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CLASH-VLT: The Inner Slope of the MACS J1206.2-0847 Dark Matter Density Profile

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CHEX-MATE: Constraining the origin of the scatter in galaxy cluster radial X-ray surface brightness profiles

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The gravitational field of X-COP galaxy clusters

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Evolution of the Thermodynamic Properties of Clusters of Galaxies out to Redshift of 1.8

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Characterizing hydrostatic mass bias with mock-X

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The unusually high dark matter concentration of the galaxy group NGC 1600

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Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Cluster Sparsity, Cluster Gas Mass Fraction, and Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Data

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The Cluster HEritage project with XMM-Newton: Mass Assembly and Thermodynamics at the Endpoint of structure formation

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CLASH-VLT: a full dynamical reconstruction of the mass profile of Abell S1063 from 1 kpc out to the virial radius

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Weak-lensing Analysis of X-Ray-selected XXL Galaxy Groups and Clusters with Subaru HSC Data

Keiichi Umetsu, Mauro Sereno, Maggie Lieu, Hironao Miyatake, Elinor Medezinski, Atsushi J. Nishizawa, Paul Giles, Fabio Gastaldello, Ian G. McCarthy, Martin Kilbinger, Mark Birkinshaw, Stefano Ettori, Nobuhiro Okabe, I-Non Chiu, Jean Coupon, Dominique Eckert, Yutaka Fujita, Yuichi Higuchi, Elias Koulouridis, Ben Maughan, Satoshi Miyazaki, Masamune Oguri, Florian Pacaud, Marguerite Pierre, David Rapetti and Graham P. Smith
The Astrophysical Journal 890 (2) 148 (2020)

Pressure Profiles and Mass Estimates Using High-resolution Sunyaev–Zel’dovich Effect Observations of Zwicky 3146 with MUSTANG-2

Charles E. Romero, Jonathan Sievers, Vittorio Ghirardini, Simon Dicker, Simona Giacintucci, Tony Mroczkowski, Brian S. Mason, Craig Sarazin, Mark Devlin, Massimo Gaspari, Nicholas Battaglia, Matthew Hilton, Esra Bulbul, Ian Lowe and Sara Stanchfield
The Astrophysical Journal 891 (1) 90 (2020)

A high coverage view of the thermodynamics and metal abundance in the outskirts of the nearby galaxy cluster Abell 2199

M S Mirakhor and S A Walker
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497 (3) 3943 (2020)

A complete view of the outskirts of the Coma cluster

M S Mirakhor and S A Walker
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497 (3) 3204 (2020)

Average dark matter halo sparsity relations as consistency check of mass estimates in galaxy cluster samples

Pier Stefano Corasaniti and Yann Rasera
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487 (3) 4382 (2019)

Extended X-Ray Study of M49: The Frontier of the Virgo Cluster

Y. Su, R. P. Kraft, P. E. J. Nulsen, C. Jones, T. J. Maccarone, F. Mernier, L. Lovisari, A. Sheardown, S. W. Randall, E. Roediger, T. M. Fish, W. R. Forman and E. Churazov
The Astronomical Journal 158 (1) 6 (2019)

Halo Concentrations and the Fundamental Plane of Galaxy Clusters

Yutaka Fujita, Megan Donahue, Stefano Ettori, Keiichi Umetsu, Elena Rasia, Massimo Meneghetti, Elinor Medezinski, Nobuhiro Okabe and Marc Postman
Galaxies 7 (1) 8 (2019)

Universal thermodynamic properties of the intracluster medium over two decades in radius in the X-COP sample

V. Ghirardini, D. Eckert, S. Ettori, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 621 A41 (2019)

The Galaxy Cluster Mass Scale and Its Impact on Cosmological Constraints from the Cluster Population

G. W. Pratt, M. Arnaud, A. Biviano, et al.
Space Science Reviews 215 (2) (2019)

Halo Concentrations and the New Baseline X-Ray Luminosity–Temperature and Mass Relations of Galaxy Clusters

