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Efficient Production of S8 in Interstellar Ices: The Effects of Cosmic-Ray-driven Radiation Chemistry and Nondiffusive Bulk Reactions
Christopher N. Shingledecker, Thanja Lamberts, Jacob C. Laas, Anton Vasyunin, Eric Herbst, Johannes Kästner and Paola Caselli The Astrophysical Journal 888(1) 52 (2020)
Computational Surface Modelling of Ices and Minerals of Interstellar Interest—Insights and Perspectives
Water desorption from nanostructured graphite surfaces
Anna Clemens, Lars Hellberg, Henrik Grönbeck and Dinko Chakarov Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15(47) 20456 (2013)
The Kinetic Monte Carlo Method as a Way To Solve the Master Equation for Interstellar Grain Chemistry
Thermal desorption characteristics of CO, O2 and CO2 on non-porous water, crystalline water and silicate surfaces at submonolayer and multilayer coverages