. Challener, Michael D. Himes, Austin J. Foster, Ian Dobbs-Dixon, Andrew S. D. Foster, Nathaniel B. Lust, Sarah D. Blumenthal, Dylan Bruce and Thomas J. Loredo
The Planetary Science Journal 3 (4) 82 (2022)

Evidence for the Late Arrival of Hot Jupiters in Systems with High Host-star Obliquities

Jacob H. Hamer and Kevin C. Schlaufman
The Astronomical Journal 164 (1) 26 (2022)

Constraints on TESS albedos for five hot Jupiters

Martin Blažek, Petr Kabáth, Anjali A A Piette, Nikku Madhusudhan, Marek Skarka, Ján Šubjak, David R Anderson, Henri M J Boffin, Claudio C Cáceres, Neale P Gibson, Sergio Hoyer, Valentin D Ivanov and Patricio M Rojo
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513 (3) 3444 (2022)

Five Key Exoplanet Questions Answered via the Analysis of 25 Hot-Jupiter Atmospheres in Eclipse

Q. Changeat, B. Edwards, A. F. Al-Refaie, A. Tsiaras, J. W. Skinner, J. Y. K. Cho, K. H. Yip, L. Anisman, M. Ikoma, M. F. Bieger, O. Venot, S. Shibata, I. P. Waldmann and G. Tinetti
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 260 (1) 3 (2022)

Is the orbit of the exoplanet WASP-43b really decaying? TESS and MuSCAT2 observations confirm no detection

Z Garai, T Pribulla, H Parviainen, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508 (4) 5514 (2021)

The pyrat bay framework for exoplanet atmospheric modelling: a population study of Hubble/WFC3 transmission spectra

Patricio E Cubillos and Jasmina Blecic
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505 (2) 2675 (2021)

Longitudinally Resolved Spectral Retrieval (ReSpect) of WASP-43b

Patricio E. Cubillos, Dylan Keating, Nicolas B. Cowan, Johanna M. Vos, Ben Burningham, Marie Ygouf, Theodora Karalidi, Yifan Zhou and Eileen C. Gonzales
The Astrophysical Journal 915 (1) 45 (2021)

Investigation of Orbital Decay and Global Modeling of the Planet WASP-43 b

Fatemeh Davoudi, Özgür Baştürk, Selçuk Yalçınkaya, Ekrem M. Esmer and Hossein Safari
The Astronomical Journal 162 (5) 210 (2021)

An Exploration of Model Degeneracies with a Unified Phase Curve Retrieval Analysis: The Light and Dark Sides of WASP-43 b

Q. Changeat, A. F. Al-Refaie, B. Edwards, I. P. Waldmann and G. Tinetti
The Astrophysical Journal 913 (1) 73 (2021)

The Dark World: A Tale of WASP-43b in Reflected Light with HST WFC3/UVIS

Jonathan Fraine, L. C. Mayorga, Kevin B. Stevenson, Nikole K. Lewis, Tiffany Kataria, Jacob L. Bean, Giovanni Bruno, Jonathan J. Fortney, Laura Kreidberg, Caroline V. Morley, Nelly C Mouawad, Kamen O. Todorov, Vivien Parmentier, Hannah Wakeford, Y. Katherina Feng, Brian M. Kilpatrick and Michael R. Line
The Astronomical Journal 161 (6) 269 (2021)

How does thermal scattering shape the infrared spectra of cloudy exoplanets? A theoretical framework and consequences for atmospheric retrievals in the JWST era

Jake Taylor, Vivien Parmentier, Michael R Line, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506 (1) 1309 (2021)

Phase-curve Pollution of Exoplanet Transmission Spectra

Giuseppe Morello, Tiziano Zingales, Marine Martin-Lagarde, René Gastaud and Pierre-Olivier Lagage
The Astronomical Journal 161 (4) 174 (2021)

Multiband Transit Follow-up Observations of Five Hot Jupiters with Critical Noise Treatments: Improved Physical Properties

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The Astronomical Journal 162 (1) 18 (2021)