Yutaka Fujita and Han Aung
The Astrophysical Journal 875 (1) 26 (2019)

Weak lensing measurements of the APEX-SZ galaxy cluster sample

Kaustuv Basu, Martin Sommer, Adrian T Lee, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488 (2) 1704 (2019)

The XMM Cluster Outskirts Project (X-COP): Thermodynamic properties of the intracluster medium out to R200 in Abell 2319

V. Ghirardini, S. Ettori, D. Eckert, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 614 A7 (2018)

Probing Cosmology with Dark Matter Halo Sparsity Using X-Ray Cluster Mass Measurements

P. S. Corasaniti, S. Ettori, Y. Rasera, M. Sereno, S. Amodeo, M.-A. Breton, V. Ghirardini and D. Eckert
The Astrophysical Journal 862 (1) 40 (2018)

Non-thermal pressure in the outskirts of Abell 2142

Roberto Fusco-Femiano and Andrea Lapi
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475 (1) 1340 (2018)

Resolving the hydrostatic mass profiles of galaxy clusters at z ∼ 1 with XMM-Newton and Chandra

I. Bartalucci, M. Arnaud, G.W. Pratt and A. M. C. Le Brun
Astronomy & Astrophysics 617 A64 (2018)

A New Interpretation of the Mass–Temperature Relation and Mass Calibration of Galaxy Clusters Based on the Fundamental Plane

Yutaka Fujita, Keiichi Umetsu, Stefano Ettori, Elena Rasia, Nobuhiro Okabe and Massimo Meneghetti
The Astrophysical Journal 863 (1) 37 (2018)

Constraints on the Mass, Concentration, and Nonthermal Pressure Support of Six CLASH Clusters from a Joint Analysis of X-Ray, SZ, and Lensing Data

Seth R. Siegel, Jack Sayers, Andisheh Mahdavi, Megan Donahue, Julian Merten, Adi Zitrin, Massimo Meneghetti, Keiichi Umetsu, Nicole G. Czakon, Sunil R. Golwala, Marc Postman, Patrick M. Koch, Anton M. Koekemoer, Kai-Yang Lin, Peter Melchior, Sandor M. Molnar, Leonidas Moustakas, Tony K. Mroczkowski, Elena Pierpaoli and Jennifer Shitanishi
The Astrophysical Journal 861 (1) 71 (2018)

The concentration–mass relation of clusters of galaxies from the OmegaWINGS survey

A. Biviano, A. Moretti, A. Paccagnella, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 607 A81 (2017)

The XMM cluster outskirts project (X‐COP)

D. Eckert, S. Ettori, E. Pointecouteau, S. Molendi, S. Paltani and C. Tchernin
Astronomische Nachrichten 338 (2-3) 293 (2017)

Revisiting the Bulge–Halo Conspiracy. I. Dependence on Galaxy Properties and Halo Mass

Francesco Shankar, Alessandro Sonnenfeld, Gary A. Mamon, Kyu-Hyun Chae, Raphael Gavazzi, Tommaso Treu, Benedikt Diemer, Carlo Nipoti, Stewart Buchan, Mariangela Bernardi, Ravi Sheth and Marc Huertas-Company
The Astrophysical Journal 840 (1) 34 (2017)


I. Balestra, A. Mercurio, B. Sartoris, M. Girardi, C. Grillo, M. Nonino, P. Rosati, A. Biviano, S. Ettori, W. Forman, C. Jones, A. Koekemoer, E. Medezinski, J. Merten, G. A. Ogrean, P. Tozzi, K. Umetsu, E. Vanzella, R. J. van Weeren, A. Zitrin, M. Annunziatella, G. B. Caminha, T. Broadhurst, D. Coe, M. Donahue, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 224 (2) 33 (2016)

AGN jet power, formation of X-ray cavities, and FR I/II dichotomy in galaxy clusters

