Open Access

Table A.2.

Observed line parameters for the isomers and isotopologues of HNCO.

Species Ju − Jl Fu − Fla νrestb c vLSR Δvd e Notes
(MHz) (mK km s−1) (km s−1) (km s−1) (mK)
HNCO 202 − 101 1-1 43962.015±0.010 21.16±0.10 5.83 0.63±0.01 31.17±0.14
1-2 43962.626±0.010 1.15±0.09 5.83 0.58±0.05 1.86±0.14
3-2 43963.013±0.010 174.41±0.01 5.83 0.72±0.01 229.15±0.14 A
2-1 A
1-0 43963.556±0.010 29.93±0.12 5.83 0.67±0.05 42.19±0.14
2-2 43963.659±0.010 18.87±0.11 5.83 0.59±0.05 29.71±0.14
404 − 303 3-3 87924.350±0.010 10.42±1.68 5.83 0.58±0.10 16.89±2.02
Main 87925.238±0.010 307.62±1.58 5.83 0.63±0.01 525.21±2.02
4-4 87925.921±0.010 8.94±1.53 5.83 0.60±0.11 14.12±2.02
505 − 404 Main 109905.734±0.010 175.38±1.31 5.83 0.51±0.01 324.74±3.67
HN13CO 202 − 101 3-2 43964.265±0.010 3.41±0.04 5.83 0.74±0.02 4.33±0.14 A
2-1 A
1-0 43964.807±0.010 0.58±0.03 5.83 0.57±0.04 0.94±0.14
2-2 43964.897±0.010 0.29±0.04 5.83 0.48±0.15 0.70±0.14
H15NCO 202 − 101 42646.445±0.010 0.73±0.09 5.83 0.59±0.09 1.15±0.10
DNCO 202 − 101 1-1 40785.534±0.010 0.54±0.10 5.83 0.58±0.11 0.87±0.07
3-2 40786.545±0.015 1.65±0.10 5.83 0.60±0.15 2.12±0.07 B
2-1 40786.618±0.015 1.28±0.10 5.83 0.60±0.15 1.98±0.07 B
1-0 40787.139±0.015 0.66±0.08 5.83 0.60±0.15 0.79±0.07 B
2-2 40787.249±0.015 0.48±0.08 5.83 0.60±0.15 0.69±0.07 B
404 − 303 Main 81571.895±0.010 6.34±0.37 5.83 0.57±0.02 10.42±0.66
HCNO 2-1 Main 45876.059±0.010 7.16±0.12 5.83 0.91±0.02 7.41±0.15 C
4-3 Main 91751.350±0.010 2.11±0.60 5.83 0.30±0.10 6.60±1.68 C,D
DCNO 2-1 Main 41169.798±0.010 0.25±0.05 5.83 0.54±0.10 0.44±0.08 C
HOCN 202 − 101 2-2 41949.966±0.010 1.54±0.09 5.83 0.61±0.05 2.36±0.15
1-0 41950.108±0.010 2.14±0.09 5.83 0.64±0.04 3.14±0.15
2-1 41950.848±0.010 5.22±0.25 5.83 0.70±0.15 6.79±0.15 B
3-2 41950.902±0.010 6.97±0.25 5.83 0.70±0.15 9.99±0.15 B
1-1 41952.292±0.010 1.78±0.20 5.83 0.69±0.06 2.45±0.15
404 − 303 Main 83900.560±0.010 12.77±0.53 5.83 0.62±0.03 19.35±0.61
505 − 404 Main 104874.696±0.010 4.44±0.77 5.83 0.32±0.06 13.11±2.53
NCO 7/2-5/2e 9/2-7/2 81404.306±0.015 2.08±0.26 5.83 0.67± 0.10 2.92±0.53
7/2-5/2f 9/2-7/2 81404.815±0.015 1.40±0.23 5.83 0.51± 0.10 2.55±0.53
7/2-5/2e 7/2-5/2 81413.143±0.020 0.81±0.25 5.83 0.47± 0.14 1.62±0.65
7/2-5/2f 7/2-5/2 81413.591±0.020 0.66±0.21 5.83 0.32± 0.14 1.93±0.65



Main refers to the three hyperfine components with the strongest line intensities, Fu − Fl=J + 1→J, JJ − 1, and J − 1→J − 2, respectively. These are unresolved but could produce a measurable line broadening. However, the model to compute the synthetic spectrum of all CHNO isomers and isotopologues takes into account all hyperfine components.


Predicted, or observed, frequencies for the transitions of the species studied in this work (see text).


Integrated line intensity in mK km s−1.


Line width at half intensity using a Gaussian fit in the line profile (in km s−1).


Antenna temperature (in mK).


The F = 3 − 2 and F = 2 − 1 hyperfine componentes are blended with a predicted separation between them of 40 kHz. The derived frequency corresponds to that of the averaged value of both components.


The hyperfine components are blended. The line width has been fixed. We estimate an uncertainty on this parameter of 0.15 km s−1.


The hyperfine components are blended. A single line has been fitted (see Fig. A.4).


Blended with a U-line as shown in Fig. A.2 but line parameters can be still estimated.

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