Phase-curve Pollution of Exoplanet Transit Depths

Marine Martin-Lagarde, Giuseppe Morello, Pierre-Olivier Lagage, René Gastaud and Christophe Cossou
The Astronomical Journal 160 (5) 197 (2020)

Understanding and mitigating biases when studying inhomogeneous emission spectra with JWST

Jake Taylor, Vivien Parmentier, Patrick G J Irwin, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493 (3) 4342 (2020)

Assessing spectra and thermal inversions due to TiO in hot Jupiter atmospheres

Luis Welbanks, Thomas Masseron, Siddharth Gandhi, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496 (3) 3870 (2020)

Equatorial retrograde flow in WASP-43b elicited by deep wind jets?

Thomas Henning, Olivia Venot, Paula Sarkis, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496 (3) 3582 (2020)

ACCESS: A Visual to Near-infrared Spectrum of the Hot Jupiter WASP-43b with Evidence of H2O, but No Evidence of Na or K

Ian C. Weaver, Mercedes López-Morales, Néstor Espinoza, Benjamin V. Rackham, David J. Osip, Dániel Apai, Andrés Jordán, Alex Bixel, Nikole K. Lewis, Munazza K. Alam, James Kirk, Chima McGruder, Florian Rodler and Jennifer Fienco
The Astronomical Journal 159 (1) 13 (2020)

The Continuing Search for Evidence of Tidal Orbital Decay of Hot Jupiters

Kishore C. Patra, Joshua N. Winn, Matthew J. Holman, Michael Gillon, Artem Burdanov, Emmanuel Jehin, Laetitia Delrez, Francisco J. Pozuelos, Khalid Barkaoui, Zouhair Benkhaldoun, Norio Narita, Akihiko Fukui, Nobuhiko Kusakabe, Kiyoe Kawauchi, Yuka Terada, L. G. Bouma, Nevin N. Weinberg and Madelyn Broome
The Astronomical Journal 159 (4) 150 (2020)

Mineral cloud and hydrocarbon haze particles in the atmosphere of the hot Jupiter JWST target WASP-43b

Ch. Helling, Y. Kawashima, V. Graham, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 641 A178 (2020)

Tidal dissipation in evolving low-mass and solar-type stars with predictions for planetary orbital decay

A J Barker
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498 (2) 2270 (2020)

Aluminium oxide in the atmosphere of hot Jupiter WASP-43b

Katy L. Chubb, Michiel Min, Yui Kawashima, Christiane Helling and Ingo Waldmann
Astronomy & Astrophysics 639 A3 (2020)

Systematic Phase Curve Study of Known Transiting Systems from Year One of the TESS Mission

Ian Wong, Avi Shporer, Tansu Daylan, Björn Benneke, Tara Fetherolf, Stephen R. Kane, George R. Ricker, Roland Vanderspek, David W. Latham, Joshua N. Winn, Jon M. Jenkins, Patricia T. Boyd, Ana Glidden, Robert F. Goeke, Lizhou Sha, Eric B. Ting and Daniel Yahalomi
The Astronomical Journal 160 (4) 155 (2020)

Global Chemistry and Thermal Structure Models for the Hot Jupiter WASP-43b and Predictions for JWST

Olivia Venot, Vivien Parmentier, Jasmina Blecic, Patricio E. Cubillos, Ingo P. Waldmann, Quentin Changeat, Julianne I. Moses, Pascal Tremblin, Nicolas Crouzet, Peter Gao, Diana Powell, Pierre-Olivier Lagage, Ian Dobbs-Dixon, Maria E. Steinrueck, Laura Kreidberg, Natalie Batalha, Jacob L. Bean, Kevin B. Stevenson, Sarah Casewell and Ludmila Carone
The Astrophysical Journal 890 (2) 176 (2020)

NGTS-10b: the shortest period hot Jupiter yet discovered

Richard G West, Christopher A Watson, Simon R Walker, et al.
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Introducing a New Spitzer Master BLISS Map to Remove the Instrument Systematic Phase-curve-parameter Degeneracy, as Demonstrated by a Reanalysis of the 4.5 μm WASP-43b Phase Curve