Yutaka Fujita, Nozomu Kawakatu and Isaac Shlosman
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 68 (2) (2016)

nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – II. Radiative models

Federico Sembolini, Pascal Jahan Elahi, Frazer R. Pearce, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 459 (3) 2973 (2016)

The relation between mass and concentration in X-ray galaxy clusters at high redshift

S. Amodeo, S. Ettori, R. Capasso and M. Sereno
Astronomy & Astrophysics 590 A126 (2016)

CLUMPY : Jeans analysis,γ-ray andνfluxes from dark matter (sub-)structures

Vincent Bonnivard, Moritz Hütten, Emmanuel Nezri, et al.
Computer Physics Communications 200 336 (2016)

The XMM Cluster Outskirts Project (X-COP): Physical conditions of Abell 2142 up to the virial radius

C. Tchernin, D. Eckert, S. Ettori, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 595 A42 (2016)

Strong lensing in the inner halo of galaxy clusters

C. Saez, L. E. Campusano, E. S. Cypriano, L. Sodré and J.-P. Kneib
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 460 (4) 4453 (2016)

The mass–concentration relation in lensing clusters: the role of statistical biases and selection effects

Mauro Sereno, Carlo Giocoli, Stefano Ettori and Lauro Moscardini
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 449 (2) 2024 (2015)

The SLUGGS survey: multipopulation dynamical modelling of the elliptical galaxy NGC 1407 from stars and globular clusters

Vincenzo Pota, Aaron J. Romanowsky, Jean P. Brodie, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 450 (3) 3345 (2015)

A derivation of masses and total luminosities of galaxy groups and clusters in the maxBCG catalogue

Robert N. Proctor, Claudia Mendes de Oliveira, Luiz Azanha, Renato Dupke and Roderik Overzier
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 449 (3) 2345 (2015)

CoMaLit – II. The scaling relation between mass and Sunyaev–Zel'dovich signal for Planck selected galaxy clusters

Mauro Sereno, Stefano Ettori and Lauro Moscardini
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 450 (4) 3649 (2015)

Comparing masses in literature (CoMaLit) – I. Bias and scatter in weak lensing and X-ray mass estimates of clusters

Mauro Sereno and Stefano Ettori
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 450 (4) 3633 (2015)

Fossil group origins – VI. Global X-ray scaling relations of fossil galaxy clusters

A. Kundert, F. Gastaldello, E. D'Onghia, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 454 (1) 161 (2015)

Effect of asphericity in caustic mass estimates of galaxy clusters

Jacob Svensmark, Radoslaw Wojtak and Steen H. Hansen
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 448 (2) 1644 (2015)

Imprints of dark energy on cosmic structure formation – III. Sparsity of dark matter halo profiles

I. Balmès, Y. Rasera, P.-S. Corasaniti and J.-M. Alimi
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 437 (3) 2328 (2014)

Mass and concentration estimates from weak and strong gravitational lensing: a systematic study

Carlo Giocoli, Massimo Meneghetti, R. Benton Metcalf, Stefano Ettori and Lauro Moscardini
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 440 (2) 1899 (2014)

Cold dark matter haloes in the Planck era: evolution of structural parameters for Einasto and NFW profiles

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On the Fe abundance peak formation in cool-core clusters of galaxies: hints from cluster WARPJ1415.1+3612 atz= 1.03

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Mass Profiles of Galaxy Clusters from X-ray Analysis

Stefano Ettori, Annamaria Donnarumma, Etienne Pointecouteau, et al.
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Hao-Yi Wu, Oliver Hahn, Risa H. Wechsler, Yao-Yuan Mao and Peter S. Behroozi
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Are group- and cluster-scale dark matter haloes overconcentrated?

M. W. Auger, J. M. Budzynski, V. Belokurov, S. E. Koposov and I. G. McCarthy
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 436 (1) 503 (2013)