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The diversity of spectral shapes of hydrogen Lyman lines and Mg II lines in a quiescent prominence

P. Schwartz, S. Gunár, J. Koza and P. Heinzel
Astronomy & Astrophysics 684 A197 (2024)

On the Physical Nature of the so-Called Prominence Tornadoes

Stanislav Gunár, Nicolas Labrosse, Manuel Luna, Brigitte Schmieder, Petr Heinzel, Therese A. Kucera, Peter J. Levens, Arturo López Ariste, Duncan H. Mackay and Maciej Zapiór
Space Science Reviews 219 (4) (2023)

Non-LTE Inversion of Prominence Spectroscopic Observations in Hα and Mg ii h&k lines

Sonja Jejčič, Petr Heinzel, Brigitte Schmieder, Stanislav Gunár, Pierre Mein, Nicole Mein and Guiping Ruan
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Large Impact of the Mg ii h and k Incident Radiation Change on Results of Radiative Transfer Models and the Importance of Dynamics

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The Astrophysical Journal 934 (2) 133 (2022)

Quiet-Sun hydrogen Lyman-α line profile derived from SOHO/SUMER solar-disk observations

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Solar-Flux Variation in Helium Lines According to SDO/EVE Data in the 24th Cycle and the Forecast for Different Levels of Solar Activity. Lyman Decrements of Hydrogen and Helium Lines

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Lyman Decrements of Neutral Hydrogen Lines in the Spectrum of the Sun Based on SDO/EVE Observations. Variations During the 24-th Solar Cycle and in Individual Flares of Classes M and X

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The influence of Hinode/SOT NFI instrumental effects on the visibility of simulated prominence fine structures in Hα

S. Gunár, J. Jurčák and K. Ichimoto
Astronomy & Astrophysics 629 A118 (2019)

2D non-LTE modelling of a filament observed in the Hα line with the DST/IBIS spectropolarimeter

P. Schwartz, S. Gunár, J. M. Jenkins, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 631 A146 (2019)

Diagnostics of the Prominence Plasma from Hα and Mg ii Spectral Observations

Guiping Ruan, Sonja Jejčič, Brigitte Schmieder, Pierre Mein, Nicole Mein, Petr Heinzel, Stanislav Gunár and Yao Chen
The Astrophysical Journal 886 (2) 134 (2019)

Statistical analysis of UV spectra of a quiescent prominence observed by IRIS

S. Jejčič, P. Schwartz, P. Heinzel, M. Zapiór and S. Gunár
Astronomy & Astrophysics 618 A88 (2018)

Importance of the Hα Visibility and Projection Effects for the Interpretation of Prominence Fine-structure Observations

Stanislav Gunár, Jaroslav Dudík, Guillaume Aulanier, Brigitte Schmieder and Petr Heinzel
The Astrophysical Journal 867 (2) 115 (2018)

Spectral Characteristics of the He i D3 Line in a Quiescent Prominence Observed by THEMIS

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Properties of the prominence magnetic field and plasma distributions as obtained from 3D whole-prominence fine structure modeling

S. Gunár and D. H. Mackay
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Stanislav Gunár, Petr Heinzel, Duncan H. Mackay and Ulrich Anzer
The Astrophysical Journal 833 (2) 141 (2016)

Observed IRIS Profiles of the h and k Doublet of Mg ii and Comparison with Profiles from Quiescent Prominence NLTE Models

Jean-Claude Vial, Gabriel Pelouze, Petr Heinzel, Lucia Kleint and Ulrich Anzer
Solar Physics 291 (1) 67 (2016)

Total mass of six quiescent prominences estimated from their multi-spectral observations

P. Schwartz, P. Heinzel, P. Kotrč, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 574 A62 (2015)

Puzzling nature of the fine structure of quiescent prominences and filaments

Stanislav Gunár, Petr Heinzel, Ulrich Anzer and Duncan H Mackay
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 440 012035 (2013)

Non-linear force-free magnetic dip models of quiescent prominence fine structures

S. Gunár, D. H. Mackay, U. Anzer and P. Heinzel
Astronomy & Astrophysics 551 A3 (2013)

Dynamics of quiescent prominence fine structures analyzed by 2D non-LTE modelling of the Hα line

S. Gunár, P. Mein, B. Schmieder, P. Heinzel and N. Mein
Astronomy & Astrophysics 543 A93 (2012)

Synthetic differential emission measure curves of prominence fine structures

S. Gunár, S. Parenti, U. Anzer, P. Heinzel and J.-C. Vial
Astronomy & Astrophysics 535 A122 (2011)

2D radiative-magnetohydrostatic model of a prominence observed by Hinode, SoHO/SUMER and Meudon/MSDP

A. Berlicki, S. Gunar, P. Heinzel, B. Schmieder and P. Schwartz
Astronomy & Astrophysics 530 A143 (2011)