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LISC Catalog of Star Clusters. I. Galactic Disk Clusters in Gaia EDR3

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K. Kruszyńska, Ł. Wyrzykowski, K. A. Rybicki, M. Maskoliūnas, E. Bachelet, N. Rattenbury, P. Mróz, P. Zieliński, K. Howil, Z. Kaczmarek, S. T. Hodgkin, N. Ihanec, I. Gezer, M. Gromadzki, P. Mikołajczyk, A. Stankevičiūtė, V. Čepas, E. Pakštienė, K. Šiškauskaitė, J. Zdanavičius, V. Bozza, M. Dominik, R. Figuera Jaimes, A. Fukui, M. Hundertmark, et al.
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Astronomy & Astrophysics 655 A31 (2021)

A Census of Blue Stragglers in Gaia DR2 Open Clusters as a Test of Population Synthesis and Mass Transfer Physics

Emily M. Leiner and Aaron Geller
The Astrophysical Journal 908 (2) 229 (2021)

Discovery of 2716 hot emission-line stars from LAMOST DR5

Baskaran Shridharan, Blesson Mathew, Sabu Nidhi, Ravikumar Anusha, Roy Arun, Sreeja S. Kartha and Yerra Bharat Kumar
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 21 (11) 288 (2021)

Revisiting the Fundamental Parameters of 49 New Star Clusters in Gaia DR2

Zhongmu Li, Yangyang Deng and Jing Chen
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 253 (2) 38 (2021)

Updated BaSTI Stellar Evolution Models and Isochrones. II. α-enhanced Calculations

Adriano Pietrinferni, Sebastian Hidalgo, Santi Cassisi, Maurizio Salaris, Alessandro Savino, Alessio Mucciarelli, Kuldeep Verma, Victor Silva Aguirre, Antonio Aparicio and Jason W. Ferguson
The Astrophysical Journal 908 (1) 102 (2021)

The tidal stream generated by the globular cluster NGC 3201

Carles G Palau and Jordi Miralda-Escudé
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504 (2) 2727 (2021)

The Remnant and Origin of the Historical Supernova 1181 AD

Andreas Ritter, Quentin A. Parker, Foteini Lykou, Albert A. Zijlstra, Martín A. Guerrero and Pascal Le Dû
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 918 (2) L33 (2021)

A New Sample of Warm Extreme Debris Disks from the ALLWISE Catalog

Attila Moór, Péter Ábrahám, Gyula Szabó, Krisztián Vida, Gianni Cataldi, Alíz Derekas, Thomas Henning, Karen Kinemuchi, Ágnes Kóspál, József Kovács, András Pál, Paula Sarkis, Bálint Seli, Zsófia M. Szabó and Katalin Takáts
The Astrophysical Journal 910 (1) 27 (2021)

Characterizing the Manx Candidate A/2018 V3

Caroline Piro, Karen J. Meech, Erica Bufanda, Jan T. Kleyna, Jacqueline V. Keane, Olivier Hainaut, Marco Micheli, James Bauer, Larry Denneau, Robert Weryk, Bhuwan C. Bhatt, Devendra K. Sahu and Richard Wainscoat
The Planetary Science Journal 2 (1) 33 (2021)

Planets Across Space and Time (PAST). I. Characterizing the Memberships of Galactic Components and Stellar Ages: Revisiting the Kinematic Methods and Applying to Planet Host Stars

Di-Chang Chen, Ji-Wei Xie, Ji-Lin Zhou, Subo Dong, Chao Liu, Hai-Feng Wang, Mao-Sheng Xiang, Yang Huang, Ali Luo and Zheng Zheng
The Astrophysical Journal 909 (2) 115 (2021)

The BAyesian STellar algorithm (BASTA): a fitting tool for stellar studies, asteroseismology, exoplanets, and Galactic archaeology

V Aguirre Børsen-Koch, J L Rørsted, A B Justesen, A Stokholm, K Verma, M L Winther, E Knudstrup, K B Nielsen, C Sahlholdt, J R Larsen, S Cassisi, A M Serenelli, L Casagrande, J Christensen-Dalsgaard, G R Davies, J W Ferguson, M N Lund, A Weiss and T R White
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509 (3) 4344 (2021)