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Marginal Role of the Electrostatic Instability in the GeV-scale Cascade Flux from 1ES 0229+200

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Constraints on the Intergalactic Magnetic Field Strength from γ-Ray Observations of GRB 221009A

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Circumventing the challenges in the choice of the nonconformal coupling function in inflationary magnetogenesis

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Magnetogenesis in Non-Local Models during Inflation

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A lower bound on intergalactic magnetic fields from time variability of 1ES 0229+200 from MAGIC and Fermi/LAT observations

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Electromagnetic Conversion into Kinetic and Thermal Energies

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Chirality Production during Axion Inflation

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Constraining primordial magnetic fields with line-intensity mapping

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Amplifying quantum discord during inflationary magnetogenesis through violation of parity

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Physical Review D 108 (12) (2023)

First constraints on the strength of the extragalactic magnetic field from γ-ray observations of GRB 221009A

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Detectability of Large Correlation Length Inflationary Magnetic Field with Cherenkov Telescopes

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The redshift evolution of extragalactic magnetic fields

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Suppression of the TeV Pair-beam–Plasma Instability by a Tangled Weak Intergalactic Magnetic Field

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Evolution of Primordial Magnetic Fields during Large-scale Structure Formation

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Account of the baryonic feedback effect in γ-ray measurements of intergalactic magnetic fields

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Constraints on the extragalactic magnetic field strength from blazar spectra based on 145 months of Fermi-LAT observations

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Revision of Faraday rotation measure constraints on the primordial magnetic field using the IllustrisTNG simulation

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515 (4) 5673 (2022)

Constraints on primordial magnetic fields from their impact on the ionization history with Planck 2018

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Consistency of Planck, ACT, and SPT constraints on magnetically assisted recombination and forecasts for future experiments

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Physical Review D 105 (2) (2022)

Effective treatment of U(1) gauge field and charged particles in axion inflation

Tomohiro Fujita, Jun'ya Kume, Kyohei Mukaida and Yuichiro Tada
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2022 (09) 023 (2022)

Challenges in the choice of the nonconformal coupling function in inflationary magnetogenesis

Sagarika Tripathy, Debika Chowdhury, Rajeev Kumar Jain and L. Sriramkumar
Physical Review D 105 (6) (2022)

Nonthermal Radiation of the Extreme TeV Blazar 1ES 0229+200 from Electromagnetic Cascades on Infrared Photon Field

Timur Dzhatdoev, Vladimir Galkin and Egor Podlesnyi
Universe 7 (12) 494 (2021)

Gauge-field production during axion inflation in the gradient expansion formalism

E. V. Gorbar, K. Schmitz, O. O. Sobol and S. I. Vilchinskii
Physical Review D 104 (12) (2021)

Extragalactic magnetic field constraints from ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays from local galaxies

Arjen van Vliet, Andrea Palladino, Andrew Taylor and Walter Winter
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510 (1) 1289 (2021)

Sensitivity Reach of Gamma-Ray Measurements for Strong Cosmological Magnetic Fields

Alexander Korochkin, Oleg Kalashev, Andrii Neronov and Dmitri Semikoz
The Astrophysical Journal 906 (2) 116 (2021)

Magnetization of the intergalactic medium in the IllustrisTNG simulations: the importance of extended, outflow-driven bubbles

Andrés Arámburo-García, Kyrylo Bondarenko, Alexey Boyarsky, Dylan Nelson, Annalisa Pillepich and Anastasia Sokolenko
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505 (4) 5038 (2021)

Observable spectral and angular distributions of γ-rays from extragalactic ultrahigh energy cosmic ray accelerators: the case of extreme TeV blazars

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505 (2) 1940 (2021)

Efficient Highly Subsonic Turbulent Dynamo and Growth of Primordial Magnetic Fields

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Physical Review Letters 126 (9) (2021)

Effects of nonhelical component of hypermagnetic field on the evolution of the matter-antimatter asymmetry, vorticity, and hypermagnetic field

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Physical Review D 104 (5) (2021)

Inflationary cosmology- A new approach using Non-linear electrodynamics

Payel Sarkar, Prasanta Kumar Das and Gauranga Charan Samanta
Physica Scripta 96 (6) 065305 (2021)

Two components model for TeV $\gamma $-ray emission from extreme high-energy BL Lac objects

Q. Dong, Y. G. Zheng and C. Y. Yang
Astrophysics and Space Science 366 (4) (2021)

Imprints of the post-recombination dissipation of helical magnetic field on the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

Sandhya Jagannathan, Ramkishor Sharma and T. R. Seshadri
International Journal of Modern Physics D 30 (01) 2050122 (2021)

Generation of an electromagnetic field nonminimally coupled to gravity during Higgs inflation

O. O. Sobol, E. V. Gorbar, O. M. Teslyk and S. I. Vilchinskii
Physical Review D 104 (4) (2021)

Baryon isocurvature constraints on the primordial hypermagnetic fields

Kohei Kamada, Fumio Uchida and Jun'ichi Yokoyama
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2021 (04) 034 (2021)

Relic Gravitational Waves from the Chiral Magnetic Effect

Axel Brandenburg, Yutong He, Tina Kahniashvili, Matthias Rheinhardt and Jennifer Schober
The Astrophysical Journal 911 (2) 110 (2021)

UHECR mass composition at highest energies from anisotropy of their arrival directions

M.Yu. Kuznetsov and P.G. Tinyakov
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2021 (04) 065 (2021)

Can we constrain the extragalactic magnetic field from very high energy observations of GRB 190114C?

T. A. Dzhatdoev, E. I. Podlesnyi and I. A. Vaiman
Physical Review D 102 (12) (2020)

Testing the CIBER cosmic infrared background measurements and axionlike particles with observations of TeV blazars

G. B. Long, W. P. Lin, P. H. T. Tam and W. S. Zhu
Physical Review D 101 (6) (2020)

Redshift estimates for fast radio bursts and implications on intergalactic magnetic fields

S Hackstein, M Brüggen, F Vazza and L F S Rodrigues
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498 (4) 4811 (2020)

Gradient expansion formalism for magnetogenesis in the kinetic coupling model

O. O. Sobol, A. V. Lysenko, E. V. Gorbar and S. I. Vilchinskii
Physical Review D 102 (12) (2020)

Progress in unveiling extreme particle acceleration in persistent astrophysical jets

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Nature Astronomy 4 (2) 124 (2020)

Primordial magnetic helicity evolution with a homogeneous magnetic field from inflation

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Physical Review D 102 (2) (2020)

Multimessenger Constraints on Intergalactic Magnetic Fields from the Flare of TXS 0506+056

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Gamma-ray counterparts of 2WHSP high-synchrotron-peaked BL Lac objects as possible signatures of ultra-high-energy cosmic ray emission

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497 (2) 2455 (2020)