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Markov chain Monte Carlo inversions of the internal rotation of Kepler subgiants

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tessilator: a one-stop shop for measuring TESS rotation periods

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A method for non-linear inversion of the stellar structure applied to gravity-mode pulsators

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Differential Rotation of CoRoT Stars and a Kepler Binary Star from Starspot Transit Mapping

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Detecting Detached Black Hole Binaries through Photometric Variability

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Tidally perturbed gravity-mode pulsations in a sample of close eclipsing binaries

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TESS Observations of Seven Newly Identified High-amplitude δ Scuti Stars

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Frequency analysis of the hybrid δ Sct-γ Dor star CoRoT-102314644

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One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks for Detecting Transiting Exoplanets

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Testing ultralow amplitude Cepheid candidates in the Galactic disk by TESS and Gaia

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Constraints on planetary tidal dissipation from a detailed study of Kepler 91b

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The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph for the James Webb Space Telescope. III. Single Object Slitless Spectroscopy

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Another shipment of six short-period giant planets from TESS

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Investigating the Effect of Solar Ambient and Data Characteristics on Ca ii K Observations and Line Profile Measurements

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A variational encoder–decoder approach to precise spectroscopic age estimation for large Galactic surveys

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Young Stellar Objects, Accretion Disks, and Their Variability with Rubin Observatory LSST

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The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 265 (1) 27 (2023)

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Benjamin V Rackham, Néstor Espinoza, Svetlana V Berdyugina, Heidi Korhonen, Ryan J MacDonald, Benjamin T Montet, Brett M Morris, Mahmoudreza Oshagh, Alexander I Shapiro, Yvonne C Unruh, Elisa V Quintana, Robert T Zellem, Dániel Apai, Thomas Barclay, Joanna K Barstow, Giovanni Bruno, Ludmila Carone, Sarah L Casewell, Heather M Cegla, Serena Criscuoli, Catherine Fischer, Damien Fournier, Mark S Giampapa, Helen Giles, Aishwarya Iyer, et al.
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Two-dimensional simulations of internal gravity waves in a 5 M⊙ zero-age-main-sequence model

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Asteroseismic inference of the near-core magnetic field strength in the main-sequence B star HD 43317

Daniel Lecoanet, Dominic M Bowman and Timothy Van Reeth
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 512 (1) L16 (2022)

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