E. M. May and K. B. Stevenson
The Astronomical Journal 160 (3) 140 (2020)

2.5D retrieval of atmospheric properties from exoplanet phase curves: application to WASP-43b observations

Patrick G J Irwin, Vivien Parmentier, Jake Taylor, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493 (1) 106 (2020)

WASP-147b, 160Bb, 164b, and 165b: two hot Saturns and two Jupiters, including two planets with metal-rich hosts

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Connecting Giant Planet Atmosphere and Interior Modeling: Constraints on Atmospheric Metal Enrichment

Daniel Thorngren and Jonathan J. Fortney
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 874 (2) L31 (2019)

An Independent Analysis of the Spitzer/IRAC Phase Curves of WASP43 b

G. Morello, C. Danielski, D. Dickens, P. Tremblin and P.-O. Lagage
The Astronomical Journal 157 (5) 205 (2019)

An HST/WFC3 Thermal Emission Spectrum of the Hot Jupiter HAT-P-7b

Megan Mansfield, Jacob L. Bean, Michael R. Line, Vivien Parmentier, Laura Kreidberg, Jean-Michel Désert, Jonathan J. Fortney, Kevin B. Stevenson, Jacob Arcangeli and Diana Dragomir
The Astronomical Journal 156 (1) 10 (2018)

SPIDERMAN: an open-source code to model phase curves and secondary eclipses

Tom Louden and Laura Kreidberg
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477 (2) 2613 (2018)

An Analysis of Transiting Hot Jupiters Observed with K2: WASP-55b and WASP-75b

B. J. M. Clark, D. R. Anderson, C. Hellier, O. D. Turner and T. Močnik
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 130 (985) 034401 (2018)

Retrieval of exoplanet emission spectra with HyDRA

Siddharth Gandhi and Nikku Madhusudhan
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474 (1) 271 (2018)

Retrieval analysis of 38 WFC3 transmission spectra and resolution of the normalization degeneracy

Chloe Fisher and Kevin Heng
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481 (4) 4698 (2018)

A Population Study of Gaseous Exoplanets

A. Tsiaras, I. P. Waldmann, T. Zingales, M. Rocchetto, G. Morello, M. Damiano, K. Karpouzas, G. Tinetti, L. K. McKemmish, J. Tennyson and S. N. Yurchenko
The Astronomical Journal 155 (4) 156 (2018)

Three-dimensional Circulation Driving Chemical Disequilibrium in WASP-43b

João M. Mendonça, Shang-min Tsai, Matej Malik, Simon L. Grimm and Kevin Heng
The Astrophysical Journal 869 (2) 107 (2018)

The Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science Program for JWST

Jacob L. Bean, Kevin B. Stevenson, Natalie M. Batalha, et al.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 130 (993) 114402 (2018)

Photometric Follow-up Transit (Primary Eclipse) Observations of WASP-43 b and TrES-3b and A Study on Their Transit Timing Variations

Sun Zhao, Ji Jiang-hui and Dong Yao
Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics 42 (1) 101 (2018)

A library of ATMO forward model transmission spectra for hot Jupiter exoplanets

Jayesh M Goyal, Nathan Mayne, David K Sing, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474 (4) 5158 (2018)

K2-137 b: an Earth-sized planet in a 4.3-h orbit around an M-dwarf

A M S Smith, J Cabrera, Sz Csizmadia, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474 (4) 5523 (2018)

Revisiting the Energy Budget of WASP-43b: Enhanced Day–Night Heat Transport

Dylan Keating and Nicolas B. Cowan
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 849 (1) L5 (2017)

Dynamical tides in exoplanetary systems containing hot Jupiters: confronting theory and observations

S. V. Chernov, P. B. Ivanov and J. C. B. Papaloizou
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 470 (2) 2054 (2017)


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The Astrophysical Journal 835 (1) 96 (2017)

KELT-16b: A Highly Irradiated, Ultra-short Period Hot Jupiter Nearing Tidal Disruption

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