Fig. 3.
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Left panel: main-ELG sSFR as a function of stellar mass, color-coded by Hα EW. On the background we also show the parent-ELG distribution (silver triangles). Here we are representing random subsets of both populations, 30 percent of them, to avoid crowding. We overplot the corresponding 68 and 95 (inner and outer lines, respectively) percent contours as green and silver lines. In addition, we show in black the contours of the star-forming (SF) population selected at sSFR > 10−11 yr−1. The large markers with error bars display the corresponding sSFR means and 1 σ deviations in bins of stellar. The side histograms show the sSFR and M⋆ marginal distributions of the main-ELG (green) and SF populations (black lines), and compare them to the parent-ELG sample (gray), which has no cuts. Right panel: Hα luminosity as a function of stellar mass, color-coded by sSFR, and corresponding marginal distributions, with the same colors as in the left panel.
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