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A comparison of pre-existing ΛCDM predictions with the abundance of JWST galaxies at high redshift
Shengdong Lu, Carlos S Frenk, Sownak Bose, Cedric G Lacey, Shaun Cole, Carlton M Baugh and John C Helly Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 536(1) 1018 (2024)
Evidence of Extreme Ionization Conditions and Low Metallicity in GHZ2/GLASS-Z12 from a Combined Analysis of NIRSpec and MIRI Observations
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Towards ultra metal-poor DLAs: linking the chemistry of the most metal-poor DLA to the first stars
Louise Welsh, Ryan Cooke, Michele Fumagalli and Max Pettini Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525(1) 527 (2023)
MUSE–ALMA Haloes – IX. Morphologies and stellar properties of gas-rich galaxies
Arjun Karki, Varsha P Kulkarni, Simon Weng, Céline Péroux, Ramona Augustin, Matthew Hayes, Mohammadreza Ayromlou, Glenn G Kacprzak, J Christopher Howk, Roland Szakacs, Anne Klitsch, Aleksandra Hamanowicz, Alejandra Fresco, Martin A Zwaan, Andrew D Biggs, Andrew J Fox, Susan Kassin and Harald Kuntschner Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524(4) 5524 (2023)
Near-infrared emission line diagnostics for AGN from the local Universe to z ∼ 3
Antonello Calabrò, Laura Pentericci, Anna Feltre, Pablo Arrabal Haro, Mario Radovich, Lise-Marie Seillé, Ernesto Oliva, Emanuele Daddi, Ricardo Amorín, Micaela B. Bagley, Laura Bisigello, Véronique Buat, Marco Castellano, Nikko J. Cleri, Mark Dickinson, Vital Fernández, Steven L. Finkelstein, Mauro Giavalisco, Andrea Grazian, Nimish P. Hathi, Michaela Hirschmann, Stéphanie Juneau, Jeyhan S. Kartaltepe, Anton M. Koekemoer, Ray A. Lucas, et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 679 A80 (2023)
Non-LTE abundances of zinc in different spectral type stars and the Galactic [Zn/Fe] trend based on quantum-mechanical data on inelastic processes in zinc-hydrogen collisions
T M Sitnova, S A Yakovleva, A K Belyaev and L I Mashonkina Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515(1) 1510 (2022)
MUSE-ALMA Haloes – VIII. Statistical study of circumgalactic medium gas
S Weng, C Péroux, A Karki, R Augustin, V P Kulkarni, R Szakacs, M A Zwaan, A Klitsch, A Hamanowicz, E M Sadler, A Biggs, A Y Fresco, M Hayes, J C Howk, G G Kacprzak, H Kuntschner, D Nelson and M Pettini Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 519(1) 931 (2022)
Potential contributions of Pop III and intermediate-mass Pop II stars to cosmic chemical enrichment
Sub-damped Lyman α systems in the XQ-100 survey – II. Chemical evolution at 2.4 ≤ z ≤ 4.3
Trystyn A M Berg, Michele Fumagalli, Valentina D’Odorico, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502(3) 4009 (2021)
Slicing the cool circumgalactic medium along the major axis of a star-forming galaxy at z = 0.7
X-shooter observations of strong H2-bearing DLAs at high redshift
S A Balashev, V V Klimenko, P Noterdaeme, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490(2) 2668 (2019)
Neutral-gas-phase metal abundances in Zn ii-selected quasar absorption line systems near redshift z = 1.2★
Eric M Monier, David A Turnshek, Sandhya M Rao, Gendith M Sardane and Daniel Burdette Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483(1) 1168 (2019)
DLA and sub-DLA metallicity evolution: A case study of absorbers towards Q0338-0005
The Nature of Ionized Gas in the Milky Way Galactic Fountain
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Understanding the Enrichment of Heavy Elements by the Chemodynamical Evolution Models of Dwarf Galaxies
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De re metallica: the cosmic chemical evolution of galaxies
Silicon and iron dust in gamma-ray burst host galaxy absorbers
T Zafar, K E Heintz, A Karakas, J Lattanzio and A Ahmad Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490(2) 2599 (2019)
Oxygen and zinc abundances in 417 Galactic bulge red giants
Witnessing Galaxy Assembly at the Edge of the Reionization Epoch*
V. D’Odorico, C. Feruglio, A. Ferrara, S. Gallerani, A. Pallottini, S. Carniani, R. Maiolino, S. Cristiani, A. Marconi, E. Piconcelli and F. Fiore The Astrophysical Journal Letters 863(2) L29 (2018)
Enrichment of Zinc in Galactic Chemodynamical Evolution Models
The Mean Metal-line Absorption Spectrum of Damped Lyα Systems in BOSS
Lluís Mas-Ribas, Jordi Miralda-Escudé, Ignasi Pérez-Ràfols, Andreu Arinyo-i-Prats, Pasquier Noterdaeme, Patrick Petitjean, Donald P. Schneider, Donald G. York and Jian Ge The Astrophysical Journal 846(1) 4 (2017)
On the radial profile of gas-phase Fe/α ratio around distant galaxies
Fakhri S. Zahedy, Hsiao-Wen Chen, Jean-René Gauthier and Michael Rauch Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 466(1) 1071 (2017)
A new galactic chemical evolution model with dust: results for dwarf irregular galaxies and DLA systems
L. Gioannini, F. Matteucci, G. Vladilo and F. Calura Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 464(1) 985 (2017)
Zinc abundances in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy,
Physical conditions in three high-zH2-bearing DLAs: implications for grain size
Gargi Shaw, Katherine Rawlins and Raghunathan Srianand Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 459(3) 3234 (2016)
Dust-depletion sequences in damped Lyman-αabsorbers
Chemical abundances of the damped Lyman α systems in the XQ-100 survey
T. A. M. Berg, S. L. Ellison, R. Sánchez-Ramírez, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 463(3) 3021 (2016)
The ESO UVES advanced data products quasar sample – VI. Sub-damped Lyman α metallicity measurements and the circumgalactic medium
S. Quiret, C. Péroux, T. Zafar, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 458(4) 4074 (2016)
Zinc abundances in Galactic bulge field red giants: Implications for damped Lyman-αsystems
The chemistry of the most metal-rich damped Lyman α systems atz ∼ 2 – II. Context with the Local Group
Trystyn A. M. Berg, Sara L. Ellison, J. Xavier Prochaska, Kim A. Venn and Miroslava Dessauges-Zavadsky Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 452(4) 4326 (2015)
The ESO UVES advanced data products quasar sample – III. Evidence of bimodality in the [N/α] distribution
Tayyaba Zafar, Miriam Centurión, Céline Péroux, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 444(1) 744 (2014)
VLT/UVES observations of peculiarαabundances in a sub-DLA atz≈ 1.8 towards the quasar B1101−26
Probing the metallicity and ionization state of the circumgalactic medium at z ∼ 6 and beyond with O i absorption
Laura C. Keating, Martin G. Haehnelt, George D. Becker and James S. Bolton Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 438(2) 1820 (2014)
The ESO UVES Advanced Data Products Quasar Sample – IV. On the deficiency of argon in DLA systems
Tayyaba Zafar, Giovanni Vladilo, Céline Péroux, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 445(2) 2093 (2014)
Marc Rafelski, Arthur M. Wolfe, J. Xavier Prochaska, Marcel Neeleman and Alexander J. Mendez The Astrophysical Journal 755(2) 89 (2012)
Supersolar metal abundances in two galaxies at z ∼ 3.57 revealed by the GRB 090323 afterglow spectrum★